Francisco Goya - biography, photos, personal life, works



Spanish artist Francisco Goya, both in life, and in the work tried to follow the high humanistic principles. He created a historic portrait of his homeland, making a huge contribution to art. Goya is one of the brightest masters of the era of romanticism. His creativity is inherent in the variety of genres. Some Francisco pictures are presented in the Hermitage, their photos can be seen on the Internet.

Childhood and youth

Francisco-José de Goya-I-Lusatenes was born on March 30, 1746 in Zaragoza. A few months after the birth of the boy, the family moved to the village of Fuendetodos - it was a forced measure, because the house in Zaragoz was subject to repair.

Self-portrait Francisco Goya

The family had an average wealth, Francisco was the youngest of the brothers: Senior Camillo in the future became a priest, and Thomas, Middle, went in the footsteps of his father and became a master of gilding. Children received quite mediocre education, young Francisco gave to study in the Lusana-I-Martinez workshop.

The young man not only easily assimilated skill lessons, but also acquired to sing the serenade and the execution of sparkling folk dances. Francisco was a quick-tempered and proud young man, which became one of the main reasons for his frequent participation in street lumps.

Portrait of Francisco Goya Portion Francisco Goya

As a result, he had forced to leave the city to escape from possible persecution in Madrid. From the Martineas Workshop, Goya went without special regrets. The teacher did not try to hold the talented young man, because he himself advised him to go further.

After moving, Francisco tried twice to enter the Art Academy, but since good luck he did not smile, the young man went to wander.


During the wandering of Goya visited Rome, Parma and Naples. In 1771, he receives the Second Award of the Parm Academy of Arts. As for the first premium, nothing is known about it today. But this success allowed Francisco to believe in itself, because the Academic Council in Madrid silently met the paintings of the young artist in contests and exhibitions.

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Upon returning to Zaragozu, Francisco professionally engaged in painting, namely the painting of church frescoes. His decoration of the Palace of the Palace Department and the Church of El Pilar honored the praise, which pushed the ambitious Francisco to try to conquer the capital again.

Upon arrival in Madrid, Goya began to work on the panel, necessary for the carpet of the Royal Holder Manufactory.

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Not without a friend of Bayeu on January 22, 1783, Francisco received an important order from Count Floridablanca. The artist did not believe in good luck, because the writing of the portrait of a high-ranking Velmazbus allowed him to make well. But this is not all - thanks to the count, who introduces the artist to the Higher Society and presents His younger brother, King Don Luisu, Francisco receives a new order.

Don Luis instructs to fulfill portraits of members of his family. For his work, Guya earned 20 thousand realov, and the artist's wife got a dress embroidered with gold and silver, worth about 30 thousand reals.

Pictures of Francisco Goya "Girl with a jug" and "Sleep's sleep gives rise to monsters"

Thus, Francisco Goya becomes a recognized Spanish portrait. In 1786, Francisco became interested in Karl III, he became a court artist. After the death of the ruler, his successor Karl IV left Goyuya for his position, significantly increasing him sorry.

In 1795, Francisco elected the Honorary Director of the Academy of San Fernando. After 4 years, the artist reached the top of the career - he was built in the San of the first court painter King Charles IV.

Personal life

Goya's friend, artist Francisco Bayeu, introduced him to his sister. Blonde beauty of the Josef and temperamental argon immediately fell in love. But Francisco did not hurry to marry and decided on this step only after the news of the girl's pregnancy.

Portrait of Joseph, Francisco Goya wives

An important point was that the brother of the future wife owned a workshop where the artist worked. The solemn event took place on July 25, 1773. A child born shortly after the wedding lived for a short time. The spouse gave birth to five children, some sources indicate a large number. Survived only one boy named Francisco Javier Pedro, who became an artist in the future.

As soon as Goya has become in a circle of court ladies and aristocrats, He immediately forgot. Unlike most wives of artists, the spouse did not pose for Francisco: he wrote one portrait of his wife. This is how it is impossible to describe the attitude of the artist to her. Despite this, Francisco remained married to the death of the spouse in 1812.

Duchess Alba

The man was not a faithful husband, other women were always present in his personal life, in addition to his wife. The delicate aristocrats for Goya had the duchess of the remaining court aristocrats for Goya. After acquaintance with the girl in the summer of 1795, a pair of romance began. Next year, the elderly spouse of the Duchess died, and she went to Andalusia. Goya went with her: they lived together for several months.

However, in the biography of Francisco there was an unpleasant event: on returning to Madrid, Alba left the artist, preferring to him the military in a high post. Francisco offended this act, but the parting turned out to be short - the girl soon returned to him, the novel lasted for 7 years. It must be said that these relationships are not confirmed by any documents.


In the fall of 1792, Francisco struck a severe illness ending with a complete deafness. And these are minimal consequences, everything could have been much worse, because the artist constantly felt weak, he was tormented by headaches, he partially lost sight and some time was paralyzed. Researchers suggest, these are the consequences of syphilis launched in the youth. Deafness greatly complicated the life of the artist, but did not interfere with him to care for women.

Monument to Francisco Goya in Zaragoza

Over the years, the state of the artist became worse, and his painting is gloomy. After the death of his wife and marriage, Goyia's son remained alone. In 1819, the artist departed from affairs and retired in the country house "Quint Del Sudo". From the inside, he paints the walls with gloomy frescoes, which were the vision of lonely and tired of human life.

However, fate smiled at Francisco, he met Lokadia de Wece. They broke out a stormy novel, as a result of which a woman divorced her husband.

Portrait of Leokadia de Wece

In 1824, fearing the persecution of the new government, the artist decides to go to France. Two years he lived in Bordeaux, but one day it was very stuck in his native places, I decided to return. Once in Madrid at the time of the peak of the post-revolutionary reaction, he soon returned to Bordeaux.

The Spanish artist died in her arms from a devotee surrounded by relatives on the night of April 15-16, 1828. Francisco remains returned to Spain only in 1919.


  • 1777 - "Umbrella"
  • 1778 - "Seller of the dishes"
  • 1778 - "Madrid Market"
  • 1779 - "Game in Pelota"
  • 1780 - "Young Bull"
  • 1786 - "Wounded Bricklayer"
  • 1791 - "Game in Zhmurki"
  • 1782-83 - "Portrait of a graph Floridablanca"
  • 1787 - "Family of the Duke of Osuna"
  • 1787 - "Portrait of Marquise A. Ponhothos"
  • 1796 - "Dr. Penal"
  • 1796 - "Francisco Bayeu"
  • 1797-1799 - "Sleep's sleep gives rise to monsters"
  • 1798 - Ferdinand Gui Marda
  • 1799 - "La Tirana"
  • 1800 - "Family of King Charles IV"
  • 1805 - "Sabas Garcia"
  • 1806 - "Isabel A carp de porn"
  • 1810-1820 - "Disasters of War" (series of 82 engravings)
  • 1812 - "Girl with a jug"
  • 1819-1923 - "Saturn devouring his son"
  • 1819-1923 - "Dog"
  • 1820 - "Portrait T. Peres"
  • 1823 - "Shabash Witch"
  • 1828 - "Portrait of José Pio de Molina"

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