Vladimir Makarov - biography, photo, personal life, songs, death



Vladimir Makarov, Static, High, always with a needle, elegant, strict. The singer did not go to the viewer without familiar boot on the massive heel to seem above. So accustomed to see the viewer of the Honored Artist of the RSFSR. However, close people knew Vladimir Pavlovich sociable, smiling and kind.

Childhood and youth

Vladimir Pavlovich Makarkin (who became famous for the surname of Makarov) of the village of Dubna (Tula region). Born July 15, 1932, grew in the family of workers. He graduated from eight classes and in the post-war period moved to Tula.

Singer and musician Vladimir Makarov

The formation of Makarkin continues in a vocational school with a cartridge factory to become a qualified worker and master the specialty of the machine tool. Later, the School became the Lyceum named after Nikita Demidov.

Vladimir's educational institution never graduated. In 1950, Makarkin as an accomplice was convicted for the robbery of the Dubninsky department store. This period of the biography of the future celebrity official Soviet sources changed more than once. One version says that Vladimir was on Kolyma who was on the debt of the service, the other thing was serving a sentence along with the partner group. It is known that already in those days, Vladimir has been for music and vocals.


In the 50s, the new line in life begins for Vladimir: familiarity with the composer Vadim Kozin and with the popular jazz trumpeter Eddie Rinner, with the ensemble of which he later began to perform.

Surname Makarkin Beginner artist modified on Makarov, having considered that the second option sounds more pleasant. The future celebrity was able to work with the Donetsk Miner's ensemble, being the main baritone of the North Ossetian Philharmonic and sing with the Jazz Orchestra of the People's Artist of the Russian Federation Anatoly Kroll (in Philharmonic Tula). The repertoire is popular compositions of that time.

Until 1965, Makarov challenged through cities with performances, until he acquired his own housing in his native Tula. Loud glory came to the artist in 1966, after the "All-Union Competition", held in the capital. Success brought the song "Boldly, comrades, in the leg." In 1967, Vladimir Makarov becomes the winner of another festival, the once popular international event "Friendship", which was held in Poland. In addition, he was awarded the title of "Honored Artist of North Ossetia."

Awards in the largest competitions open Makarov's way to a large scene. He hardly changes real estate in Tula to a small room in Moscow (communal apartment) and moves. Career began in the capital to Moskoncert, one of the prestigious and oldest organizations of culture in Moscow.

Now in the repertoire of Makarov - songs on the words B. Okudzhava, V. Vysotsky, A. Sobolev, Yu. Kukina. The singer fulfills the lyrics and comic songs ("Song of a non-native guy", "Song finds friends"), as well as Russian versions of foreign songs ("Four cockroaches and cricket", "Tambour Major"). His voice sounds in the melodies of the films "My Street", "the case was in Penkovoy," "the investigation is conducting experts" ("Our service and is dangerous, and difficult"). The last composition is subsequently the anthem of the Soviet militia. Makarov concerts gave live sounds without phonograms.

In the magazine "Music Life" once appeared an article about the strict stage image of the artist Makarov. He has always been restrained in gestures and faith, strictly held on stage and just sang a deep baritone. An elegant singer could not refuse to sing even strangers.

In 1968, the song "Last train" sounded in one of the broadcast broadcasts of the "Good Morning". This composition was the peak of the popularity of the Soviet singer. "The last train left me," sainted on the street, the phone broke away from calls, received repeated proposals on cooperation.

Music organizations and radio stations invited Makarov to work. He was always a welcome guest on TV shows, Vladimir was looking forward to abroad.

Since 1967, and for four years, the company "Melody" produces gramplastics of singer Makarov. In addition, the performer in the same year received a role in the film "Two hours earlier." Among the popular actors who played with him on the same platform, there are such names as Arkady Rykin, Valentina Tolkunova, Leonid Kanevsky.

Singer Vladimir Makarov

True, in 1970, during the tour with Valery Ozodzinsky and Muslim Magomaev, there was a conflict with officials from the Ministry of Culture. At that time, celebrities worked hard to maintain philharmonic in Krasnoyarsk. Officials this story interested. Some sources report that at that time Makarova did not have solo performances, although he appeared in the prefabricated concerts.

The popularity was no longer so bright, but the "last train" art connoisseurs will be quoted and now. Despite the universal recognition, the "Honored Artist of the RSFSR" Vladimir Makarov received only in 1984.

Personal life

Fate ordered so that the Moscow room of Makarov acquired only two steps from the future spouse. At 33, Vladimir met the merchant "Berezki", Nina, long courted. Romantic relations lasted three years, while in 38 years, the singer did not make an official proposal of his hand and heart.

Vladimir Makarov gave a song song

Despite the number of fans, the issue of family life of Makarov was extremely serious. He decided to tie himself as marriage only after buying his own Moscow housing. In a communal room, an artist's future wife did not want to give.

Death of Vladimir Makarova

After presenting the title of "Honored Artist of the RSFSR", Vladimir Makarov spoke a couple of years. Having received the second heart attack, the singer did not leave the scene. Together with his wife Nina moved from Moscow housing to the cottage.

Singer's grave Vladimir Makarova

In the native settlement Dubna since the late 1990s, the work of Vladimir Makarov was read and conducted an annual large-scale event of a popular song of the 60-70s. Celebrities (native not only from Tula) went out to fulfill the repertoire of Vladimir Pavlovich. Each festival Makarov visited as a representative of the jury.

In 2008, the artist died, the cause of the death began to stop the heart. The sad event happened in Moscow. The grave of the singer is located on the Troecorsky cemetery.


  • 1967 - "For fog"
  • 1967 - "Song finds friends"
  • 1967 - "Don Quixote"
  • 1968 - "The most stubborn"
  • 1968 - "Song of a non-native guy"
  • 1968 - "Four cockroaches and cricket"
  • 1968 - "Last train"
  • 2005 - "Fedya"
  • 2005 - Dickari
  • 2008 - "Cossack"

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