Boris Babocha - biography, photo, personal life, filmography



When the name of the actor Boris Babachkina sounds, the experts of the Soviet cinema will first remember the brilliant role of Chapaev in the film of the same name. The picture entered the hundreds of the best works of world cinema and brought the All-Union Glory to Boris Andreevich. Andrei Goncharov himself called a colleague a great master with an amazing recognition, and Oleg Efremov believed that Stanislavsky's system was written off from people like Baboche.

Childhood and youth

Boris Babocha born in January 1904 in Saratov. Father served on the Ryazan-Ural Railway, the mother taught at school. Talent for creativity Boris and her older brother Vitaly passed from Anna Markelovna, loved literature and theater. The boys performed on New Year's performances and even went with her father for small "touring" at railway stations.

Boris Babocham in youth

Interest in the scene in the guy was developed while studying at the Saratov real school, where Babachkin read poems in public events and often visited the formulation of the city drama theater. For more than a year, Boris was engaged in the studio at the theater under the leadership of Alexander Kanin, who personally knew Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko.

At 17, Boris came to Moscow and entered the studio of Illarion Pevtsov "Young Masters". It was this representative of the Russian acting school that was for the future celebrity "teacher forever, for life."


With the cinema Babokhn met by chance. In 1926, the actor came from Harban and interrupted in Moscow temporary earnings. I went on the science of labor, and there they were invited to play in a dream "Wings toast".

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The following year, when Boris had already lived in Leningrad, received an invitation to the role in the picture "Mount". The actor deeply felt the cinema, on his own admission, only after the drama "Conspiracy of the Dead" about General Nicolae Yudenic.

On Film Studio, Babochem met with the friends-named George and Sergey Vasilyev, who, with the light hand, Viktor Shklovsky called brothers. Friends had a couple of movies left unnoticed. But Vasilyev still risked screening Roman Dmitry Furmanov.

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The executor of the leading role was told that the image of the hero was arranged from personal memories when in 1919 he got into the first Saratov reserve regiment and was trained in anticipation of Denikin's attack. In "Chapaev" there is no fact that in the 21st century is called a simple but capable word Action. However, as Marlene Hutsiev wrote:

"Nobody has never thought about anyone over the years, the picture needs a different cinematic form, in other screen expressiveness."

"Chapaev" at some point became salvation for the Babel family. In the years of repression, almost the entire troupe of the Bolshoi Drama Theater fell into the Zhernova NKVD. Two employees went to open on the heels of the artist, and at home stood a cooked suitable suitcase with things. But after all, something stopped the leadership of punitive organs from the artist's arrest of such a sign.

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In addition to the image of the famous Kitdiv, the noticeable work was the role of Andrei in the film "Girlfriends" with the participation of Zoe Fedorova, Janina, Vasily Mercuryeva. The operator of the painting was the second husband Zoe Alekseevna Vladimir Rapoport.

In 1938, fans were able to see Babocha in the lead role in the Military Drama "Friends" on the formation of Soviet power in the Caucasus. The details of the biography of the revolutionary and the first secretary of the Leningrad City Council of Sergei Kirov are based on the narrative.

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During the war, living in evacuation in Native Saratov, the actor was continuously shot. "Unbeatable" Sergey Gerasimov and Mikhail Kalazozova, "Defense of Tsaritsyn" and "Front" of the Vasilievy Brothers, Actress, Leonid Trauberga, were released on the screens.

In 1945, Babachkin finished shooting and filmed in the picture "Native Fields". The actor considered this film about the daily work of the people during the Great Patriotic War of one of the biggest successes in his creative biography.

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Two years later, the next director's work of Boris Andreevich was published - "The story of" violent ". This is a story about the destroyer of the Northern Fleet, which spends a fuel tanker with a German submarine through the military zone.

In the adaptation of the book about the legendary pilot Alexei Maresyev "Tale of the real man", a small role of the regiment commander got a small role.

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The last ribbon in the filmography of the brilliant artist was the "Flight of Mr. Mak-Kinley". Baboche has played a rich, creating a network of underground shelters, in which people could sleep more than a dozen years and wake up in the bright future without wars and diseases.

The director of the film Mikhail Schweiter recalled that he had never met so absolutely prepared for the shooting of the actor, like Boris Andreevich. Babochem knew all monologues, he did not need to explain anything. The finished picture, which brought by the artist, the State Prize of the USSR, Babochem no longer saw.

Personal life

The family life of Boris Babachkina with a single woman turned out to be happy. The spouse, Ballerina Ekaterina Georgiev, was coming out of a noble noble family, the maternal line was in distant relationship with Natalia Nikolaevna Goncharova.

Boris Babocha and his wife Ekaterina Georgiev

Catherine, before the acquaintance with Boris, lived safely in marriage with the director, for whom he was married at 16 and who was much older. Katya's husband was heavily jealous, locked at home, but he could not repay the broken passion.

According to the stories of the daughters of Tatiana and Natalia, Mom did not change the surname to Babachina, because I did not understand why it is necessary for civil registration. Another thing, if they were married. He said that they were with her father and wife, while they love each other.

Boris Babochkin with daughter Natalia

The only disagreement of the spouses was that Catherine considered the best ballerina Marina Semenov, and Boris always put forward Galina Ulananov. Spouses differed and in the external expression of feelings for children. Mom, remembered the daughter of Tatiana, was restrained and strict, and his father loved to hug and kiss them.

Right and frankness of his wife sometimes brought Boris to horror. Once a woman was not afraid to fall from the house of Vasily Stalin, when he noticed that the late feast with the son of the leader of the peoples began to interfere with family life.


Boris Andreevich wrote in a personal diary that wing to die standing. In fact, it happened - the actor died in the car along the way from the Small Theater to the Organizing Committee of the Moscow International Film Festival. The cause of death was a heart attack, Baboche did not have time to take a medicine, but managed to park the car so as not to provoke an accident.

Grave Boris Babochana

As the children and grandchildren were told, their mother and grandmother were hard to experience the death of Boris Andreevich. Favorite man came to a woman in a dream, and in the morning I had to reiterate that it was no longer there.


  • 1929 - "Mount"
  • 1932 - "First platoon"
  • 1934 - "Chapaev"
  • 1935 - "Friends"
  • 1938 - "Friends"
  • 1942 - "The defense of Tsaritsyn"
  • 1943 - "Front"
  • 1944 - "Native Fields"
  • 1948 - "Tale of this man"
  • 1959 - "Annushka"
  • 1966 - "Dachnings"
  • 1973 - "Carpentry Stories"
  • 1975 - "Mr. McKinley's flight"

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