Vladimir Fedorov - biography, personal life, photo, cause of death, filmography, actor 2021



Vladimir Fedorov was not going to become an actor. He did a brilliant career as a scientist, a nuclear physicist. Fate decided the case. A trip to the cinema served as an appearance - the growth of Vladimir Anatolyevich was only 130 cm. Such a type turned out to be in demand from Soviet, and then the Russian directories. Fedorov belonged to the Pleiad of the actors who have proven: not even having theatrical education, you can master the profession perfectly.

Childhood and youth

In the first minutes of the life of Fedorov, the doctors tried to persuade Mama to abandon the newborn. Allegedly with the dwarf will have difficult, and in the medical facility it will be useful - "Saspirita as an exhibit". But the parent fell firmly: in order not to grow first-mentioned.

Full Vladimir Fedorov

Vladimir Anatolyevich went to his grandfather, so the parents of ten years after his appearance were afraid to start the offspring. But the next two sons did not inherit the genes of the relative, the standard growth was born.

Mother and father dreamed of heir, so calmly treated the fact that Volodya is somewhat unusual. Did not suck with the boy, on the contrary, they tried to develop it in every way.

The toys served nuts, screws, screwdrivers, and being a six-year-old child, seriously carried away by radio engineering. Fortunately, opportunities for the development of abilities grabbed - Vladimir Fedorov was born and grew in Moscow, and the mother in education engineer Design. The actor told in an interview:

"Parents, grandparents were crazy about me. I received such a charge of love from them that I had enough for my life. That is why I have never had any complexes, but only specific difficulties. I started going later than usual. "

When Volodya studied in the 7th grade, a series of unpleasant events happened in the family life. Mother fell into the hospital, and his father went to another woman. A teenager, as the eldest son, had to take care of the preservation of brothers to their shoulders. Vladimir earned money for photography, to the boy appealed to reproducing electrical appliances.

Engineer Vladimir Fedorov

A part-time job managed to combine with classes at school, selflessly shorn his beloved physics. With the certificate of maturity, I went to the MEPhI, received the profession of the nuclear physicist and dedicated the next two decades to the Kurchatov Institute. In the future, Vladimir made a career of a scientist, from under his pen there was a lot of scientific papers, which were translated into different languages ​​of the world.


"Techinar to the brain of bones" was far from the theater world, the temples of Melpomen went by the party. And even more so I did not think that one day suddenly appears on the movie screen. In 1972, during a visit to a jazz club to a young man, an assistant director Alexander Ptushko approached with an incredible proposal - to try to the role of the Chernomor's wizard in a new fairy tale in Pushkin Ruslan and Lyudmila. Vladimir agreed. Since then, the biography was inextricably linked with the cinema.

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By 1980, the actor approached decent for non-professional baggage: the filmography was decorated with seven tapes. True, the roles of episodic, but in what productions. Fedorov was lucky to play with Andrei Mironov, Anatoly Papanov, Zinovy ​​Gerdt and Rolan Bykov in Comedy, Mark Zakharov "12 chairs". Here he reincarnated in the thief.

Vladimir Anatolyevich concluded in the "Legend of Tile", in the film-fairy tale "Rings of Almanzor" played a pirate, and in the adaptation of the work of Nikolai Gogol "Nose" he got the role of dwarf.

Finally, a starry hour has come. In 1980, the premiere of a fantastic picture "Through thorn to the stars" was held, where Fedorov moved one of the main roles. The artist was briquidly handed over the image of the Turancex - dictator technocrat, the lord dying from the consequences of the technogenic catastrophe of the planet. Alexander Lazarev, Vaclav Nerladsky, Elena Fadeeva became partners in the set.

The next one and a half dozen years of Vladimir Anatolyevich actively involved film directions, where a low-spirited person was required. The actor managed to work in the paintings included in the Golden Heritage of Soviet Cinema.

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Fedorov shone in the make-up of aliens in the yellow pants in the fantastic tragicomedy Georgy Deloi "Kin-Dza-Dza". In 1985 he was invited to the fairy tale "After the rain on Thursday", Vladimir Anatolyevich joined the stars Oleg Tabakov, Tatiana Peltzer, George Millar. Here I made a company in a wicked costume (hassle) to the immortal, Baba Yaga and a firebird.

In the late 80s, Vladimir Bortko instructed Fedorov to play a creature in a fantastic drama on the story of Mikhail Bulgakov "Dog's Heart". The man reflected the transitional period of transformation of the dog in Sharicikov (Vladimir Tolokonnikov).

Vladimir Fedorov (left) and Vladimir Tolokonnikov (right) in the role of Sharikov in the film "Dog's Heart"

In the 90s, the roles corresponded to time. Vladimir Fedorov became a killer, then a businessman, he was in prison. The new millennium presented an actor of images in the screen vendors of classical works. Vladimir Solovyov, embodied on the film Roman Lev Tolstoy "Anna Karenina", invited Vladimir Anatolyevich for the role of the arrontalone, and in the picture on the work of Fedor Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" reincarnated in the secretary of Luzin.

The last work in the cinema was the role of a graveman named Giant in the criminal militant "Bombila-3" (2013).

Personal life

The personal life of the actor did not differ from the exciting, full tragedy of Kinoroman. As Vladimir Anatolyevich noted, he was not lucky for a long time. The case was also complicated by the fact that the ladies were prominent - high blondes. He received the first sexual experience in 25 years by chance, literally with the first counter. With this, a curious case is associated with this: from a high hairstyle, the girl fell out of a bank from under the kale in the tomato on which the whole design was held.

Vladimir Fedorov and his wife Vera

Two years later, Fedorov met a new girl and went to the registry office with her, but the family soon broke up: the spouse went to another. It was the tragedies for Vladimir, a little uncombiring suicide.

In the future, he married three times. The second spouse Alya gave birth to the actor of the Son, who died in the hospital. Later, the second heir to Mikhail appeared. In the future, the Son tragically died from the knives of the thieves, climbed into the house.

Vladimir Fedorov and his wife Vera

The artist lived with his wife for 15 years, and then left: family life suddenly bored. When he came to mind, it was already too late, the pair did not manage to resurrect warm feelings.

In the third marriage, two daughters were born, one inherited Fedorov's Genes, also dwarf. Because married, Vladimir Anatolyevich started a novel with a fan of faith, henger than 3 years. And the spouse Elena led home new lover. The act of life threesome did not stand and left the son of his son, soon faith moved to him. The couple signed up, and then married.


An old age and transferred stroke did not allow to live a full, saturated life. The actor no longer starred, but remained faithful to his beloved science.

Vladimir Fedorov in 2018

In an interview, Vladimir Anatolyevich philosophized is very beautiful as a true scientist:

"After the death of my last neuron from me, like Fedorov Volodya Chernomora, only the captured memory of the living, who knew me or about me. I want when an hour comes, be in the sky together with the stars and their temperatures in millions of degrees and expand along with the Universe until it is possible. Time will come - look for me there in your memory. "

In addition to the transferred stroke, in recent years of life, the actor suffered from cardiovascular diseases. Fedorov died on May 18, 2021, the cause of death was not announced.


  • 1972 - "Ruslan and Lyudmila"
  • 1976 - "Legend of Tile"
  • 1976 - "12 chairs"
  • 1977 - "Nose"
  • 1985 - "After the rain on Thursday"
  • 1988 - "Dog Heart"
  • 1992 - "Mad flight"
  • 2002 - "Durakov House"
  • 2009 - "Anna Karenina"
  • 2011 - "There was one grandmother"
  • 2013 - "Bombila-3"

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