Vera Altai - biography, photo, personal life, filmography, death



The actress Vera Altai played in the cinema more fifty roles, but the audience was remembered by characteristic heroes. The greater the glory, the actress was sought as a "queen episode", the more often Altai offered the role of a negative character. The vertex of skill was played by the villain from the film bargaining of Alexander Row: aunt-uncompleting, stepmother, daughter of Baba Yaga, Kimikor. The creativity of Altai is surprised and fascinates to this day.

Childhood and youth

Vera Altai was born on 21 May 1919 in Petrograd, then those who were in the epicenter of revolutionary events. Mom to the revolution worked as a pianist in a cinema; After the coup, in order to somehow live, starting to give music lessons. Soon she met the writer Konstantin Altai-Queen and married him for him.

Actress Vera Altai

The chief biographer of Klim Voroshilov brought up a girl as a native daughter, and over time, unsuccessful attempts to find out from the mother's name of this Father ceased.

When faith was 18 years old, Konstantin Nikolayevich was arrested for acquaintance and communication with the writer Andrey Aldan-Semenov. He was accused of participating in the terrorist group. During the interrogation of Altai-Koroles, he was tortured and, without preparing bullying, confessed to the crimes voiced by the consequence. In the camps spent 17 years.

Vera Altai in youth

Shortly before the arrest, Vera's stepfather moved to Moscow and entered the acting school at Mosfilm. Training then led the director Gregory Roshal and actor Mikhail Tarkhanov. Having completed education in 1940, the artist was included in the staff of the film studio. Debut roles of Vera Altai played before the release.


The girl opened his filmography in 19 years old. In 1938, a picture "Great Account" was released, where she got an episodic role of the correspondence, a year later - the character of the second plan in the ribbon for children "Personal Business". Alexander Reasonable entrusted the Altai Pioneer's role: Bright, slender actress with laughing eyes like no one got into the type.

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In 1940, a graduate of the school at Mosfilm is able to work with the first stars of the Soviet film of the time. In the music comedy, Gregory Aleksandrov "The Light Path" is also stated by the love of Orlov, and Yevgeny Samoilov, and Osip Abdulov, and Elena Tipkin. The secretary plays only the popularity as a rin green cinema actress. Altai gets the role of workers' clavs.

After half a century, in the memoirs, Marina Columbov, the widow of the actor Alexei Konovsky, whose first spouse was Altai, will remember the "witch beauty" of the rival. Altai from birth was characterized by heterochromy: one eye was green, the other - Karim. Sparkling glance, an aspen waist, a shock of blond hair - the appearance of the actress in combination with its turbulent temperament and caustic wit was the best recommendation for the role of fatal beauty. And in 1942, Vera Altai received it.

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Writer and director Julius Reyzman, in the future - the laureate of six Stalinist premiums, decides to relieve the story of the telegraph and Sandlove of Masha, who meets love, and on the eve of the Finnish war, it breaks out with his beloved because of his hobbies to another girl. The opponent goes to play Altai. Reizman even leaves the heroine the name of the performer - Vera. The year later the film "Masha" receives the Stalinist Prize of the second degree.

With the beginning of the war, Mosfilm is evacuated in Almaty. Altai is dismissed and becomes an actress "Soyuztet Film". In the first half of the 40s, a lot is removed in the military ribbons.

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She gets the heroine of the second plan in the paintings about the life of the blockade Leningrad "lived - there was a girl", the participation of young people in the resistance of the fascists "It was in the Donbas", about the fate of the "Big Earth" evacuated to the Urals.

After 1946, when the film "Freed Earth" is released on the screens, the faith Altai for eight years is removed in just one tape, and that - in an episodic role without specifying in the credits. Reijman in his drama "Cavalier of the Golden Star" with Sergey Bondarchuk and Kirava - Main roles leaves Altai only character nameless collective farm. But the reason lies not in the director.

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After the war, 27-year-old Altai decides to devote himself to the theater. The artist replenishes the troupe of the state theater of the film actor, organized by only three years earlier, and falls into the first acting of the cultural institution.

