Olga Coposova - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Olga Coposova is often treated as Olga Rogozina, confused with cinematic heroines, which over the past 10 years has become the main one in her creative biography. The actress is not afraid to become a hostage of one role: the image of a strict, but the fair colonel is close to Olga and in life, although it comes to the site itself and only in the chair in the Grider becomes a policeman.

Childhood and youth

Olga Igorevna claims that the creative profession was not an end in itself, the whole case of the case. The father is a geologist, the mother owned his English language and worked in the management of the diplochematical cooker. Parents brought up two children - Olya and the twin sister Any. Girls together engaged in basketball in a sports school. Sport learned coposov to discipline and to the fact that it is impossible to sit without a case. With colleagues on the team Actress is still friendly.

Olga Koposova (center) with mom and a twin sister

After school, coposov thought for a long time, where to go to learn. The choice fell at the Mountain Institute and the University of Oil and Gas, but for admission to both did not have enough points in the certificate. Thanks to the director Samson Samsonov Olya fell into the cinema, came with episodic roles, advertising, music clips.

Olga Koposov in childhood

Over time, an understanding has come to be filmed - this is one thing, but that it is professionally, you need to learn.

By this time, Olga's parents divorced, stepfather turned out to be an actor, he sowed doubt that without connections, it was not like in artists, but even in the theater university is impossible. Coposova entered the vocal department of the music college, now this is the Institute of Music named after Alfred Schnitke.


Replenish the filmography Olga began in the late 80s. In the social drama of Vladimir Naumova "Law", a young actress succumbed to the director's persuasion and starred in a bed scene. Mom did not talk for a week with my daughter, after which the coposov began to avoid such frames.

Olga Koposov in the film "I'm fine"

The role of "with the words" was obtained by Olga in the film "Casino" with Gabriella Mariani and Eduard Martsevich. Already then the director put on the actress of the police officer. Coposov found on the shooting area of ​​the fan in the face of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, which the whole group knew about.

In the comedy "Barghanov and his bodyguard" with Igor Barochny, Olga played a friend of the hero of Vsevolod Shilovsky on nicknamed chief. And then the surrounding noticed what glances the actor in the direction of a beautiful colleague.

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When the coposov was asked how her life had developed if she had not become an actress, Olga answered that it could well work as secretary or manager at any office, he knows a foreign language and understands computers. These images of the artist followed in the film Sergey Ursulak "Writing to Victory Day", in the comedy "New Year in November" Ivan Popova, the television series "Nekst" Oleg Fomina.

In 2006, Koposov appeared in the secondary role of Sitkom "Happy together" and melodrame "in the rhythm tango" with the participation of the Argentine Star of Natalia Oreiro. A year later, Olga came to the samples in a new project, without mood, and it turned out that it was just such a type. At first, actresses were offered the role of an expert, the crucible corpses in Anatomichka, as a result, sat in the chair of the head of the federal power department.

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The actress repeatedly said that the "footprint" is a dream, a film crew - like-minded friends. So Olga Zayeger (in the film - Tatiana White Ballistics), although he left the "track" for two and a half years "because of administrative jambs," but returned, because he really missed.

Thanks to Galina Rogosina Coposov changed, the character added courage. The artist told how the leadership of the leaders knocked out the leadership and enhance the fees, introduced adjustments to the script, if it was illogical.

Olga Koposova as Olga Rogozina

In addition, Olga noted that, without having a special education, he grown in a professional plan, became something to understand in biology and jurisprudence, even the natural fear of death was buried.

On the comments that stuck in one series, Olga Igorevna replies that he does not chase after the number of roles, and the full-length paintings do not consider proof of professionalism. The actress agrees to play in an interesting film, and not to play

"More than a snowy man, in makeup, in snow in the north."

Personal life

The "Trail" brought Olga Coposova what she dreamed about - success and recognition, but practically took away women's happiness. The actress and herself said somehow that all her wealth is a son, his own home and a popular series.

Olga Koposova and owned Gorelik

The first husband of Olga in 1997 was the businessman owned by Gorelik. The life was in the classical scheme. The man in the family was responsible for financial well-being, the artist led the economy and brought up the son of Gleb. And suddenly one day, the spouse said that he did not see sense in further living livelihood.

Coposov considered that it was just a middle-aged crisis, perhaps her husband wanted some changes. After some time, the owned returned, and Olga was able to forgive him. However, the relations became different, in an interview with the actress recognized that he felt squeezed, and turned up with complexes.

Olga Koposov with her husband

When the coposov turned into a well-known actress and disappeared on the set on the set, the position of the star husband stopped laying the core. He began to blame his wife in the fact that she abandoned the house and generally got the opportunity to be filmed thanks to his business, and the head would not cope with the role, since he had never been in this skull. Spouses divorced, and the owner stayed albeit Sunday, but the perfect father.

Soon Olga met a man who fell in love and was happy for two years. But, according to the actress, this partner was frightened by the forces of feelings, "as if he had served a sentence." Then the coposova was diagnosed with breast cancer. And in this situation, the actress turned out to be a screen heroine - the same calm and weathered.

Olga Koposov with family

Removed, parallel to the treatment. The only thing that was noticeably the manifestation of the disease is a wig. At that time, Olga came to the conclusion that the main thing now - to grow his son and recover, and I already do not want to get married.

The actress, according to his own admission, does not like to cook, but ensures that the refrigerator is always full, can make order in the apartment every day. He tries to follow the figure (with a height of 182 cm weight of the artist - 80 kg), two times a week walks on fitness and does not dinner. In his spare time plays billiards. Now the coposov is quite satisfied with the life line.

Olga Koposova and her son Gleb

Olga occasionally denotes the presence in social networks in Vkontakte and in Facebook, but not everyone is allowed to see the photo in Instagram. There is no official site from the Coposova, but there is an unofficial on which fans collect articles in which the favorite actress says.

Olga Koposova now

The film crew "Trail" and does not think to slow down turnover, the number of episodes of the procedure has passed over 1800 and rapidly growing. Not everyone withstands a busy work schedule. As Olga told, the second team of experts in the film appeared not by chance - the directions were filmed at the same time 5-6 episodes, it took it to 18 hours a day, and the actors simply did not have time. But there is also a family, and personal life.

Olga Koposova in 2018

Olga Koposov in-Spent five times a week appears on the screen in the image of the "Iron Lady" of the Federal Expert Service. The team of criminals under the leadership of Colonel Rogozina is looking for the smallest evidence of the commission of a crime that will help expose the criminal.

What else worries fans - will the theme of the personal life of Rogozina will receive development. Network communities have long noticed that Nikolay Kruglov performed by Vladimir Tashlikov refers to Galina not just as the boss. And Olga told that, according to the idea of ​​the writers "between these characters there was once something."

Olga Koposova and Vladimir Tashlykov

Inspired by the success of the series, the plotted films "Agents of Justice", "Spets", "OSA" came out. The latter even upset a few actress, as she took off the detective the same director's team that she worked with the "facks".


1989 - "Law"

1992 - "Casino"

1992 - "Dancing Ghosts"

1993 - "Revenge of the Shut"

1998 - "Writing to Victory Day"

1999 - "Women offended not recommended"

2001 - Next

2007-2018 - "Trail"

2012 - "Date"

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