Oldhos Huxley - biography, photo, personal life, books, death



The British writer and philosopher is known for the novel "On the wonderful new world", written in the genre of anti-nightopia. I started my career as a humanist and satir, an opponent of war, became interested in the age of mysticism and other spiritual issues. At one time, it was considered an outstanding intellectual, was nominated for the Nobel Prize in literature seven times.

Childhood and youth

Oldose Huxley was born on July 26, 1894 in the city of Godalming, United Kingdom. Both parents of Huxley belong to the cultural elite. Oldos's father, Leonard Huxley, was also a writer, and the grandfather of the father's line is a famous zoologist, a popularizer of science and a defender of the evolutionary theory of Charles Darwin.

Oldhos Huxley in childhood

Ancestors of Oldos Huxley from the mother's side also left a trace in history. The great-grandfather Thomas Arnold was a teacher, an antiquity specialist and a reformer of the educational system, and the cousin was a poet and literary critic. Brothers Oldos Huxley, Julian and Andrew, were famous biologists.

Aldos lost mother aged thirteen. After a couple of years, the young man "picked up" a certain eye illness, because of which he had a lot of sight. This misfortune turned into a bright side when Huxley was released from military service just at that time when the First World War was.

Oldhos Huxley in youth

Much later, in 1943, the writer released a brochure "How to Remix Vision", where she shared his own experience of vision correction.

The first Roman Aldos wrote still at a young age - at 17, but this work was not published. Huxley's education received in Oxford, where he studied literature in Balliol-College. The final decision to become a professional writer came to him at the age of twenty.


Favorite genre of Oldhos Huxley - Antiutopia. In his works, the author describes how society captured by technological progress, over time, loses the remnants of humanity. In the novel "On the wonderful new world" describes London of the future. All countries of the Earth are connected in one state. Consumption turned into a cult, and Henry Ford, the first manufacturer of cheap publicly available cars - in the new god of consumer society.

Oldhos Huxley in youth

People in the world, which describes Huxley, is artificially divided into castes. Natural reproduction is discontinued, and new citizens of the "Wiral World" are grown in test tubes. The ability of lower castes children is oppressed yet at the embryo stage.

Citizens from an early age are preparing to ensure that they obediently occupied their place in the custom system. They are "treated" hypnosis, they are configured to collectivism, consumption and unconditional adoption of the values ​​of the Company.

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Another famous book of Huxley is "Monkey and Essence", written in the genre of postpocalyptic antiutopia. The work is a "novel in the novel", because it begins with how two buddies find a scenario called "Monkey and Essence", which rejected the film company.

Heroes will learn that the scriptwriter has recently died, as well as some facts from his unremarkable biography. The rest of the novel is the text of this fictional scenario.

Oldhos Haxley

The "scenario" describes the future of humanity, which almost destroyed itself by nuclear weapons and epidemics caused artificially. Civilization and culture are preserved only on the islands of New Zealand, which remained aside from the world apocalyptic processes. The rest of the Earth is smoking ruins for which crowds roam the crowds of victorious people.

A group of New Zealand scientists is sent to the expedition to the shores of America, calculating the opening of this continent anew. After radiation infection in America, new types of plants and animals have appeared, and the surviving people build a new totalitarian society on the ruins of civilization.

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According to the novels "On the wonderful New World" in 1998, a film with Leonard Nimoem and Peter Gallahher was filmed. Another film was made in 1980 by director Bert Brinkherff.

Oldose Haxley also wrote about two tens of stories and Novel, among which Kinfia, "Young Archimeda", "Nurse to breakfast" and others.

Personal life

The first wife of Oldhos Huxley, Maria Nis, was originally from Belgium. From this marriage was born the son, which Matthew called. The boy studied at the Dartington Hall School, and in 1937, together with the whole family, he moved from the UK to the United States, where he entered the University of California and became a famous epidemiologist over time.

Oldhos Huxley with the first wife of Maria and Son

Aldos's vision continued to fall, and one of the reasons for moving to Los Angeles was the fact that the writer considered the California climate more beneficial for his health than British. Together with the Huxley family in the US, Oddos moved, Gerald Gerd.

In America, Oldos Huxley goes to a new level of his work and begins to ask questions about human essence. The writer has new acquaintances, among which the Indian philosopher Dzhidda Krishnamurti is provided. Huxley's passion for mysticism, philosophy and spiritual issues provoked by communication with this person. However, despite the interest in these topics, Huxley himself called himself with agnostic.

Aldos Huxley and his wife Laura

In 1953, Huxley took part in the experiment associated with the study of the influence of psychotropic substances on human consciousness. This experiment and experienced Huxley experience described in the essay of the "Door of Perception". And in the correspondence of Huxley with the researcher who conducted an experiment, the word "Psychedelic" was used for the first time. All this new experience influenced Huxley's creativity.

After the death of Mary in 1955, Oldos Haxley married the second time - on a colleague, the writer-Italian lauree Archer.

Huxley's interest in the various states of human consciousness involved the writer in another study in the early 1960s. Together with an outstanding American psychiatrist, Milton Erickson Huxley studied the changed states of consciousness, hypnosis and trance.

Interesting Facts

Most of the manuscripts of Oldow Huxley died during a fire in his house shortly before the death of the writer himself. Part of the surviving manuscripts is kept in the library of the University of Stanford, and part of the University of California in Los Angeles.

Oldhos Haxley

Artist Stuart McMill in May 2009 created a comic, where he compared the novels of Oldhos Huxley "On the wonderful New World" and "1984" George Orwell, and how our real modern world is similar to the society depicted by both writers. As a result of the comparison, it turned out that our society was moving rather along the path proposed by Huxley.

The name of the Essay Huxley on the impact of Mescaline to consciousness - The Doors of Perception - gave the name of the cult group of Jim Morrison The Doors.


The cause of the death of Oldhos Huxley has become larynx cancer. The writer died on November 22, 1963 in Los Angeles, in one day with US president John Kennedy.

The grave of Oldhos Haxley

At the request of Huxley, his wife made him in front of death injecting LSD, although the doctors expressed protest about this. This injection gave the writer to die calmly, without choking and cramp. Archer's Laura admitted this only in 1986, when he gave an interview with the British BBC television company.


  • 1921 - "Yellow Gree"
  • 1923 - "Schutovskaya Horovod"
  • 1925 - "These fruitless leaves"
  • 1928 - "Counterpoint"
  • 1932 - "On the wonderful new world"
  • 1936 - "Slepets in Gaza"
  • 1939 - "After many years"
  • 1943 - "How to Fix Vision"
  • 1945 - "Time should stop"
  • 1945 - "Eternal Philosophy"
  • 1948 - "Monkey and Essence"
  • 1952 - "Ludensk Demons"
  • 1954 - "Doors of perception"
  • 1955 - "Genius and Goddess"
  • 1956 - "Paradise and Hell"
  • 1958 - "Return to the wonderful new world"
  • 1962 - "Island"


Oldhosa Huxley owns the mass of famous aphorisms, in particular:

"And what if our land is a hell of some other planet?" "Axioma: the more curiosity cause our new acquaintances, the smaller they deserve it." "Wrap in shit is not the best way to cleanse." "Music stands on the second The place after silence, when it comes to expressing inexpressible. "" In the art of sincerity - synonymous with giftedness. "

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