Ed Helms - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



It is not for nothing that the most difficult genre in the cinema is a comedy. To make the viewer cry, it is enough to remove the Khatiko melodrama. In order for the fan of the cinema to be scary - the director "cattons the Suspense", the receptions of which Alfred Hichkok shared.

Actor Ed Helms.

But so that the screens sitting in the screens, holding the stomach, actors really need to try: it is necessary not only to possess flawless charisma, but also be able to beat typical problems in the life of an ordinary person.

Speaking about comikas Jim Kerry, Leslie Nilson, Steve Martine, it is worth highlighting Ed Helms, who played in the "Bachelor party in Vegas".

Childhood and youth

The future actor was born on January 24, 1974 in Atlanta, Georgia. It is noteworthy that the actor's parents do not belong to the world of cinema. Father Ed John A. Helms worked on the landed profession of a lawyer and solved legal issues. The head of the family was also an insurance leader and veteran of the Navy. John Helms's wife, Pamela Ann (nee Parker), stayed as a school administrator.

Ed Helms

Also from the biography of the actor it is known that he grew up in a large family. ED - the youngest of three children, Helms also brought up his sister Susan and Brother Pakston, who is now working as a geography teacher in high school.

As a child, the future actor had health problems. Being a 13-year-old boy, he suffered a heavy heart surgery: doctors diagnosed in the child subaportal stenosis.

Ed Helms in youth with parents

When EDU turned 18, he graduated from school, which is located in the historic district of London - Westminster. Next, Helms became a student of College Oberlin, learning at the Faculty of Geology. In addition, ED visited the shared student by visiting the Art School in the University of New York. Also, the comedian has an honorary doctoral degree from Nox College.


The fact that Helms became a famous comedian - not surprisingly. After all, in childhood, the future actor possessed charm and sense of humor, forcing those surrounding laughing. However, his way to glory was thorny: Initially, the young man worked as a screenwriter for films, and then participated in episodic and insignificant roles. But Ed Helms did not give his hands and did it not in vain: Soon all America spoke about him.

Participation in Standap played Helms on his hand. After all, he had to laugh at the audience sitting in the hall by improvisation: the young man did not have the right to make a mistake, which is among the actors of a movie, because in the case of failure, directors provide a repeated double, and ED "spoke live."

Comedian Ed Helms

When Helms saw a smile on the faces of the audience, he had no doubt about his vocation. Many noted that the improvised humor of EDA can be attributed to the "noble": in jokes the actor did not have sarcasm, he did not eat, like George Carlin, Louis Si Kay and the progenitor Trolling Andy Kaufman.

Among other things, Ed Helms remember the audience to participate in the show with John Stewart, where he tried out the image of the journalist, who tells the unprecedencies, thereby forcing fans sincerely laugh.


As for the films, Helms for a long time "remained in the shade": only in the summer of 2006, the NBC channel announced the episodic participation of EDA in the TV series "Office", which was shot in the genre of pseudocumentalism. The plot of this multi-sized film is very trivial.

The location is the regional office of the company "Dunder Mifflin", which is engaged in the supply of paper products. Directors show the life of each clerk: "White collars" perform not only the routine work, but have their own quirks, habits and complexes.

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Further, in 2008, Ed took part in the comedy "Harold and Kumar 2: Escape from Guantanamo," and also starred in the ribbon "Meet: Dave", where he worked on one set with Eddie Murphy, Elizabeth Banks, Kevin Hart and other actors .

In 2009, in the life of Ed Helms, he was starful hour, because he played the role of Stew Price in the film of Director Todd Phillips - "Bachelor Party in Vegas", where Bradleli Cooper and Zack Galifianakis also took part. The plot of the comedy tells about friends who dreamed of unforgettably spend time.

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However, after the party, men have to remember what happened: where did the tiger come from in the bathroom and where the groom was gone to the wedding. From the role of confident guy, a clumsy man who becomes for all the burdens, and the bore "lucky" Helmsa got the last.

The price is not lucky: he will wake up with a knocked outstand, then with a tattoo on his forehead. However, when the actor asked about what relationship between three actors in life, he replied:

"Surprisingly," cool guy "in our team is me."

Next, the Helms filmography was replenished with roles in the paintings "not the womanik," Jeff, living at home "(2011)," Lorax "(2012, voice acting) and many others.

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In 2013, the actor participated in the comedy picture "We - Millers" together with Jennifer Aniston, Jason Sudiykis, Emma Roberts and Wille Poulter. The plot of tape dipping spectators on the weekdays of the small drug dealer David Clark, which sells psychotropic substances to cooks and bored housewives. But after the main character was beaten on the street and selected money - he needed a new plan, how to return his former monetary state.

In the same 2013, Helms flew fluently in the TV series "Brooklyn 9-9", where Andy Samblg played, Andre Brogger, Terry Cruit, Melissa Fumero. Although after the "Bachelor Party in Vegas" Helms had the heroes of the second plan, nevertheless charismatic man was remembered to the audience.

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An exception was the film "Love Coopers" with Dian Kiton, John Goodman, Alan Arkin and Amanda Seibride. The enchanting comedy, shot in 2015, talks about four generations of representatives of one family, which on Christmas Eve is going to at one holiday table.

In 2017, Helms was lucky enough to play one of the roles in the film "Who is our dad, dude?", Which is also included Glenn Clouz, J. K. Simmons, Catherine Aselton, Owen Wilson, Bill Irwin and Ryan Cartwrit.

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The picture tells about the two brothers, who thanks to the mother were confident that their father died. But when the main characters learned that this is not the case, they went to search for their parent, passing into funny situations.

Personal life

Cheerful Ed Helms leads an active lifestyle. A man loves to travel, as well as attend creative events. Also, the actor has a hobby: he is interested in music: plays banjo, guitar and piano, as evidenced by photos and video in "Instagram". Occasionally, the artist gives concerts along with his long-standing comrades, calling his team "Lonely Trio".

Ed Helms

But there is a beloved at the comic, fans are unknown. Whether the actor carefully hides his personal life, or a man with a growing 183 cm and weighing 76 kg did not meet his soul mate.

Ed Helms now

The actor continues to receive offers from directors. In 2018, ED starred in the film director Jeff Tomshik - "You drive!".

Ed Helms in 2018

The comedy tells about how five friends have a tradition: every May since 1983, they play in the cabin. But Jerry is the only member of the group, which has never been "outstanding." Therefore, the rest of the heroes have to invent a tricky plan. It is noteworthy that Helmsa got the main role.


  • 2006-2013 - "Office"
  • 2008 - "Harold and Kumar 2: Escape from Guantanamo"
  • 2008 - "Meet: Dave"
  • 2009 - "Night in Museum 2"
  • 2009 - "Bachelor party in Vegas"
  • 2009 - "Seller"
  • 2011 - "not a womanik" at all "
  • 2011 - "Bachelor Party 2: from Vegas in Bangkok"
  • 2011 - "Jeff, living at home"
  • 2013 - "Bachelor party in Vegas 3"
  • 2013 - "We are Millers"
  • 2015 - "Love Coopers"
  • 2016 - "Who is our dad, dude?"
  • 2018 - "You drive!"

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