Georg VI - biography, photo, personal life, king of Great Britain, death



Georg VI, the King of Great Britain and her dominions - not just the father of now Healthy Elizabeth II, but also the symbol of the spirit of the British nation, which she has shown in the fight against Hitler Nazism during World War II. Monarch, at first did not enjoy the recognition of any of the parliament, became a favorite of his country, and the time of his rule is one of the brightest periods in the history of England.

Childhood and youth

Albert Frederick Arthur Georg - the second of the six children of King George V and Victoria Mary Augustus, the nee duchess of the Tekra. By the way, at first Maria was supposed to become the wife of Elder Brother Georg V, Alberta Victor, but the heir to the throne died of influenza.

Portrait of King George VI

The royal parents were the people of strict, the upbringing of the heirs was instructed to nannikov and governors, which could not not affect the children. Part of the sources writes that Brother Henry addicted to drugs, Georg, Duke Kent, suffered from alcoholism.

Stuttering the future king is also the consequence of the nervous voltage caused by indifference and harsh in the family. This myth appeared thanks to the famous film "The king says!".

Georg VI in childhood

The picture, awarded 4 Oscars, became the source of numerous quotes attributed to the British monarch. For example, that lateness is the horse of George, or that he is the most significant king, because long pauses in speech add weighed. However, it is not known whether Georg VI uttered these words in fact.

Following the centuries-old tradition, Georg VI finished not one higher military educational institution, held a service in the army. From the disease that tormented him for almost 40 years, the king got rid of Lyonel's logoopeda log, which later, going to the throne, produced in the commanders of the Royal Victorian Order.

Georg VI and Nikolai II

Russian Emperor Nicholas II accounted for Georg's cousin uncle. The striking similarity of the representative of the Romanov and George V dynasty was the basis for assumptions that George VI was a wonderfully rescued Russian Cesarevich Alexey Nikolaevich.

It is believed that in the sign of respect for the Queen of Victoria and her spouse, Prince Albert, the monarchs, ascending on the throne after the death of the famous couple, do not take their names. So came after coronation and Georg VI.

Governing body

Georg was the second in the overlooking queue. Everything has changed when Eduard's elder brother decided to put on the feet of the beloved woman Wallis Simpson and the Crown, and respect for loved ones. According to one of the versions, such a turn of events was even on the hand of the British monarchy, since Edward openedly showed sympathy for Hitler.

Eduard VIII and Wallis Simpson

Moreover, together with Simpson, the leader of the Third Reich in Germany visited the status of the Dukes of Windsor. Severers in this threat to the throne, the new King of George VI and Prime Minister Winston Churchill removed Edward away, giving the governor's post at the Bahamas.

According to rumors, the news that he has to be a support of the British monarchy, Georg digested for several days, locating in the room and refusing to talk with anyone. Isch without that insecure, Georg was in an depressed state, but he took up the correction of the image of the royal family.

Georg VI and Winston Churchill

During the reign of the last king of Northern Ireland and Emperor India, the British Empire ceased existence. On her wreckage, the Commonwealth of Nations arose, in which England retained the dominant position. Former English colonies actually swore to the faithfulness of the crown, becoming evidence of the strengthening of the doctrine of the "King symbol".

If the world community monarchy demonstrated a brilliant ability to adapt to any conditions, then in domestic politics the situation was not so brilliantly. It was in George VI that at the height of the post-war crisis, the courtyard and parliament concluded an agreement on the liberation of the royal family from paying taxes. Only the daughter of Elizabeth II in the 21st century refused this privilege.

Queen Elizabeth II.

The royal court had to prove the right to exist. The post-war social revolution destroyed the age-old reverence before the crown. The society intensified the ideas that the former British lifestyle prevents compete with the rest of the world. In addition, the party of the Laborists won the parliamentary elections. Under these conditions, Georg insisted on the appointment of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Yarnesnist Ernest Bevin.

