Ehnaton - biography, photo, personal life, reforms



Pharaoh Ehnathon is considered a sign figure in the history of ancient Egypt. He is not only a husband of Nefertiti, called the embodiment of beauty on Earth, but also a revolutionary of his time, it was removed to replace Pantheon with one-sole attaner. During the reign of Ehnaton, an ancient Egypt was not unleashed by any war, and in art, the flourishing of naturalism.

Childhood and youth

In Pharaoh's veins, named at the birth of Amenhotep IV, a truly blue blood flows. Father Amenhotep III took place from the Great Dynasty of Timemoids, from which all the rulers named Tutmos and the third female Pharaoh Hatshepsut came out. Mother, although she was a daughter of the priest, but was considered the descendant of Tsaritsa Yahmmos-Nefertari, the wife of Yakhmos I, who founded the genus of the Tortmamoids.

Ehnaton (Amenhotep IV)

Ehnaton had an elder brother Tutamos, who died small, and sisters. Unbelts, Satenton, Hytontane and Isida. There are numerous versions of other relatives about the presence of other relatives.

Information about the first years of the biography of Pharaoh has been preserved a bit, and those too generalized. It is known that the royal son lived in the palace, a small in size, but richly decorated with mosaic and painting. However, there was a palace not in philas, but perhaps at all outside of Egypt. It is mentioned that the life of Young Ehnaton was dangerous, and a servant Parennefer had some invaluable assistance in this situation, which Pharaoh subsequently elevated.

Governing body

When accurately tenth pharaoh 18 dynasty ascended the throne of Egypt, unknown. It is assumed that a couple of years Amenhotep IV rules together with his father, who by that time he had already sick. Inherited Ehnaton received a rich and powerful state. In the first years, extensive construction unfolded, the temple complexes in hempathone and Hutbenbene became alone of the objects.

Pharaoh Ehnaton

Ehnaton, besides the supremacy of the cult of Sunny God, introduced a new position, the supreme priest of Aton's God, and without false modesty, he took it first. Rituals velated not in a hidden sanctuary, but outdoors. And the Ehnaton and his wife Nefertiti had the right to worship Atona, and, therefore, the rest were to worship them.

The cult of RA, over the centuries, accompanied the Egyptians, was banned, thereby prisonered the priests. Particularly unbelievable by Pharaoh of the gods of Amon, Mut and Honsu, the three most revered in the babies of celers. In the heat of battles behind Monotheism, Ehnaton was not afraid to erase the name of the Father, which was translated as "Amonmon".

Ehnaton worships God Aton

As a sign of the beginning of the new life, Ehnaton ordered to build a new capital between the philas and Memphis, called her Ahet-Aton - "Athon Horizon". The Royal Palace of White Stone held an area of ​​20 hectares. The sole royal authority strengthened even stronger, the influence of the previous state apparatus did not affect, in any case, externally on solving issues.

He offended Amenhotep IV and neighbors, stopped sending gifts, imprisoned political unions with one states, forgetting about the previous relations with others. But for the most part, Egyptian Pharaoh retained diplomatic relations with Assyria, Babylon, Mittania.

Personal life

Related links in ancient Egypt represent a tangle of riddles even for scientists of the minds, not that for ordinary ordinary people. The result of some such studies was the conclusion that the future pharaoh of Tutanhamon was born on the connection of Ehnaton with his own sister. The name of the girl in scientific circles is encrypted and sounds like KV35YL (at the place of detection of mummy), in some sources - Baketon or nonsentes.


Beauty Nefertiti is considered the most famous wife of Pharaoh. According to unconfirmed data, and she with Ehnathon was one father. The spouse gave birth to Ehnathon 6 daughters. After the death of one of them, Mackateton, the Queen sued the political arena, and the mother's place, oddly enough, took the daughter of Meritaton. True, before her, the king of Egypt, again presumably, got a daughter from the second wife of Kiya.

Nefertiti had an incredible influence, accompanied her husband on trips and was almost his main adviser. On the widely replicated photo, the sculpture of the wife of Pharaoh is captured in a blue wig (or a royal headdress) decorated with the image of the goddess-cobra.

Smenchkar, early Meritaton's husband, too, is also attributed to the relatives of Ehnathon - or brother, or the son.

Four more sisters, as part of the historians believe, died in his youth. The third annesenamon became the wife of Tutankhamon. After the death of Ehnaton, having risen on the throne, the children refused the religious reforms of the Father.

History has kept ancient sources in which the name of Tadukhepy, who failed the bride of the father of Ehnaton and was "inherited".


Mentions on how Ehnaton's Ehnaton ended was preserved. Presumably, Pharaoh poisoned. The successors did everything that the name of the "Aid Aton" disappeared from the memory of the people and material carriers.

Entrance to the tomb of Ehnaton

The tomb in Amarne Ehnaton commanded to build, as was customary, while life. After the capital of Egypt was again transferred to the cuts, Mumia Pharaoh was reburied in the valley of the kings. Egyptologists believe that it is a grave under KV55 code.

In 1907, the American researcher Theodore Davis opened the burial and decided that Tutanhamon was buried there. According to another version, Mummy is a shifter.

Restored Sarcophag Ehnaton

The life and death of the pharaoh reformer, the reasons that prompted Ehnathon to one of the most notable transformations of antiquity become the subject of literary surveys. Special interest cause legends about curses that overtake unprincipled treasure seekers in ancient graves.

Among scientific and artistic books, the readers are known for the novels of Tom Holland "Sleeping in Sands" and Paulina Gage "Curse of Love", the monograph Yuri Perepelkin "Cayee and Semex-Ke-Ree. To the outcome of the Sunchelonic coup in Egypt. "


  • Relief Ehnaton and Nefertiti. Brooklyn Museum
  • Relief "Ehnaton, Nefertiti and their children." Egyptian Museum in Berlin
  • Sculpture depicting Ehnaton and Nefertiti on the ninth year of their reign. Louvre, Paris
  • The relief "Ehnaton in the image of the Sphinx in front of the sunny drive aton". Kestner Museum in Hanover, Germany
  • The town of Tel Al Amarne (the former capital of Ahet-Aton). Cairo, Egypt
  • 2008 - Adventure fighter "Jack Hunter. Curse of the tomb of Ehnaton. " Director Terry Cunningham.
  • Puzzle "Treasure of Ehnaton". Part of the Multiplatform Computer Game Assassin's Creed Origins

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