Sandra (singer) - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs 2021



Sandra is a German singer, known to participate in the musical project "Arabesque" and solo career. "Arabesque" was successful, similar to the popularity of the Abba, and the independent creative activity of the singer gained fans in different countries.

Childhood and youth

Surname Sandra - Lower. The girl was born on May 18, 1962 in the German town of Saarbrucken in the family of an entrepreneur. Her zodiac sign - Taurus. Sandra's father owned a wine store, and the mother was engaged in selling shoes. Sandra's senior brother called Gaston. He died at the age of 3rd. The children were fond of the work of David and Sean Cassidy. Love for the idol was immense: Sandra and Gaston gathered discs and posters of favorite performers.

Sandra in childhood

The girl since childhood showed a tendency to work, loved songs and dancing. Parents decided to develop the talents of the daughter and gave it to the music school. In parallel with this she studied to play the guitar, what a neighbor was helped by a neighbor. Large employment affected the success at school, but the family encouraged the interests of Sandra. By 10 years, the young artist already knew the basics of the guitar game, and K 12 was known in the district.

Sandra in youth

At the age of 13, Sandra spoke at the Festival of Young Talents in Saarbrucken. Having performed the song of Olivia Newton, the girl conquered the audience. At the event, she was noted producer George Roman. He proposed cooperation and helped in the issue of the single. In 1967, the Composition "Andy, Mein Freund" was submitted to the public. It was about his beloved puppy, but the listeners did not appreciate the touching story.


In 1979, the producers of the Arabesque musical team suggested Sandra Contract. At that time, the girl was 16 years old. Hopes of parents were justified: their daughter became a popular singer. The group existed for 6 years. Her songs were popular in Japan, where the team went to tour.

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Tickets for the concert were sold completely on the day of appearance at the box office. During the existence of the musical project, the girl was released 1 disk and 15 audiolent. In his native Germany, the demand for the group was modest. In Europe, Arabesque has released 12 audiolents and 13 singles.

Soler's solo career began by chance. At one of the speeches in 1985, she met the Musician Michel Kret. Romantic relationships arose between the younger people. At the request of the beloved Sandra left "Arabesque" to speak independently.

Some time, the singer was in creative quest, but there were enough professionals around it, ready to help realize. In 1985, the first solo single singer "Maria Magdalena" came out. Peter Cornelius and Peter Kent contributed to his appearance. The author became Hubert Cammler.

Single brought Sandra love of the public. The composition turned out to be in demand in 21 countries and was on the tops of musical charts. In 1986, the singer released the album "The Long Play", and a year later appeared on the light of the "Mirrors" record.

Singer Sandra

The actress remembered hot techniques in Japan, which arranged "Arabesque". Her new composition "In The Heart Of The Night" broke into the Japanese charts and brought the singer a new wave of popularity. In 1987, the first collection of the performer "Ten On One" came out, and in 1989, the film was held in the painting "Tatort".

The artist joined the organization "Artists United For Nature" and released the "YES WE CAN" composition. The acquaintance of the Russian audience with the work of the singer occurred during this period. The public took the warmth of Sandra, although critics responded about it cold.

In 1990, the album "PainTINTINGS IN YELLOW" came out, and a year later, the artist took part in the ENIGMA project. In 1992, a collection of Singer "18 Greatest Hits" arrived. The popularity of the performer went to the decline, and Sandra decided to devote himself to the family and personal life.

Creative people can not leave a favorite thing, forgetting about him. Music has become the main leitmotif of the biography of Sandra. In 1993, she continued his career as a solo performer, periodically underdiving in the project "Enigma".

Sandra on stage

In 1995, a record came out, which included the song of the singer's spouse - "This Song Dedicated to My Beloved Wife Sandra". The singer again began to work. In 1999, she released a dual collection of songs "My Favourites", and in 2002 the "The Wheel of Time" record. As part of a large touring tour in 2014, Sandra again visited Russia.

Personal life

Michelle Kretu, who offered the girl to think about the solo career, became the first husband of Sandra. He was the keyboard with the experience of the composer and the arrangers in the Boni M team. The wedding took place in 1988.

Sandra and her former husband Michelle Kretu

In marriage, Nikita and Sebastian twins were born in the musicians. The love light between the spouses gradually faded, and in 2005 Michel and Sandra began to live separately. Children at that time were 10 years old.

Sandra did not share his experiences on this. Husband left her to a young model. About the person of the girl nothing was known. After the marriage of spouses collapsed, they stopped participating in joint creative projects.

Sandra and Olaf Menges

Olaf Menges turned out to be the new chief of Sandra. Acquaintance happened on one of the parties where the man managed to raise the singer's mood and dispel her sad thoughts. There was a passion between the new acquaintances, and they began to live together, moving to Ibiza. Menges became the second husband of the artist. The relationship with him Sandra interrupted herself. At that time she was 52 years old.

Sandra now

In 2018, Sandra turned 56 years old. It no longer leads to active scenic activities, but still fond of music and knows everything about modern hits. The singer's clips no longer demonstrate on the music channels, but the memory of her work is alive.

The public remembers her performances and visits the prefabricated concerts where the actress appears. At the moment, the most important thing in the life of a woman is her children. The boys are interested in music and demonstrate a tendency to work.

Sandra in 2018

Find a personal Sandra account in "Instagram" is difficult. She adheres to a non-public lifestyle, although her photo sometimes appear in the media. Publications that appeared in the network in recent years, provoked reasoning that the singer had a problem with alcohol.

Sandra, commenting on his weight, notes that when heighting 170 centimeters and its state of health, changes in appearance are justified. A woman does not abuse alcohol, and an increase in weight connects with a bourge in the right hip.


  • 1985 - "The Long Play"
  • 1986 - "Mirrors"
  • 1988 - "INTO A SECRET LAND"
  • 1990 - "Paintings in Yellow"
  • 1992 - "Close to Seven"
  • 1995 - "Fading Shades"
  • 2002 - "The WHEEL OF TIME"
  • 2007 - "The Art of Love"
  • 2009 - "Back to Life"
  • 2012 - "Stay in Touch"

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