Pokeshontas - character biography, name, interesting facts


Character History

Father's favorite and the true child of Nature, Pokolontas since childhood had a gift of a diplomat. Thanks to the young princess, for many years, there have been a fragile equilibrium of two absolutely different worlds. The daughter of the leader took into account the interests of the native tribe and was interested in someone else's culture. By giving the hand and the heart of the Englishman, Pokalontas delayed the death of the pristine civilization from the hands of the invaders.

History of legend

One of the detailed written references to the girl named Peshakontas dates back to 1616. A letter dedicated to his own salvation and role in this little Indian girl wrote personally John Smith. The note is addressed to the aristocrat, which organized the reception on the occasion of the arrival of such an exotic person to England.

John Smith

There is no doubt that Pokeshontas is a really existing personality, as evidenced by many references to "correctly thinking a dicark". But modern researchers believe that the image created by Smith and other British differs from the real personality of the princess.

For example, the salvation of the life of the colonizer, so converted in the world, could not be at all salvation. On the territory of Tsenakommaki (so called Virginia Indians) flourished the custom of taking into the tribe of the alien, depicting their death. Probably, John Smith became a member of an unfamiliar action, which interpreted wrong.


Yes, and the love of the Indian girl to the English planter deprives a romantic flashlight after familiarizing with the notes of contemporaries with a married couple. Rolf's marriage on the Chief Children's daughter (yes, and here the role of Smith exaggerated) became a political and economic event. The interracial union was rumored:

"He is one of the examples of evil education, barbaric manners and the influence of the damned generation, which is advantageous only to the prosperity of the plantation."


Pokalontas - art.

Little Matoaca was born in 1595 (in other sources - in 1596) in the family of the Indian leader of the tribe of the Pauchatans. The village of Indians was located on the territory of the modern state of Virginia. A cheerful girl was called couphontas for curiousness and liveliness. The daughter of the tribe leader stand out among the locals, as evidenced by the record from the diary of the Unknown Englishman (presumably, John Smith):

"It was a charming young girl, with his self-causing, posture distinguished among all the Indians, and the Spirit, with his mind surpassed everyone around."

Thanks to the colonizers, the biography of Pokalontas is known. In 1606, the British ship landed near the place of residence of the Indians. The invaders founded on the Earth of the Tuchatans their own colony called Jamestown.


The head of the colony is John Smith, seeing the disadvantage of the British, who died without food and water, went for help from the Indians. It is not known that it went wrong, but the tribe of the Poochantans decided to get rid of an alien. The Indian Princess saved from Smith's death. The girl deployed John's head with his own body. The warriors of the tribe did not decide to move the parent of the leader and spared the Englishman.

There is no evidence that Pauchontas and John Smith associated love relationships. Young beauty only turned 12, and the colonist was already 27. In addition, at the notes of contemporaries, Smith did not differ in beauty and charm.

The initial relations that began so non-standard were reconciled by the British and Indians. The daughter of the leader acted as a messenger and diplomat. The girl often visited Jamestown and taught English.

Frame from cartoon

The truce ended suddenly. John Smith seriously fell ill and was forced to leave the colony. New Jamestown leaders could not find a common language with a neighboring tribe. To make Pewukhatanov cooperate, the British kidnapped Pauchontas. What was with a girl in captivity - unknown. Some sources claim that the daughter of the leader was protected as a treasure. Other evidence is confirmed by the theory that there is severely mocked over Pokalontas.

Being imprisoned in Jamestown, Pokalontas gets acquainted with Plantator John Rolf. After a short time, the Church's daughter takes Christianity and marries a new acquaintance. What faded the couphotas for such a step, it is impossible to know. Love it was either a political calculation, but the Indian princess found her husband and the European name - Rebecca Rolf.

Pokeshontas and John Rolf - Art

In 1615, Pokalontas became Mother - Thomas Rolf appeared in Jamestown. Soon on John's plantations, new employees needed, so Rolf gathered his wife with her son and went to England.

The journey brought Powahontas a lot of new impressions. In the homeland, the Native American girl was perceived as a wonder. Beauty stood out of the crowd even in traditional English dress. Unusual Chet took in noble houses of the old world. Pokeshontas even presented to the king of England Yakov I.

Powder with family

Shortly before the return to the homeland Mrs. Rolf sick. There are several theories that the disease struck a smart and decisive girl. According to official data, Pokalontas died of smallpox. But the researchers do not exclude that pneumonia or tuberculosis could be disease. The option is not excluded that Rebeccu Rolf poisoned. Allegedly, the girl learned about the preparing extermination of the tribe and was going to warn the native people.

John Rolf recorded the last words of the dying spouse:

"Everything should someday die, and a tree, and a flower, and I ... from my body sprout by the ear. Do not cry, favorite. Consoe the fact that our child will live with you! "
Pokeshontas and John Rolf

Ponya donas buried in the English city of Gravesnd. The monument dedicated to the girl-diplomat guards the rest of the Children's daughter and is the place of pilgrimage of tourists from all over the world.


One of the first history of love between Matoaca and the English colonist was told by the director Luj Landers in the film "Captain John Smith and Pokalontas". The debut of cinema took place in 1953. Most scenes are removed in Virginia. The role of the daughter of the Chief of Indians got actress Jody Lawrence.

Jody Lawrence in the image of Pokalontas

Film co-production of the United States and Canada, published in 1995 called "Pokeshontas: Legend", repeats the plot of the previous film. The fictional fairy tale of love had extraordinary success. Matoaca's husband is not mentioned in the script. The role of Pokalontas performed Sandrin Holt.

In parallel with the Canadian film, the light saw the first full-length cartoon of Disney company, based on historical events. Music - Composer Alan Menken has been awarded two Oscars for the compositions that created for the cartoon. The characters of the animation film looked realistic and conquered the audience of all ages.

Sandrin Holt in Powder

In 1998, the continuation of the cartoon "Pokalontas 2: Journey to the New World" came out. In the second part of the adventures, the princess went to England to prevent war. The voice of Ponya in both paintings gave Irene Bedhard.

The drama "New Light" saw the light in 2005. The film raises the topic of conquering the first Indians and affects the history of Love John Smith and Pokalontas. The role of an insightful native girl got the actress K'orian Kilcher, an adventurer-colonizer played Colin Farrell.

Interesting Facts

  • The meaning of the heroine name is "white feather", and the nickname "Pokalontas" is translated as "ledge".
  • Ponya died in 22 years.
Nancy Reagan.
  • Among the descendants of the Indian princess there are two first Ladies of the USA - Nancy Reagan and Edith Wilson.
  • According to unconfirmed information, before the wedding with John Rolf, Pokhobontas was married to the Kokoumber tribesman, but threw a man for the sake of the planter.

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