Ryunca Akutagawa - biography, photo, personal life, books



The author of the novel, the poet and the publicist Ryunca Akutagawa - one of the first Japanese modernists whose books began to appear in English. Akutagawa did not write large works, in style it can be called a perfectionist with confidence, he often resorted to the themes of fear and death. Despite a short biography, Ryunca left a huge imprint in the poetry of his time.

Childhood and youth

The future writer Ryunca Acutagawa was born on March 1, 1892 in Tokyo, the boy's name denotes the "dragon". When Ryunca was born, the mother was already a little for 30, and the father for more than 40 years. Pope boy traded milk, he had her own pastures on the outskirts of Tokyo.

Ryunca Akutagawa

At that time, the Japanese believed that the birth of a child in people who had already turned 30 years old, bad sign. Therefore, following the old rite, the parents pretended to be like a boy. All this was adjusted solely because of superstitions.

When the child was 9 months old, the parents gave him to their upbringing into the childless family of the elder brother of Mother - Mitiaki Akutagawa, which then held the position of head of the construction department of the Tokyo Prefecture. So the boy lost the name of Nihara and became acutagavo.

Portrait of Ryunca Akutagaba

The child lost his mother in infancy, aged 10 months. She was crazy because of the death of the eldest daughter and committed suicide in a psychiatric hospital. The disease and death of the mother throughout their lives remained for the writer injury. He often reasoned about spiritual illnesses and was extremely afraid of the same fate.

The ancestors of the family in which the boy got was writers and scientists, so the followers tried to adhere to ancient cultural traditions. Here were fond of painting and medieval poetry, thoroughly observed the ancient way of life, based on unconditional obedience to the chapter of the house.

Kikuti Hiroshi, Ryunca Akutagawa, Kume Masao and Yamamoto Yujie

In 1910, the young man graduated from the Tokyo Municipal Secondary School, was one of the best graduates. Ryunca chose English literature to study, enrolling in the first college on the branch of literature.

After 3 years, Acutagawa graduated from college and entered the British University of Tokyo. Ryunca and his friends, future writers - Kume Masao, Kikuti Hiroshi and Yamamoto Yuji, knew all the main flows of Western literature. They often led controversy about which directions most of all correspond to the requests of their days. Classes at the university upset the novice writer: At first, the lectures seemed uninteresting him, and later he completely disappointed and stopped visiting them at all.


Very soon Ryunche with friends were fascinated by the issue of Sinsite magazine. The publication adhered to the positions of criticism of the school of naturalism, its representatives called "anti-naturalists". They proceeded primarily from the value of literature as art, defended the right to literary fiction and the deliberate story.

Writer Ryunca Akutagawa

Moreover, they demanded a lack of monotony and highly appreciated the expression of the image, the liveliness of the language. Akutagawa and his like-minded people were a creative method proclaimed neorealism. The debut story "Old Man" was published in their journal in 1914, the creativity of the author is marked early success. The popularity of Acutahagava brought stories from the life of medieval Japan "Gate Rasloon", "Nose" and "Flour of hell".

In Youth, the Japanese authors of the Maidzi and European literature era had a strong influence on Ryunca. The poet was well understood in Russian literature. The story of Nikolai Gogol "Shinel" inspired Ryunca to create a story "Batach porridge", and the play of Anton Chekhov "Cherry Sad" inspired to writing the story "Garden". As for the work of Waldshnep, written in 1921, the main characters in it were the Lion Tolstoy and Ivan Turgenev.

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Most critics include the emergence of these narratives by the time when Ryunche was depressed due to tragic love. He sought to plunge into an unreal world, turning away from reality.

His inspirer and mentor in the writer Akutagawa considered Natsuma Soseks, with whom he met while studying at the university. The first novels were interested in the masters, and at that time he was considered one of the best experts of English literature of the beginning of the 20th century. The individual motives of Natuma creativity sprouted in the works of Acutagaba: the moral position of the heroes, the issue of egoism as the problem of society as a whole, as well as the "State Egoism of Japan".

