Gestiya - the history of the goddess of family hearth, appearance and character


Character History

Character of ancient Greek mythology. The daughter of the god of agriculture and time of the Kronos and Titanides of Rei, the mother of the Olympic gods. Geastia itself is the goddess of the family hearth. In ancient Rome, the "analogue" of Gesti became the goddess Vesta.

Gestiya in myths

Gestiya is a goddess-virgin and does not feel a pleasant to the goddess of love Aphrodite and her affairs. Gestius gave a vow of chastity and denied the grooms who gave way to her hands, although among the latter the god of the seas Poseidon and the ceremony handsome man of Apollo, the patron saint of the arts were among the latter. Studrosz Zeus has to goddess brother, and the price has lives from him.

Father Gesti - Kronos

It is believed that the goddess Gesti founded the ancient city of Knossos on the island of Crete.

In ancient Greece, the saying "start with Gestius" was distributed. It was meant that someone began to work properly and successfully, put a good start. This was due to the usual bring the goddess of the presence of the sacrifice before any priesthood began, no matter, public or private. Gestius performed the role of the goddess of the sacrificial fire, since the hearth in the house of the ancient Greeks simultaneously performed the function of the altar, where the victims of home deities were brought.


The purse of the gods of Hermes was considered the impetus to the sacrifice, so the Gesti was revered with him together. Hestia sacrificed brought a one-year-old chick or a home pig.

Gestiya is a significant legend character about Promethea. Prometheus - Titan and the creator of people who were initially all were men. The first woman - Pandora - was created by the gods later, when Romanzz Zeus wanted to take revenge on Prometheus, who deceived the gods.

Gesti and Hermes.

Prometheus defended the interests of people who tried to conceal the gods. So, when Zeus ordered to divide the bull's carcass between the people and the gods, Prometheus slipped the gods of bones and fat, laying those painful, and the best part of the meat, covering, then badly smelling insides to make this part of repellent. Zeus, who wanted to take the best part for the gods, was deceived and chose fat and bones, because of what was heavily angry with people.

In anger Zeus deprived people of fire, without which it was difficult to survive. Prometheus stole fire from the gods. The fire was guarded by the Gestius. According to another version, the Gestiya itself gave the Fire Prometheus, which he conveyed to people. Since the fire was a sacred substance and affiliation of the gods, people, having gotten it, approached the gods.

In the era of the ancient Greece of the wife of the rulers and rich women used the so-called "spheres of gesty", when they wanted to return love to the family, mutual respect and loyalty. "The spheres of Gesthenia" called balls woven from grape vines and rods. Inside of these balls, there were wheat spikelets and grains or other useful cereals associated with sufficiency, as well as feathers, symbols of celestial, and metal rings that symbolized married loyalty.


In ancient Greek art, anthropomorphic images of Gesty are rare. Where more with the Gestius associated the hearth as such. When the goddess was still depicted on the dishes or in sculpture, outwardly, the gesty looked like a modestly dressed woman, often with a covered head. Sometimes the goddess was portrayed with a blooming branch in hand. Other best attributes are boiler and fire in the form of a torch.

The name of the goddess means "heart", "hearth" or "altar". Like other gods, the gesty has many epithets that complement the name of the goddess. Chlomorphos - green, polymorphos - diverse, polyolvos - rich in blessings.

The first and last limit of wine dedicated at the feasts. The fire in the temples of Gesti was to burn continuously. If accidentally or negligently went out in the home focus, the fire spoke about the inability to maintain well-being and proper religious zeal inside the family, then not to keep track of the sacred fire in the gesty temple was a violation of the debt to the community.


In certain cases, the sacred fire could be spent ritually. Secondary incitement was accompanied by rituals of completion, cleansing and updating.

Inside the house, the cult of Gesti sent a senior woman in the family, occasionally - a man. In public buildings were also foci, and there are rites in honor of Gesti made those who carried civil service.


In 2010, the episodic role of Gesthenia in the adventure militant "Battle of Titans" performed actress Jane March.

Jane March in the image of Gesti

The Roman version of Gesti is the goddess Vesta - appears in the series "Supernatural". In the human appearance he took the name of Bonnie and settled in the American town. To get human sacrifices for himself, organized the religious group "Abstinence cleans us", which lured virgins. West followers kept in an abandoned bunker. When people exhausted from hunger turned out to be on the verge of death, Vesta eaten their liver.

Dean and Sam join the religious group of Vesta to find out where people disappear. When later the goddess is trying to eat the liver Sam, it comes to the horror of how badly this liver is preserved.

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