Osiris - Biography of the Egyptian God of Renaissance, attributes, image


Character History

A man with a formidable facial expression dressed in the flap of mummifying fabric, for a long time caused fear and trembles from the population of Egypt. The rich and poor residents of fertile lands believed that Osiris was a fair ruler of the underground kingdom - he knows about everyone's misconduct. And only God, who knew the great love and immeasurable suffering, can decide who is worthy to stay alive, and who will not leave the world of the dead.

History of origin

The first mention of the king of the afterlife was found on the wall of the pyramid. The inscription is known as the "texts of the pyramid" and dated the middle of the fifth dynasty of ancient Egypt.

A special flourishing of the cult fell on the period called the average kingdom. At this time, the enhanced popularity was received by the image of Osiris as a judge deciding whether the death returned to the usual world.


Before the status of the status, the deity was perceived by the population as a patron of a harvest and a donor of abundance. Researchers often conduct parallel between Osiris and Dionysis. But, in addition to the common areas of influence, the gods do not bind anything. Dionysis is a cheerful charming young man, while Osiris is an adult melancholic and power-loving man.

In 1875, before the Nativity of Christ, Stela of Eyernopret was established on the territory of Abidos, on which information on cults and festivals associated with Osiris was set out in detail. Celebrations took place in the last month of the spill of the Nile and lasted 5 days. The sacred holiday was held on the lands next to the river, and at the end was transferred to special temples.

Statue of God Osirisa

The Board of the Lagid dynasty markedly transformed the image of God. To make friends two cultures (inhabitants of Egypt and those who came by Ellin's immigrants), Pharaohs connected in the form of Osiris the usual deity and the sacred bull of the APIS. The merger of the Egyptian image and the Greek appearance gave rise to a new god - Serapis. Such a replacement laid the beginning of the ignorance of the once popular cult.

Osiris in mythology

Before becoming the Renaissance God, Osiris was an immortal ruler for a long time. The man was born in the family of Pharaoh. After the death of the father married his own sister IICID and took the throne of Egypt. One of the closest advisers of the future of God is the younger brother of Osiris by the name of Seth.

The young man hated Osiris quietly, but did not decrease to active resistance, waiting for the right moment. In addition to the attractions on the throne, the wife of SETA - oil rose between the brothers. The girl fell in love with Pharaoh, but the man did not pay attention to Cola. Then the oil adopted an image of Osiris's wife and seduced relative.

God set

A child was born from the extramarital connection, whom a cunning girl called Anubis. Fearing the reaction of the set, the oil pumped the newborn in the root. Later, the baby found Isis and raised the child.

It is not known whether the network has learned about the connection, but the patience of a young man ended. The young man eager to get the throne. SETA was annoyed by the love of the people who used the ruling pharaoh, so the younger brother developed a murder plan.

Once the set came to the throne hall and stated that he created a sarcophagus, which will give someone who will fit in the coffin. More than all sarcophagus approached Osiris. While the brother has tried the coffin, the set slammed the lid and flooded the sarcophagus lead. After that, Zamouned Osiris was thrown into the river. Later the dungeon of God stuck in the coast and instantly overtook the tree, reliably screaming a man from strangers.

Goddess Isida

Isis, concerned about the absence of Osiris, went in search of the beloved. The search was too delayed, and the woman discovered Pharaoh is already dead. With the help of ISID spell, Osiris was awkwardly. There was enough time only for a love act, after which the goddess had a son of the mountains.

Not wanting to part with your beloved, Isis hid the body of her husband in the desert. Alas, it was there who hunted a set, who accidentally stumbled upon his brother. In the rustling of hatred, the man confused the remains of the former Pharaoh and scattered the part throughout Egypt.

The wife of Osiris and Anubis collected everything that remained from the ruler of Egypt. Only the parent body of the future of God is not preserved. Fallos Isis was blinded from clay (another source - of gold). Together with his own pupil, the woman gathered and disliked the body of his beloved.


The younger child of Osiris, becoming an adult, dismissed his native uncle. During the battle of Seth, the mountain pulled out the eye, and the young man made the dead body of his father absorb her eyes. The life-giving organ of vision returned Osiris to life. But Pharaoh decided to stay in the monastery of the dead, for which he received the title of Tsar of the Merbal World. Now the responsibilities of Osiris included the court sessions on which the fate of ordinary mortals was solved. To rule and resolve questions in court God helped the favorite son of Anubis.

In the middle of the throne room, God set the scales, allowing to weigh the heart of the deceased. If the body outweigh the feather of the goddess Maat, which was lying on the next cup, then the man went to the unknown. The heart of an honest and immaculate man by weight was equal to an unusual feature. Such a righteous was sent to the fields of Jara, and the person was awaited by a quick revival.


Mighty God is often appearing in various blockbusters and mystical multi-sieves. Often, the hero performs its direct role - solves the fate of ordinary mortals.

In the series "Supernatural" Osiris calls on the court Dina Winchester. The authors of the film showed us a difficult character of God. A man with ease manipulates the facts and arguments, presenting the matter as it wants himself. Imagine the image on the screen entrusted Faraun Tair.

An unusual appearance takes Osiris in the "Star Gate" series. The Risen Spirit of the Divine Mixed into the Body of the Girl and goes in search of the beloved Isis. The role of the feminine Osiris was performed by Anna-Louis Palmer.

Brian Brown in Osirisa

In 2016, the director Alex Possias removed the "Gods of Egypt", based on ancient Egyptian mythology. Kinokartina talks about Mount, which intends to take revenge on his own uncle, who killed the parent of God. The role of Osiris got the actor Brian Brown.

Interesting Facts

  • The Egyptians believed that after the second resurrection, Osiris had green skin - the personification of the plant world.
  • All the attributes of God are made of papyrus: crown, jet and sacred rook are made of different parts of the plant.
  • Osiris became the fourth God, who began his career as Pharaoh.
  • The tomb of the Great God was found in the ancient city of Abidos.

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