Group "Tea together" - Composition, photo, news, songs



Creativity and musical style Duet "Tea together" did not differ in originality and intricateness. The guys sang simple and understand each song. Hearts solicists won with limitless charm and external attractiveness. And also knew how to create unique colorful shows, this skill was learned from the famous Russian pop stars.

The history of creation and composition

Before combining creative abilities and accumulated musical experience, Denis Klyaver and Stanislav Kostyushkin lived their lives. By the shoulders of Denis, the music school and the three courses of the school. Mussorgsky. As well as the army where the young man played a pipe in the soldier's orchestra.

Denis Klyaver

Odessa Stas arrived at the end of the 80s in Leningrad, entered the conservatory, which she graduated safely. The guys got acquainted in the Music Theater "Looking Gallery". Together they began to create songs - one wrote music, another word. The biography of the Duet "Tea together" started with the easy hand of the popular actor and TV presenter Ilya Oleinikov, Father Klyaver. Once Ilya Lvovich, having heard the heir to sing with a friend, advised to create a duet. Klyaver remembers:

"I didn't even think about it, we just fondered, came up with something, played. But the father thought, suggested. "

The tandem turned out to be harmonious: two guys of the athletic physique, but completely different types were performed perfectly each other. Kostyushkin is a smoothybrid, povered, and a klyaver with constant vegetation on the face. So the guys and passed in the same composition from 1994 to the very collapse of the group.

Stanislav Kostyushkin

The first producer was a long-standing Comrade Kostyushkin Sergey Kurekhin. In addition to soloists, there were other musicians in the group: Eugene Kulikov (guitar), Alexey Leonov (keys), Dmitry Zaitsev (drums). Kirill Stephurko answered for the bass, Alexander Kosilov played on the saxophone, and Konstantin Likhidid on the pipe. Also included the staff of dancers, among whom the wife of Kostyushkin shone.

At first, the name did not have a duet, although they planned to give the name "Pilot" - in honor of the first song. We did not hurry with the solution until they received an invitation from the composer Viktor Reznikov to participate in his musical competition. He came up with the name of the newly minted group the director of the competition, which "pilots" seemed too simple, without a raisin.


For the first time, young performers came out in the late 1994. The guys took the St. Petersburg Palace of Youth. But the present ascent to the musical Olympus began with the "Yalta-Moscow-Transit" competition, which was shown on ORT. Young people were side by side with the stars of show business and did not hit the dirt face. Speech liked the jury and viewers.


Good luck accompanied talented musicians. Mikhail Shufutinsky drew attention to the duet, calling with him on tour, where Kostyushkin and Klyaver earned the first serious money. Finance ordered with the mind - released a debut clip.

At the competition "Yalta-Moscow-transit" guys like Lime Vaikule. Later, the artist suggested a beginner singers cooperation, from which those, of course, failed to refuse. Two years spent under the wing of limes, the famous ability to create chic bright shows. "Pupils" diligently adopted the experience of the mentor, in the future every concert "Tea together" turned into an exciting performance.

To the new millennium, singers approached with four albums. Part of the songs managed to become real hits, which in the 2000s made their debut in the broadcasts of radio stations. The fans were heard by the Cherryukha singles, "Poptchitsy", "do not cry".

Grand Duet concerts took place in Russian cities. The new century, the guys met in the company of producers from the company "Centerm" - with them removed the video for the song "Goodbye Dawn", and then staged a solo theatrical show "Cinema" in St. Petersburg.


For this performance, two months were prepared, even abandoned the part of the scheduled tour. Stylish costumes and scenery turned out to be impressive. Spectators remembered the enchanting show for a long time. By numerous requests soon the performance was repeated. The audience of fans grew rapidly. Melomanians liked good humor, energy, incending execution of the rooms of the group "Tea together".

2001 was marked by another success in the creativity of the team. The guys wrote the heartfelt song "affectionate" and removed the roller on the composition. In this Denis and Stasi, the famous filmmaker Andrei Boltenko helped, who had recently noted the creation of a clip to the single "You Are My Number One" performed by Enrique Iglesias and Alsu.

The "affectionate mine" blew the charts of radio stations of large Russian cities and became a member of the raspeck of hit parades on TV. A year later, I saw the Light of the same name, the fifth on the bill, the album.

Duet managed to work with many celebrities. In 2002, a clip "Blizzard", Ilya Oleynikov came out by the author of the video. In 2012, the guys rushed with the Ukrainian performer and TV presenter Olga Polyakova - Threesomes created the composition "Higher me" and filmed video on it.

The duet tried to create side companies. Thus, the soloists founded the ART Agency of the same name, in which holidays were organized. A little later, the producer center "Tea is two of the production", designed to promote novice musicians, as well as write songs that have already declared themselves.

In the film awards of the creative tandem seven "zloty of gramophones". The figurines were deserved by the hits "so that you were mine", "desired", "white dress", "24 hours" and other popular compositions. Total young people published 11 studio records, and this is more than a hundred songs.

In 2011, rumors had rumors about the soon decay of the "Tea together" duet. Unfortunately, a year later, the group and the truth declared the completion of the work. The exact causes of disintegration remained the mystery. They said that the soloists quarreled because of the fees, did not find a common language in the formation of touring schedule. Allegedly Stas and Denis became closely in one team, it was necessary to change something. Friends themselves did not comment on the speculation.

"Tea together" now

After parting, the guys went different roads. Denis Klyaver went to solo swimming. Stas Kostyushkin hit the experiments, deciding to play with the arrangements of the songs popular in the 30s-40s.


The Shulman Band project failed - critics and music lovers did not appreciate the idea. Then the musician created a new project that was called "A-Dessa". Stas recorded and sang the song "Fire", warmly accepted fans and hit a hit. Soon he recorded the first solo album "Not like that".

Today, the musicians continue to create and delight fans. Denis selflessly writes albums, in 2017 he presented the Love-Silence plate. Sang one of the compositions in the company with Jasmine.


Stas tried the strength on television, on the Muz-TV channel, the man tried the role of the leading show "Very punochen". It often flashes as a guest and a participant in TV projects, for example, brilliantly performed in the program "Extremely", where it turned out best in Igor Kornelyuk.

In the summer of 2018, he distinguished himself with dancing, who, together with his colleagues, arranged near the Perm airport. It turned out to be an informal rehearsal in front of the concert - Kostyushkin explained the "leaving" by the fact that there is not enough time to work out dancing.


  • 1997 - "I will not forget ..."
  • 1998 - "Poptchitsy"
  • 1999 - "For the sake of you"
  • 2000 - "Norave"
  • 2002 - "my affectionate ..."
  • 2005 - "10 thousand words about love"
  • 2005 - "Morning tea drinking"
  • 2005 - "Evening Tea Party"
  • 2006 - "Sorry ..."
  • 2007 - "Caver version"
  • 2012 - "White Dress"

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