Tuva Jansson - biography, photo, personal life, books, death



The writer and artist from Finland, the author of a series of works about mumy trolls, as well as several books that are not related to this series. Engaged in a book illustration, drawing comics, wrote paintings. In Finland, several frescoes and wall paintings of the authorship of Tuva Jansson are preserved.

Childhood and youth

Tuva Jansson was born in August 1914. The mother of the future writer, Signe Hammarsten, the Swedish by nationality, herself was a famous artist and a book illustrator. Signan moved from Sweden to Finland, where he met Viktor Jansson, a famous sculptor who became the father of Tuva.

Portrait of Tuva Jansson

The family had three children, among whom Tuu had elders. Lars's younger brother also became an artist and later worked together with Tuva above the comic about Mumi-Trolli. And the middle brother became a photographer.

The family of Hammarshtenov, the relatives of the mother, was known in Sweden. Many famous persons and government figures came out of this kind. Jasson willingly talked about the Swedish family and her roots in an interview. About the relatives of the writer on the part of Father-Finn is known much less.

Tuva Jansson in childhood

The relationship with the father in adult Tuva was sufficiently tense. Viktor Jansson did not approve of the liberal environment of his daughter and himself was quite conservative and old-fashioned. Tuva was an open and tolerant person who exceeded freedom above.

At the same time, Tuva admired the works of the Father, who surrounded her in the parental house since childhood, the future writer grew surrounded by works of art. Father became the first critical and adviser Tuva in creative matters. In the house of parents of the future writer, there were famous people and representatives of the creative elite, sculptors and artists. This environment has formed Tuva.

Tuva Jansson in youth

The writer left memories of how in childhood he spent the summer months at her grandmother in Sweden, under Stockholm. Not far from the house began the sea, and the noise of the surf was heard where children played. Tuva was tied to the family and began to live separately from them, already being an adult woman - at the age of twenty-seven years. The warm attitude towards the native writer kept until the end of life.

In Sweden, a fifteen-year-old Tuva left to study there in college of arts. Having finished the college, the future writer passed on art schools in different countries of Europe, where he was internship.

Artist Tuva Jansson

Returning home after study, Jansson began to create illustrations for books to order and draw for different caricature editions.

The young artist had already experienced - Jansson was known as an illustrator in Finland, because from ten years collaborated with one popular children's magazine and created pictures for him. Tuva learned to draw early, almost in the hands of the mother.


Tuva Jansson's real popularity was brought not to illustrate, but a series of books written by her and stories about mumi-trolls and other fabulous beings that live in Mumi-share. These books were extremely popular in the middle of the twentieth century, translated and printed around the world, went out and bought up with millions of chairs. Classic illustrations for these books painted Tuva Jansson itself. In Russia, the collection "All about Mumi-Trolls" was released, where all the works of this series were combined under one cover.

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In addition to the associates, four books in pictures were also published and two comic collections that are dedicated to Moomin Troll. The writer also created based on his story "Dangerous Summer" play for performing in the theater, and after - libretto for the musical about Moomin Trolls.

The popularity of the Mumi-series, on the one hand, provoked a mass attention to the personality of the Tuva, which the writer itself found annoying. Jasson even bought out the island in the middle of the Gulf of Finland, where he was hidden from annoying fans and journalists. On the other hand, on the wave of this popularity, the Associated Press news agency proposed the Jasson to release Mumi-comic.

Moomin Troll Tuva Jansson

The artist concluded a contract with the Agency for seven years. The first comic appeared in 1954 on the pages of one London publication. Soon the jisson comics about Mumi-Trolli printed already fifty-eight editions in seventeen countries.

The first time of Tuva herself painted comics, but soon it was tired of her, and the artist of the project was the younger brother of Tuva, Lars Jansson, who continued to invent and create merchandise comics 20 years without a break. In addition to the children's comics, the comics for adults came out in the series, for example, the story about how Mumi-dad was inadvertently gathered a time car, and the company Moomin-Troll was in the Wild West.

Writer Tuva Jansson

Some Soviet cartoons were removed based on Moomin Trolls, as well as the cartoons of Finland, Great Britain, Poland and Austria.

Among the literary heritage, the Jansson also has a number of books that are not related to the Mumi-series. In the story of the "sculptor's daughter" the writer in his inimitable manner talks about the children's years. Fans of the series about Mumi-Trolls after acquaintance with this autobiographical text will be understood by the origins of some motives in the works of Janson, intended for the children's audience.

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In the novel "City of the Sun" Jansson describes a quiet town where retirees live. This is a calm place with a mass of comfortable pensions that are waiting for customers. The time it seems to measure, but the life of the inhabitants of the town at the same time is full of hot disputes, events and adventures. Tuva Janson also had about a dozen collections of stories - "Journey Like", "Toy House" and others.

Tuva Jasson himself called himself an artist and was looking for self-realization in this area, and it was not serious to literary creativity. At the same time, it was the books and glorified it, and the Pictures of the Jansson remained little-known. Tuva Jansson Main paintings can be seen in the city hall buildings in the cities of Helsinki and Hamina and in some other places.

Personal life

In the young years, Tuva did not have a man's society and for some time even was engaged to one Finnish journalist and criticism, but this convolution was urged. After thirty-five years, Jasson discovered bisexual inclinations in himself and from that time he entered into intimate relationships only with women.

Tuva Jansson and Touils Chickle

In the creative environment, where the writer rotated, to the same-sex relations were tolerant, but the Finnish society of that time reacted negatively to people entering relations with representatives of their gender. Therefore, Tuva and her wife, an artist Touilki Chietil, many years hid this relationship from the public.

Tuva and Touilki met in Paris, where Chietil studied at the Art Academy. In 1956, women began to live together and did not part forty five years. For the first time, the public became aware of the relations of Tuva and Touilki in 1993 during a meeting with the press, where the ladies openly talked about their novel. Before that, the questions about the personal life of Tuva answered the same way - he said that he did not approve the Institute of Marriage in principle.


Tuva Jansson died in the summer of 2001 due to stroke.

Monument on the grave of Tuva Jansson

The condolences of the Narendist of the writer expressed the President of Finland, who in his speech called the work of Jasson the largest contribution of the country to the "cultural piggy bank" of mankind after the epic "Kalevala". On the day of the funeral, the writer in the country declared nationwide mourning.


  • 1938 - "Little trolls and a large flood"
  • 1946 - "Mumi Troll and Comet"
  • 1949 - "Wizard Hat"
  • 1950 - "Memoirs Pope Mumina-Troll"
  • 1954 - "Dangerous Summer"
  • 1957 - "Magic Winter"
  • 1962 - "Child-Invisible" (a collection of the novel, which included the texts "Hemul, who loved silence", "Philapidian in anticipation of the catastrophe" and others)
  • 1965 - "Dad and the Sea"
  • 1968 - "Daughter of Sculptor"
  • 1970 - "At the end of November"
  • 1971 - "Can listen to"
  • 1972 - "Summer Book"
  • 1974 - "City of the Sun"
  • 1978 - "Toy House"
  • 1982 - "Honest Cheating"
  • 1984 - "Stone Field"
  • 1987 - "Journey Like"
  • 1989 - "Fair game"
  • 1991 - "Letters of Clara"
  • 1996 - "Notes from Island"
  • 1998 - "Messages"
  • 1971-1991 - "Gray Shelk"


"When you have a desire to do something, you need to immediately make a decision and not wait until this mood passes." "The one who eats pancakes with jam cannot be so terribly dangerous." "Do not worry. There is nothing worse than ourselves in the world. "

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