The work of the theater opens in 1946 by the Prime Minister "Brandenburg Gate". Finally, Altai receives something that did not wait for the cinema - the main roles. Love Shevtsova in the "Young Guard", Lyudmila in "Children Vanyushina", Tamara in "Old Friends" - central women's characters in the first performances of the theater born in wartime, are embodied on the stage of Altai. A real success comes to the artist.

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In the mid-50s, the actress is increasingly inclined to return to the movies. Directors actively include Altai in the creative composition, but again they offer the second plan or episode. Having 10 years of creativity on theatrical stage, faith Altai now chooses only interesting, characteristic roles. On them, she will be remembered by the Soviet viewer. What it stands to her nurse in the male house in the melodrama "man was born" or Nina Pavlovna, the heroine of the Gaidaevsky comedy "the groom from that light."

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The triumphant return to the film Altai, of course, provided fairy tales. In 1959, two pictures of this genre emerge at once: "Marya-Skinnor" Alexander Row and the "Snow Fairy Tale", staged by Directors Eldar Shenghelia and Alexey Sakharov. In both ribbons, the actress plays negative heroines: the aunt-uncomfortable - at Row, a sales soul - his colleagues. Seeing how vivid images of villains can create an actress, Row begins to cooperate with Altai constantly.

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In the "Evenings on the farm near Dikanka", the actress is reincarnated in a colorful spouse of Cuma Panas. Two years in the "kingdom of the curves of the mirrors" plays Asyrk, a subwoofer main villain. And in 1964 it appears in "Morozko" in the role of brutal agea. Vera Altaysky starred in 7 out of the last 9 films Alexander Row. He died in 1973. Vera Vladimirovna survived him for five years. The last result of their coactory was the "Gold Horn" fairy tale, in which Altai played Kickimar the cuerc.

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After the death of Row, she starred in just five pictures. And everywhere - episodes. This is a small role in the film "I am looking for my destiny" with Polish and Zhezheva, then an episode in the children's drama "Birds over the city", a minor role in the film "Gasparone" and in - Career's completion - participation in some films scenes "the legend was born "And" Clamp for Marquis ". The latter came out in 1977. Almost Altai was not shot.

Personal life

Vera Altai one was married. In his youth, she agreed to the sentence of Alexey Konovsky colleagues. At 22, the actress gave birth to Daughter Svetlana from her husband, but when the child was 9 years old, the spouses divorced. According to the memories of contemporaries, the chief of Altai was a complex person, long-term relationships with the artist's women did not develop.

Faith Altai and Alexey Konovsky

After the divorce, the Conessky had two marriages: first a short union with actress Antonina Eliseeva, then with Marina Columbus. With the third spouse, the actor remained to death.

The daughter of Faith Vladimirovna did not want to go in the footsteps of the parents and took up linguistics. For some time he worked in a division of the administration of the country, which controlled television and broadcasting.


The actress died on December 28, 1978. The cause of death has become a long disease. According to some data, alcohol could aggravate the state of health, but this information is not officially confirmed.

The grave of faith Altai

The grave of the actresses is located on the Vagankovsky cemetery, where the parents of Altai is buried. In memory of the artist, fans are mounted amateur documentaries. In the social network "Odnoklassniki" a user who is enthusiastic with the creation of rollers for his cycle "to remember" devoted an actress clip-presentation from the photo of the images embodied Altai at different times.


  • 1938 - "Great Account"
  • 1939 - "Personal Business"
  • 1940 - "Light way"
  • 1942 - "Masha"
  • 1944 - "Big Earth"
  • 1945 - "It was in the Donbas"
  • 1950 - "Cavalier of the Golden Star"
  • 1954 - "Anna on the neck"
  • 1956 - "Man was born"
  • 1958 - "Bridegroom from that Light"
  • 1959 - "Marya-Skinnitsa"
  • 1959 - "Snow Fairy Tale"
  • 1960 - "House with mezzanine"
  • 1961 - "Evenings on the farm near Dikanka"
  • 1964 - "Morozko"
  • 1967 - "Fire, Water and ... Copper Pipes"
  • 1972 - "Gold Horn"

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