Ann Hech - biography, personal life, photo, news, actress, movies, orientation, "instagram" 2021



Ann Hech - actress, director and scriptwriter. In its service list of work in the divorce films - from comedies to Horror, including popular "body parts" and "I know what you have done last summer."

Childhood and youth

Anne Selesta Hech was born in May 1969 in Ohio in the family of the Baptist priest. She had Susan sisters, Cynthia, who had lived only 2 months, Ebigeyl and Brother Nathan. Elliot's nephews and Natalie sing in the rock band Wild Belle, the teams of the team sounded in the "Anatomy of Passion" and "Vampire Diaries" serials.

Hitch's biography is not easy. While the girl was not 12 years old, the family has changed the place of residence 11 times. In 1985, her father died of AIDS, then a brother died in a car accident, died from Cuzyn's brain cancer. Mother only in 2008 re-married.

In his youth, Ann experienced problems with the psyche, fell into a psychiatric hospital. Celeste, according to the actress, not just the second name, and its second essence, which Hech has created to avoid surrounding reality. Education received in the family, forced the girl to pretend, create the appearance that everything is fine.

And Celeste spoke with God in another language, was like another planet. Tobacco, alcohol and drugs became her permanent satellites. "Under the kayf" actress even made a tattoo in the form of a butterfly on the lower back. However, Hech admitted that the reception of LSD "cured her consciousness."

The madness she worked, according to Ann, only a way to make parents love her. The father liked the movie star - Hech decided to become famous. My mother worshiped Christ - the girl wanted to become Jesus Christ. In all that neither happened in life, she was looking for positive aspects.


After graduating from the City High School in New Jersey and Chicago Francis W. Parker School, Ann moved to New York and began to star in the soap opera "Other World". The series was broadcast for 35 years. Sarah Highland, Kira Sedgevik, Ellen Wieler, Keitlin Hopkins have managed to be held in it. Wick Character Carson brought HEC Prize "Emmy".

In his youth, the actress did not have a penalty from proposals. The list of works replenished the Comedy "Pocket Money" with Melanie Griffith and Malcolm McDauell, "Crane in the sky" with John Gudman, an erotic thriller "Dangerous side" with Joan Chen.

In 1997, Ann received a major role in the film-catastrophe "Volcano". With Tommy Lee Jones, she played a couple in which personal feelings are mixed with a debt - the heroes will be able to save Los Angeles from the destructive flow of Lava.

At the same time, the actress appeared in the famous horror "I know what you did last summer" in the image of a guy's sister, which was shot down by the main characters. The roles of the victims of psychopath attacks, Gennifer Love Hewitt, Sarah Michel Gellar, Raan Philippe and Freddie Prince Junior.

In the comedy "six days, seven nights" heche played a hysterical companion Harrison Ford, who fell into a uninhabited island. In this film, Ann was remembered by the audience a short haircut and an open black swimsuit. In the drama "Out of suspicion", she embodied the girl who became acquainted with the correspondence with the hero of Kim Cautus, and the Jeff Goldblyum character and does not suspect the substitution of one person to others.

After the images of the thief secretaries in the Alfred Hichkok remake "Psycho" (1998) and Beth Extern in the Drama "Force Major", in which Ann played a major role with Vins and Hoaquin Phoenix, People turned on the actress among the 50 most beautiful People in the world.

In 2004, the actress reincarnated to the cinematic relative Nicole Kidman in the psychological drama "Birth". According to the story, the heroine Kidman practically brings to madness, pretending to the reincarnation of her deceased husband. The future star "Twilight" and "X-Men" Cameron Bright starred in the role of a young deceiver.

In the same year, the drama "Choice of Graci" was released, in which the actress played with Kristen Bell, Daian Ladd and Robert Maxwell. It was for the role in this picture of Hech was nominated for the Emmy Prize of 2004 as the best actress of the second plan in the mini-series or film.

The comedic melodrama "womanizer" tells about the young Alphonse performed by Ashton Kutcher, living at the expense of Heroine Ann.

Thriller "Fatal Desire" is filmed on the basis of real events. Tanya Sullivan was a woman who was able to organize the murder of his own husband through acquaintance in the network. Ann, blackmailing the hero of Erica Roberts for pregnancy and cruel appeal, forces him to shoot anything that is no obedional spouse.