Books Ryunca Akutagaba

After graduating from the University of Akutagawa, he received the post of English teacher in the Naval School. These years, Ryunca will write in themelles about the teacher Yasukiti - an honest, but scattered person who constantly falls into curious situations. For 9 months of teaching, about 20 collections of aphorisms, quotes and essays were created. In them, the author spoke about himself:

"I do not have conscience. I only have nerves. "

During this period, he writes about the internal purity and joyful person of man. Also affects the topic of the absurdity of the blind faith, which is reflected in history entitled "Madonna in black".

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In 1919, the author began working in the Osaka Minity Simbun newspaper. As a special correspondent, Ryunche sent for 4 months to China. Finding there, it became painful for the writer: he returned to the tired, all also suffering from insomnia and nervous disorder.

After the publication of the story "In more often", the creative manner of writing the author has completely changed. The themes of works have become more everyday, and style is concise and understandable.

Personal life

At Ryunca University made a proposal of the hands and hearts of Joshid's eggs, but the reception father was against this union. The author listened to him, so the personal life of Acutagava is connected with another woman. In March 1919, Ryunca and Fumi Tsukamoto entered into an official marriage.

Ryunca Akutagawa and his wife Fumi Tsukamoto

The couple had three sons: the first Hiroshi child was born on March 30, 1920, the date of birth of the second child Takashi - November 8, 1922, and the third child of Yakusi was born on July 12, 1925. In the future, Yakusi became a composer, and Hiroshi is a famous actor. As for Takashi, he was a student, but the young man called for a service to the army. The guy fought in Myanmar, where he died in 1945.

The author's wife died on September 11, 1968 due to myocardial infarction.


In the autobiographical product of "gear wheels", the writer described his hallucinations. In recent years of life, Acutagava had obsessive thoughts on suicide, found an expression in the works of "Life of Idiot" and "Letter with an old friend." After durable reflections regarding the method and place of death, on July 24, 1927, Ryunca Akutagawa committed suicide with him, adopting a dose of Veroneal, incompatible with life.

Tomb Ryunca Akutagaba

Before that, he, without taking off, worked at the desk, even on the night of July 23 to July 24 in the window of the cabinet, the light was buried, and in the morning of the next day he was found dead. The author's death shocked friends and acquaintances, but did not become a surprise, since Ryunca constantly spoke of suicide.

Nevertheless, the reason for this act remained unknown, some speak of a vague concern about the writer. Perhaps this is due to the painful memories of the death of the mother or with artistic and personal temperament. Akutagawa has repeatedly said that he often saw his twin on the streets.

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In 1935, a friend of the author, the writer and the publisher Kikuta Kan established the Literary Prize named after Ryunca Akutagawa. Once a year she was awarded with young literary dating. Moreover, in 2016, the anime series "The Great of Stray Pins" was removed, in which Ryunca Akutagawa became the prototype of the main character. Photo of the hero can be seen on the Internet.


  • 1914 - "Old man"
  • 1915 - "Gate of Rasloon"
  • 1916 - "Nose"
  • 1916 - Batata Porridge
  • 1916 - "Nasal handkerchief"
  • 1916 - "Tobacco and Devil"
  • 1917 - "Eternal Jam"
  • 1917 - "Fantasy in abundance"
  • 1917 - "Happiness"
  • 1917 - "Robbery"
  • 1918 - "Pautinka"
  • 1918 - "Hell of Loneliness"
  • 1918 - "Death of Christian"
  • 1919 - "Dogs and whistle"
  • 1919 - "Life of St. Cyrustohoro"
  • 1919 - "Miracles of Magic"
  • 1919 - "Mandarins"
  • 1920 - "Autumn"
  • 1920 - "Nanjing Christ"
  • 1920 - "God of Agni"
  • 1921 - "In more often"
  • 1922 - "General"
  • 1922 - "Trolley"
  • 1922 - "Fish Market"
  • 1922 - Baryshnya Rokuniamia
  • 1923-1927 - "Words of Pagmy"
  • 1923 - "Battle of monkey with crab"
  • 1925 - "Half of the life of Didodi Sinsk"
  • 1926 - "Testament"
  • 1927 - "In the Water Country"
  • 1927 - "Protectable Wheels"
  • 1927 - "Life of Idiot"
  • 1927 - "West People"

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