Medea - Biography of Greek Goddess, name, myths, quotes


Character History

Greek myths are rich in the description of outstanding heroes. Their characters are gods, fantastic creatures and ordinary mortals, whose life and biographies are closely intertwined. Medea is among the important female images of mythology. Several myths are devoted to her. Artists, sculptors and cinematographers were inspired by her story.

History of origin

The name of Medea translated from the Greek means "my goddess". The meaning of the name corresponds to the origin of the heroine. The daughter of the king of the colchide of the Eats and Oceanides of Etia, the granddaughter of God Helios, Medea is endowed with magical power. The power gave a goddess to the goddess of Hekat in the form of a kind of help to the beloved Athens and Gera - Jasone. The man arrived in Collid in search of the Golden Rune and met a girl with whom he knit his life, becoming her spouse.


Mythology is distinguished by the presence of chronological inconsistencies, the duality of the plot and literary techniques, which do not always believe the historians and researchers. Perhaps this is connected with the fact that today the public is known two characters with the name of Medea. The girl is mentioned twice in the history of argonauts, but chronologically, its appearance is not joined, from which it can be concluded that the authors described two different heroines. The key lies in its relationship with the TEXE.

Myths about Cinema are inextricably linked with the biography of Medele. Perseus, Texa, Jason and Hercules - images bordering at the Half-Cell beginnings, so two worlds are available: pagan, in which shamans, old deities and matriarchy, and the new, in which gods are. Initially, Medea was compared with the Greek goddess, as he knew how to fly and possessed magical forces. In addition, she was loved by the people of Colchis, possessed a similarity with sorcerers from the Fesseal fairy tales and heroines of the Corinthian epic.


The plot telling about the copper and campaign of the Argonauts under the leadership of Jason is described in the work of Apollonia Rhodes in the 3rd century BC. NS. In 431 BC. Euripid dedicated heroine the same play, in 424 BC. NS. Ovid wrote the tragedy of "Medea". Above the image of the famous woman in his work worked and Seneca. Sophokl used her image in the tragedy of "Colchidians". A variety of less well-known authors of ancient Greece devoted their works of the biography of Medea, drawing facts about her from myths.

Myths and legends

The myth of the adventures of Argonauts reached modern readers in different variations, so the characteristics of the cop in them is presented in different lights. The girl is always among the main actors of the narrative, because the feat of Jason would not take place without her help. From the myth of Cason, the image of the queen moved to the legend of the waist. The heroine appeared before the public in different images: she was seen by the killer of his own children, passionate and disappointment of a woman.

Medea and Jason

The myth of Casona states that the leader of the Argonauts of Medea helped to take possession of the golden rune thanks to the magic potion. All tests adjacent to the king, Jason overcame with the help of the advice of the girl. He plowed the field on the fireless will, sowned him with dragon teeth, of which the warriors grew, and was able to defeat them, hiding with each other. Medea whipped the dragon, and Jason kidnapped the fleece. The origin of feelings between heroes is doubtful. One version says that love between Jason and Money has become the hands of his patroness - Gera and Athens.

Medea escaped from the house along with Jason and Argonauts, taking a brother with him, Apxirta. He became a victim of a girl when the ship of their father began the persecution of Argonauts. Medea dismembered her brother, and the king of Colchis had to stop the pursuit to pick up his remains. According to an alternative version, the brother headed the pursuit of medeys and was killed by Jason. Young people have married at Sleria Island. Medea found salvation from grave sins in aunt, circces.

Athena and Hera.

The Argonauts vessel went to the Mediterranean Sea and the Crete faced the Bronze Giant Talos. The warrior created by Hephaeste was the island three times per day and metal stones in those who threatened the attack. Inspected guests became victims of fiery flows that Tilos sent them to them. Medea helped to deal with the warrior, pulling the nail, stuck a hole in its body, and Ichor, former for Talos, with a lively liquid, or eaten. There are different interpretations of this myth, but their finals are the same: Medea contributed to the death of a warrior.

Reaching homeland, Jason handed over to Uncle Pelia Golden Fleene, which was the condition for obtaining the throne. The king refused to give up power. Medea assured his daughters that they could give the father youth. The result of her persuasion was the death of Penelia, whose resurrected was impossible. Heroes escaped to Corinth. The famous magical abilities, Medea invented paint capable of rejuvenating. In addition, in Corinth, she stopped hunger. Medea and Jason became rulers of the city.

Medea helps Jason to steal the golden fleece

In alternative variations, Zeus fell in love with a woman, but she rejected his claims, for which the children of Medea found immortality. Jason found out about it and went to Iola. Medea killed his offspring - so describe this Euripide and Seneca.

According to another version, Korinf Corinth Creonh suggested that Jason's wife's daughter. Medea poisoned the king and fled. Since they could not take the children with me, the woman killed them so that innocent souls were not earthed by Corinthians.

Medea with children

The third variation tells about the feelings that broke out between Jason and the young daughter of Creonte. In the rustling of revenge Medea made a magic dress, which he presented as a gift. The outfit caught fire, and the girl burned down with his father.

A woman in anger killed her children born from Jason, and escaped in the hair. From there, it was expelled by citizens who knew about the committed crime.

Medea became an Egea's wife in Athens, but the marriage collapsed after the appearance of the Tereus, whom the woman wanted to kill from the fear of rivalry for power. After the plan was revealed by Egem, the queen again had to go into the run. Next, the myths about the copper offer several options for the development of events in which the woman returned to his homeland and returned the throne to his father, or married some king, or, after death, married Achilla.


Myths about copper - classic dramatic material for theatrical performances. With the development of television was the popular genre of Telplexact. In the Soviet Union, classics were often broadcast on screens. In 1967, the publication of the Pieces "Medea" was presented to the publication of the public, whose directories were Nikolai Okhlopkov, Alexey Cashkin and Alexander Shorin. The audience saw the performance of the theater. Mayakovsky, accompanied by a symphony orchestra. Evgenia Kozyreva was performed as Medele.

Medea - Biography of Greek Goddess, name, myths, quotes 1462_8

In 1969, Pierre Paolo Pasolini, inspired by the play of Euripid, released Kinokartina "Medea", where Maria Callas appeared in the image of the main character. For the opera singer, this role has become the only one in cinema.

Danish Lars von Trier presented the interpretation of mythological plot about the crime of Medele in 1988. In the image of the main character, Kirsten Olesen appeared.

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