In 2015, the actress began shooting in the popular TV series "Kuantico Base" about the recruits of the FBI Academy, which with the passage of learning change the views on life, attitude to debt, grow professionally. Hech played teacher, Dr. Susan Langdon. The major role was invited to the star of Bollywood. The project was successful and stretched for 3 seasons.

In 2017, the filmography of Artists replenished the paintings "bravery", "my friend Damer", the "last word", "armed answer".

In Bayoptics, "My friend Damer" actress appeared in the image of the mother of the serial-eater killer, Jeffrey Damemer. In the comedy "Last Word" Ann mixed the audience along with Amanda Seyfried and Shirley McLeene.

In the project "Armed Answer" Ann, apparent at first glance, such a fragile (the weight of the actress - 53 kg, an increase - 165 cm), played the "iron lady" - the operative of the detachment of the special substation in the ambush. Wesley Snipes, a professional wrestler Set Rollins, Kyle Russell Clement, whom fans know the horror "walking dead" by the partners of the actress in the fantastic thriller.

In 2019, Hech joined Jeremy Laerta and Mickey Rudrka on the shooting area of ​​the sci-fi thriller "Rudiment". The picture tells about the future, which is controlled by artificial intelligence.

Personal life

Above all the American actress appreciates honesty, and therefore the connection of Hech with the famous TV presenter Ellen Degensheres was a secret. Celebrities did not hide their orientation and met for 4 years. The artist declared the readiness to go beyond Ellen Marry, if lesbian marriages were concluded in some state.

Before making Caming-Out, Ann twisted quite traditional novels with producer Nil Moritz, a popular comic party, Steve Martin, Brother John Cusaca Bill and the star of the series Richard Berges.

In 2002, the artist had the first of 2 children - the son of Homer. The first husband was the father of the child, the operator Coleman Laffun. The couple met on the filming of the film about Dedgenes. In 2008, the family broke up. The former spouse led his son from the actress, by the decision of the court Ann almost never had the opportunity to see the child, but was obliged to translate money for its content.

A year later, the son of Atlas appeared. Hech gave the boy an unusual name, despite the fact that his father, actor James Tapper, said that she would laugh at the child. Lovers were not in a hurry to make marriage. Woman joking that he collects a collection of rings, which Tapper presents every year.

The actors played her husband and wife in the Canadian postpocalyptic thriller "Consequences". This is the series about how spouses Copeland and the three of their children are fighting for survival after the end of the world caused by natural disasters and the appearance of fantastic creatures. In January 2018, Ann and James broke up.

In 2001, Hech released an autobiography with an eloquent name "Call me crazy." Release book actress wanted to break with his own tragic past and take realities of life that began to fold after.

Ann has pages in Twitter and Instagram, where she publishes their photos, as well as unofficial in Facebook.

Ann Hech now

The American press writes that now he is familiar to the audience rather in person than by name. Even if so, then the actresses are replenished regularly.

In 2020, a mystical thriller "Hour of Truth" was published, the horror film "In pursuit of nightmares" and the drama "Forest Fire".

In the "Truth Hour" actress, together with Thomas Jane play a married couple, who decided to relax with her daughter in a campsite on the banks of the river. But the girl disappears without a trace, and the actions of the police do not bring results. Spouses are unmerced by anything to find the child, during these searches there is a terrible truth.

The production has pictures "13 minutes" and "salvation", whose premieres are scheduled for 2021.

In 2020, in an interview with Mr. Warburton Ann decided to talk about the novel with Ellen Degensheres and about the influence of these relationships on her life:

"Our time was an excellent part of my life, and I wear my memory about him with honor. I was part of the revolution, which led to social changes, and I could not do it without falling in love with her. "


  • 1994 - "I will do everything"
  • 1996 - Donney Bracco
  • 1997 - "I know what you have done last summer"
  • 1998 - "Psycho"
  • 2000 - "Out of suspicion"
  • 2004 - "Birth"
  • 2006 - "Fatchee Desire"
  • 2009 - "Bestnik"
  • 2012 - "Black November"
  • 2014 - "Crazy card"
  • 2015-2018 - "Base Cuantico"
  • 2017 - "My friend Damer"
  • 2018 - "Awakening"
  • 2019 - "The Best Enemies"
  • 2020 - "Hour of Truth"
  • 2020 - "In pursuit of nightmares"
  • 2020 - "Forest Fire"

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