Group "Pask" - history of creation, composition, photo, news, "I am very tired", Petar Martich 2021



The rock band "Pask" was considered a preacher of eternal youth and nihilism, Russian followers post-punk and a new wave. The musicians themselves found a fun mechanism in which official recognition labels are distributed. Artists believed that the best promotion was to come and show what they do, and not wait until you know about you.

History and composition of the group

"Pask" - a project that led the leader Petar Martich in parallel with another, scandalous "jumping, pussy". Although in 2015, in an interview with the RocketRadiooo portal, the guys were jokingly, or seriously said that "pussy was bent" for the simple reason that Petaire has nothing to pay Timati and Lok Doga for poems and for music. Nevertheless, "Jump, Pussy" continued to be a concert activity, sometimes overcoming barriers in the form of prohibitions of state bodies.

According to Frontman, the biography of the "Pask" in the form in which the team now knows fans, began in the spring of 2015. The idea to play in the genre of grunge, punk and garage rock with an admixture of Emo came half a year earlier. And the first group Martich collected in school, but then the musical tastes were different, and Cyril looked at his friend's passion.

Petar received the role of vocalist and bassist, classmate Solist Kirill Gorodi played guitar. The drummer Grisha Dracha guys found through Vkontakte, although Grigory himself joked that the set in the composition was announced in Komsomolskaya Pravda. Music education is among Grigory and Pethar, and Cyril answer to the question turned into a joke, which came to the conclusion about the optional it, when he listened to the American Indyz-Rock group Sonic Youth.

In November 2014, the first rehearsals took place, after 6 months of the developed material, there was enough for a full-fledged album. Playing in the "Pask", Petar had to get used to work not sololy and not according to the principle of "the song will sound as I want, and so, as in the end I will do." The point is not only in the spirit of collectivism, but also in the fact that the process of writing moved from the house to the common living area and therefore became more difficult and longer. As the drach notice, the drum machine also has the right to vote.

Judging by the interview, the band members did not at all believed that the conversation should move strictly on the topic in a serious way. At one time, in the title of the project mistakenly strokes on the last syllable. Grigory said that it is possible to teach for the correct pronunciation. People who interfere with the speech were offered to "punish on the ridge." And from questions about rap and rapper, friends have disappeared, arguing that the contract with Max Fadeev prohibits them to respond.

The first pages in the history of the creation of the group belong to social networks, all sorts of clubs and parties, and the festivals of the underground. As the city rightly noticed, if a phenomenon appears, it is not necessary in music, in society no one will risk the first to recognize the novelty, acceptance is happening with a loaf on the rest. But it stands to one couch to melt the ice, as a lavina rushes.

With regard to the "Pask", Maxim Stepakov was made by Maxim Stepakov, the organizer of the Moscow Festival under the open sky Motherland Summer. Thanks to the playground of the listeners, Motorama and Ploho found, "Jay Molly" and "SBPC". The turn "Pask" has come in 2016.


At the end of 2015, the team experienced forces in the first tour of the Baltic States and the Ural cities. Approximately six months, the artists composed, reduced and rehearsed songs to record the first album "We will never be bored."

The record sounded as if the "Pask" really played in the garage - dirty, dirty, but but with a predominance of rather melodic guitars. The disk turned out to be holistic, the youth and buzz, which participants received from the realization of this.

The guys in naughtity decided that such music studios would be allowed to write free. Of course, the miracle did not happen. Money "Pask" earned, appearing at the Interuniversity Festival "Vinyl". After the release of the album, the case went uphill. The previous experience of Pethar helped search for sites for speeches, art directors and journalists who covered events.

Rockers at the root did not agree with the statement that success switched to the group automatically with "jumping pussy". The team, according to Cyril, from the legs to the head, the result of the show of the motto did it Yourself ("Make it yourself").

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In addition, part of the fans "Jump, Pussy" and turned away from the "Pask" at all, since they no longer heard songs with a content that would lead to the horror of censors. The new project sounded seriously, the name of the song "Russia" spoke for itself. Quote from it "I live in Russia, and I'm not afraid" if I did not give hope to the young generation, then at least explained why among chaos and sanctions can be afloat.

The presentation of the debut took place in the club "Dich", about which the musicians remembered with delight. Instead of Afterpati with drinking "Pask" then gathered the crowd of spectators and went to walk along the embankment. And before sitting on the 3rd album, the band gave a free concert in a sign place from which their career starts.

Track "Mandelshtam" performers dedicated to the area where Petar and Kirill spent time still schoolchildren and often appeared, already becoming popular artists. Square now became the place of parties of fans "Pask".

In March 2016, the discography "Pask" was replenished with a record "21". Unlike the first, "crucial", according to the estimate of the city, the second album has demonstrated the internal mature of the musicians. In compositions to one degree or another, the event was reflected from the life of the team members.

Chorus in "every day" - the memory of Petares about the evening spent at the monument to Osip Mandelstam. When the company spread home, "I sat near the exit from the subway at the church and did not know at all what to do. It was very sad. "

The song "All My Friends" Kirill wrote after the celebration of the birthday of the comrade, who got drunk himself, quarreled with the girl, interrupted the bottle and fell from the stairs. The fact that the track in the album is in the last place, according to the author, gives a deep meaning: the problems and fears of a person forms its own environment.

With the presentation of the disk, the group traveled with concerts three dozen cities. According to the participants of the "Pask", the tour was surprisingly good, with high attendance and "without jambs". Although the number of spectators does not play a major role, a bad performance may happen and in front of a thousandth audience, or a grandiose - before the hall in which 50 people are sitting.

In September 2017, the guys released the record "every time the most important time." According to the portal, the content indicated that the youth of the musicians had not yet ended. An album, characterized by high-quality digitized sound, included 12 compositions. The song "You don't need to be better" Petar dedicated to people who, on the contrary, they want to please others and fear alone.

Each of the "Pask" liked to piano the project, to rehearse daily, even to draw posters. After all, the return was exactly so much invested by labor. None of the guys went to work in the usual understanding - to the plant, to the office. The guys remembered Brian's words that his success began with the fact that the composer did not want to strict in four walls on strict graphics.

In December 2017, the Single "Party" appeared on the Internet - the product of the collaboration of Oleg LSP and Pask. The songs about the song were extremely polar - from the complete rejection of the joint work of such different performers and "let Oleg sing one" before indulgent approval in the spirit of "atmospheric, normal track".

The controversial impression remained at the fans and from listening to another "college" "Pask", with Hip Hoper Anton Kuznetsov (he is Anton MC). With the song "Summer", the musicians performed at the Jagermeister Indie Awards awards in 2016.

In 2019, the team released the Studio Disk "Ancestral Vacation". In addition, the team recorded individual singles. A number of previous songs "Pasque" have become popular with the spread of the social network "Titstok". To such tracks can be attributed "I am very tired."

"Pask" now

In March 2021, it became known that the group suspended the activities indefinitely due to the accusations of violence nominated against Martic. The former girl Petar Anna Zosimov extended information about the fact that Abuzu was subjected in relations with the frontman. 19 Numbers in "Instagram" The soloist posted not familiar photos with humorous comments, but a long-term statement in which he denied the guilt.

The project participants could not express the unequivocal opinion about the scandal. The issue was the existence and label "Homework", whose work the musicians devoted a separate site. The trading mark united several teams in order to organize sound recordings and distributing clothing for fans. On the basis of the company, such clips were created as "when sad".


  • 2015 - "We will never be bored"
  • 2016 - "21"
  • 2017 - "Every time the most important time"
  • 2019 - "Insurance Vacation"
  • 2020 - "Returning home again", together with taught

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