Gi de Maupassan - biography, photo, personal life, novels, death



Gi de Maupassan is a French writer, whose creativity came into contact with naturalism. A man managed to earn a whole condition on the literature. Inadless in love, he turned the majority of women in the characters of Novel, stories and novels. And he is a passionate traveler who comes over Europe and looked into remote corners of the world.

Childhood and youth

The full name of the writer is Henri Rene-Alber-Guy de Maupassan. Born in the estate Miromenil near the town of Diepe in the family of impoverished nobles. Grandfather broke out, the father of Gustuuu de Maupassana had no longer left how to go to work. Served by a man by a broker on the stock exchange, was astrett, loved art, painted watercolor. I heard a scale and lifestyle.

Gi de Maupassan as a child

But married on his own opposite - a friend of childhood Laura Le Poatven was distinguished by a serious and thoughtful character. However, the pair did not walk under one roof. Righting the second heir, a woman with her sons went to the seaside city of Etretat, where her villa was located.

Mopassana's childhood flew into carelessness and idleness. The boy was granted himself, so he spent a lot of time on the street. From an early age learned to catch fish, drove friendship with farmers, sailors, fishermen.

Gi de Maupassan in his youth

At the age of 13, freedom ended. Mom arranged Gi to the spiritual seminary. The severity of the educational institution did not like the freedom-loving teenager: I ran several times, constantly referred, as a result of a non-discovery seminarist with disgrace.

The parental decided to try his happiness in the Ruan Lyceum, where and attached her son. Here the young man has taken root, showed bright abilities to science and art, and most importantly, found guides into the world of literature. The poet Louis Bui and the writer Gustave Flaubert became the first mentors. After the lyceum, the young man went to the capital of France, where he entered the Faculty of Law. But the study broke the war with Prussia.

Gi de Maupassan in youth

Maupassant went to the ordinary war, at that time he won the passion for astronomy and natural science. Returning home, I could not continue learning - the economic crisis broke out, the parents were unable to pay for the university. I had to go to the service. GI for six years gave the sea ministry, barely reducing the ends with the ends on the meager salary. An occupation, which really captured, was the literature.


Working in the ministry, Gi de Maupassan under the beginning of Flaubert began to make the first steps on the writing field. Several years only did what I wrote, destroyed the manuscript and again sat down for the pen. Flaubert insisted that the young man would spend the time "on Muse" every day, in his opinion, only this way can succeed. And at first, forbidden the student to be printed. With the help of the mentor, Maupassan moved from the Maritime Ministry to the department responsible for popular education.

Portrait of Guy De Maupassant

The first publication in the creative biography of the novice writer happened in 1875. The novel "Hand Corpse" came out in a newspaper under a pseudonym, like the poem "on the shore", which four years later, made a lot of noise in a revised form and brought the author to court. The work that received the new name is "Girl", representatives of the supervisory authorities considered pornography. Flaubert came to the rescue, making an acquittal letter.

In 1880, the light saw the story "Pyshk", which entered the collection. In this volume, together with the debut of the work, neighboring the story of Emil Zol, Zhoris-Charles Gyuismans and other French Prosaikov.

Books Guy De Maupassant

The story produced a furor in critics and readers of the fine irony and the brightness of characters. At work, he even gave a vacation for six months. Following the "pyshki", the poetic collection of "poems" was published, after which he quit the official and worked in the newspaper.

In the 1980s, Maupassan traveled a lot. Impressions from Corsica, Algeria and Brittany poured into novels, novels and essays. Corsicans, for example, inspired to create a book "Life". For the last decade, the fate, the writer managed to create an axibolic work.

Writer Gi de Maupassan

Literary critches allocate "Pierre and Jean", "on the water", "under the sun", the story and novels "Necklace", "Moonlight", "Testament" and, of course, the novel "cute friend." Gi de Maupassan was raised to the first places in the Pleiad of the Stars of French Novelistics.

The reader adored Moopassana, he managed to make a writing of the revenue profession. In the year, the writer earned up to 60 thousand francs and lived on a wide foot, not forgetting financially to support the mother and relatives of his brother. A decent state was made to the sunset of life, a numerous real estate was acquired, contained several yachts.

Books Guy De Maupassant

Secrets of popularity for contemporary writers were obvious. Zola noted that Gi skillfully plays feelings, talks good-natured with the reader, and if it uses satir, then without a shade of malice and sharpness. Lion Tolstoy explained the phenomenon of Fame Moopassana by the fact that the Frenchman saw the "meaning of life in a woman, in love."

