Gennady Zavolokin - biography, photo, personal life, songs, death



Poet and composer, harmonist, creator and leading television program "Play, Harmony Favorite!", Dedicated to Russian folk songs and folk music. The father of the leading and singer Anastasia Zavolokina. Tragically died during the automotive accident on the highway Novosibirsk-Ordane, driving through the bridge through the Sharap river.

Childhood and youth

Gennady was born in the spring of 1948 in the Siberian village of Parabelley in the Dmitry family and Stepanida Zavolokin. Gennady had an older brother named Alexander and Valentine's sister. After some time after the birth of Gennady, the family moved to the working settlement Suzun near Novosibirsk.

Portrait of Gennady Zavolokina

Having finished school, Gennady passed the exams in the music school of Novosibirsk. Prior to that, in the same school, Alexander Zavolokin was engaged in the same school, who mastered the bayan and harmonic, and Gennady, in addition, learned to play also at Domre with a balalaica. After graduating from the school, Alexander managed to serve in the army ensemble of songs and dances, and after working as the head of the folk choir in Novosibirsk.

Gennady after graduating from the school for several years worked by the bayanist in the Russian folk choir in the village of Suzun, then began to concert and lead artistic self-identity. Later, Gennady arrived also at the Institute of Culture in Moscow, which graduated in 1984.

Gennady Zavolokin in youth

Harmonist himself spoke in an interview that love for music was handed over to him from parents who always sang folk songs in his memory. The first harmonica Gennady and his brother gave his father.

Gennady's father was also a harmonist and, according to the memoirs of the mother, played "before dropping". However, at the front, Dmitry Zavolokin received several wounds and, in particular, damaged his hand, because of which he could not take for a long time. Gennady's father will again take away the accordion in his hands many years later, inspired by the example of sons, and even take part in the television competition "Play, Harmonic Siberian!", Which organizes Zavolokin Jr.

Music and creativity

Since 1974, the Zabolokins brothers performed a duet and singing a chastushki in the State Philharmonic of Novosibirsk. In 1986, they created and launched a television program "Play, Harmony Favorite!" On the "Channel One" and in the same year they received the title of deserved artists. Gennady speaks in the project "Play, Harmonam!" As director, Khuduk and the lead.

Brothers Alexander and Gennady Zavolokin

A year later, Gennady collects the ensemble of Russian folk music called "Chastushka", which was supposed to become part of the project, but as a result turned into an independent team. Alexander Zavolokin entered the ensemble, Son Gennady - Zakhar, his daughter Anastasia and her spouse, as well as a number of other musicians.

In addition to the program "Play, Harmony!", Gennady led the program on Radio-1 called "This is a ringing miracle - a chastushka." In 1992, Zavolokin founded the center "Play, Harmonic!" In the city of Novosibirsk, who worked on holding tour and concerts.

The center had its own recording studio and a printing base, which made it possible to publish books, notes, magazine, and to produce music discs.

Alexander Zavolokin also created his own ensemble in 1999. The project was called the "Evening", and his son Anton appeared on a family tradition along with Alexander. Alexander also released two collections of small stories and chastushki called "River-Fate" and "Golden Planks".

Gennady Zavolokin - biography, photo, personal life, songs, death 14555_4

Gennady Zavolokin is connected with cinema. In 1981, he played an episodic role of Bayanist in the film "Holiday of Childhood". After a few years, he acted as the lead in the documentary "Song, familiar from childhood" dedicated to the Soviet film director and writer Vasily Shukshin.

In 1997, the drama "in the country" directed by Lydia Bobrova was released. To this project, Gennady Zavolokin wrote music. And in 2006, a documentary was published about the most Gennady called "how the idols left".

For his career, Gennady Zavolokin managed to write about seven hundred songs, released seven collections of chastushki, five musicians and the autobiographical book "Play, Harmonam!".

Personal life

Gennady Zavolokin married Svetlana Kazantseva, who took the surname of her husband. Two children were born from this marriage - Son Zakhar and daughter Anastasia. Both continued the father's case after his tragic death.

To work on the project "Play, Harmonic!" The whole Zipoloki family was involved. Svetlana's wife performed the role of producer. Son Zakhar began to help his father in the creation team of the project "Play, Harmonam!" Fourteen years old. From the young age, Zavolokin junior was immersed in the world of folk musical ensembles and television, which determined his life path.

Gennady Zavolokin, his wife Svetlana and children

Zakhar passed the exams to the Institute of Culture in Kemerovo and came out from there by the operator-director, having a firm intention to continue a family business. Now Zakhar performs the co-supporting program "Play, Harmonime!" Together with his sister Anastasia.

Daughter Gennady, Anastasia Zavolokina, chose the theater school. Simultaneously with the study, the girl was filmed together with Gennady in television programs and was a performer of folk songs, and after the death of his father changed him as head of the project "Play, Harmon!".

Anastasia and Zakharokina Zakhar

Anastasia also established the Gennady Zavolokin Foundation, who herself also headed. For donations, transmitted by the Fund, Anastasia arranges festivals and other events whose goal is to preserve and make a popular creative heritage of Gennady Zavolokin. Since 2001, Anastasia began to work as chief editor of the magazine "Play, Harmony", dedicated to folk art.

In 1995, Anastasia Zavolokin entered into marriage with Vladimir Smolyaninov, from which five children gave birth. In 1997, the tape "Do not Valya Fool" - a comedy, where Anastasia fulfilled the role of the chamber of the clave.


The cause of the death of Gennady Zavolokina became a car accident. Inconsideration occurred in the summer of 2001 near the village of Novy Sharap in the Novosibirsk region. The funeral ceremony took place in the hall of the Novosibirsk Philharmonic, where numerous fans came to say goodbye to their idol.

Gennady Zavolokin's grave in the Zaletsovsky cemetery

Zavolokin's grave is located on the site number 103 of the Zaletssky cemetery of the city of Novosibirsk. To find it, you need to go through the main gate and turn left for the home administration. Then go through about 150 meters along the main alley and turn left to the left - the grave of Gennady Zavolokina decorates a simple wooden cross.

Near the accident, a chapel was built in the territory of which in 2005 put the bronze monument to Gennady Zavolokin. The musician is depicted sitting on a bench in an embrace with harmony. Next to Zipolokin sits a bronze cat.

Monument Gennady Zavolokin

The landmark of the village of New Sharap after the death of Harmonist was the Museum of Gennady Zavolokin. There you can see the exhibits associated with the work of the Zavolokin and the history of the founding of the TV project "Play, Harmony Favorite!". In addition, there are Zavolokin's things there, who were in the car at the time of the accident, and still video footage devoted to his work on television, as well as those who fell themselves.


  • 1994 - "In minutes of music"
  • 1999 - "Train of Life"
  • 1995-1998 - "Raid, Harmoshka"
  • 1995-1998 - "By the Milk Road"
  • 1995-1998 - "Snow under the moon"
  • 1995-1998 - "I arrived home"
  • 1999 - "Jokes in the Studio" (Musical Miniatures Gennady Zavolokina)
  • 2001 - "This is the eternal word - Russia"
  • 2001 - "Play, Harmony, put asleep suffering ..."
  • 2002 - "How to live?"
  • 2002 - "Songs of different years"
  • 2002 - "Clearly Rus" (Last Songs Gennady Zavolokina)

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