The king did not save and before the new government. Studying programs offered economic and social transformations, Georg VI made amendments or generally objected to innovations. This was especially touched upon issues of state control, nationalization of industries, tax increases for wealthy citizens.

Georg VI and Clement Ettley

The confrontation with the Laborists was not a public character and subsequently led to the conclusion that George VI, unlike his father, is more constructive in public affairs.

Georg turned out to be a political heavyweight when he convinced the head of the Cleplent Ettley Cabinet Cabinet to hold parliamentary elections, on the results of which Winston Churchill returned to power. And with him the king had complete mutual understanding.

Personal life

Page of personal life in the biography of the king is not so dramatic as his predecessor. Georg did not have to go to big sacrifices, although it was not without rumors. One of the legends suggests that the Lodnik was introduced to the logos of the monarch - Actress Evelyn Lei on the nicknamed bu. And allegedly it happened with the filing of the queen Elizabeth, the wife of George.

Georg VI and his wife Elizabeth, Duchess York

Elizabeth Bowles-Lyon, of course, also blue blood - countess, representative of the Scottish genus Stratmorov and Kinghorn. Spouses knew each other since childhood, but Elizabeth twice rejected the proposal of George. Failure explained by the fact that he was afraid of goods responsibility and restrictions that are automatically assigned to the members of the royal family.

Two daughters were born in marriage - the heiress of the throne of Elizabeth II and the "rebellious princess" Margaret. The younger was so nicknamed for the inconsistent royal behavior.

Georg VI with daughters

Queen Elizabeth has become a true friend and the advisor Georg, for which the monarch of duties remained a long burden. On its initiative, funds began to collect funds for help in restoring Stalingrad. Soviet people affected by the courage, the royal family wanted to make gifts and from themselves personally.

The heroic city was decided to convey a giving sword. Weapons in some sources are referred to as the Stalingrad sword. The blade of gold and silver was formed in the image of the sword of the Crusaders. The ceremony of the presentation was held in Tehran, during the meeting of the leaders of the anti-Hitler coalition countries.

Sword Stalingrad

Monarch Cheta led a far from idle lifestyle. Georg VI and Elizabeth conducted months in state visits, participated in other events corresponding to the status. If Georg is not morally ready to become the king, then they said about Elizabeth that she was born to reign.


When Georgue was 18 years old, the mother presented his son a gift - a cigar box. The addiction to tobacco played a bad joke with the king, he always smoked a lot. Almights to deep old age, unlike Elizabeth, who died at 101, Georg could not be.

After the war, doctors finally managed to convince the monarch to abandon a detrimental habit, but George VI's health was already undermined. In 1951 he was removed one easy to avoid recurrence of the previously detected cancer.

Funeral George VI

In addition, he gave himself to know the hereditary atherosclerosis of the foot vessels, had to resort to surgical interference on the spine. The Christmas speech, which the British monarch has always pronounced live, was recorded in advance and parts when George had forces.

In January 1952, I ignoring the prohibition of doctors, the king came to spend the daughter of Elizabeth and Prince Philip on a trip in Africa and Australia. Returning home, went hunting. As Churchill said later, Georg knew that he was long. The cause of the death of King Great Britain on February 6, 1952 was coronary thrombosis.

Monument to Georgi VI and his spouse

The monarch funeral, according to some data, came 300 thousand people. The August special person was buried in the labor residence - Windsor Castle, in Chapel of St. George, next to Edward IV, Heinrich VIII and Jane Seymour.

In 1955, a monument to Georgi VI was opened not far from the chapel, in 2009, the monument of his wife appeared nearby - Elizabeth Bowl Lyon.


  • 2005 - Postage Stamp Kyrgyzstan
  • 2010 - the film "The king says!"
  • 2015 - film "London Vacation"
  • London The Bletchley Bar. Cocktail "Georg VI" with edible gold and diamonds
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