The writer drove friendship with the famous colleagues in literature. Closely closely closely with Ivan Turgenev, Alexis, Leon Dierks and other famous personalities. I heard a good comrade and a sure other.

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Part of the works of Gi de Maupassant became the basis for feature films. For the first time his work came to life on the film in the Soviet Union. In 1934, director Mikhail Romm removed a mute picture "Push". Willy Forst (1936), Pierre Cardinal (1983) and Declan Donnellan (2012) represented. In the last tape, Hollywood stars Robert Pattinson, Mind Tourman, Christina Ricci.

Personal life

Gi de Maupassan experienced an unrestrained passion for women, heard Lovelas, starting a bunch of novels and random connections. Love adventures became the basis for the lion's share of works. Even disappointment did not stop the man. One day, the 18-year-old young man fell in love with Parisian named Fanny and dedicated her poems. Waving under the windows to the Beloved, heard the girl with a laugh reading confessions in love of friends.

Young Gi De Maupassan

There are some of the names of passions already from the adult life of the Frenchman: Countess Emmanuel Pototskaya, Ermina, Marie Cannes. However, the writer tried not to advertise relations for the press. Somehow even almost arranged a duel with a journalist who mentioned the next lady in the newspaper.

In 1882, Maupassan suddenly got married, but it did not reach the wedding. A man before the end of the life remained a bachelor. Perhaps just never found the only one. Guy is the author of many statements about girls who have become aphorisms. One of them:

"I love only one woman - a stranger, which is not in reality."
Monument Gi de Macassana

Love adventures turned around the disease: the writer became infected with syphilis. And his friend wrote about the diagnosis with delight:

"I am proud, I have a real syphilis, and I'm not afraid to pick it up!"

After a decade after the death of Gi de Maupassant in the French edition of Eclo, the sensational news appeared that the author of the "cute friend" is the father of three children: two girls and a boy. Illegitimate heirs, according to the customs of the time, wore the name of Mother Josephine Litzelman.

The writer himself never talked about children, and relatives denied the fact of their existence. Gi left the testament, in which almost all the state passed the niece. Only a quarter of the inheritance transferred to parents.


Gi de Maupassan had bad heredity. Mom suffered from psychosis, and the younger brother was even died in a psychiatric clinic. The writer was afraid of clinging all his life, but this fate did not pass. In addition, health has undermined excessive mental tension, because he wrote without stopping.

Grave Gi de Maupassant

Gi defeated headaches, later nervous seizures. In 1891, a man tried to commit suicide, cut her throat. He fell into a psychiatric hospital, and two years later died. The cause of death is paralysis of the brain. The author who can truthfully and touch the love of love, did not survive up to 43 years.

Interesting Facts

  • Moopassan, together with other cultural figures, opposed the construction of the Eiffel Tower, calling the structure of the "ugly skeleton". Often dined on the roof of the tower, because only from this point of Paris was not visible.
  • The writer loved to travel, visited many countries. He walked on Brittany and even made a flight in a balloon from France to Belgium.
Gi de Maupassan on the boat
  • The Frenchman adored the river, fond of rowing sports. In 1885 he bought a yacht called "cute friend." Three years later, the second yacht appeared, already more good, but with exactly the same name.
  • About the love adventures of the writer of his servant Francois Tassar created the book "Memories of Guy de Moopassan", having seen the light in 1911. The author is very reserved openly open the curtain of the secrets of the owner's personal life.


"I collect women. With one, I meet once a year, with others - once every six months, with the third - once a quarter. With some - when they want it. I did not love anyone "" The words of love are always the same, - it all depends on whose mouth they proceed "" Yes, love is the only joy in life, but we ourselves often take it, presenting too big demands "" Less Kiss never It cannot be compared with the kiss sneaking "" Women are completely true or, more precisely, to infinity of intrusive "" Man often makes mistakes. Moreover, he is only life only doing what makes mistakes "" Everyone standing in state power is obliged to avoid the war in the same way as the ship's captain avoids shipwrecks "


  • 1883 - "Life"
  • 1885 - "Cute Friend"
  • 1887 - Mont-Oriol
  • 1888 - "Pierre and Jean"
  • 1889 - "Strong as death"
  • 1890 - our heart
  • "Fire desire" (unfinished)
  • "Alien soul" (unfinished)
  • "Angels" (unfinished)

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