Masha Minogarova - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Instagram 2021



Masha Minogarova, once dreamed of walking on the podium, thanks to the perseverance and the sense of humor reached its own goal, despite all sorts of obstacles. In professional circles, the girl walked the model with which it is easy to work. Fashionable photographers and designers admired hard work. And the blonde herself suspended (but not completed) a career at a peak, explaining to stunned fans, which is just tired of constantly sitting on diets.

Childhood and youth

The future TV presenter and the model was born in Krasnodar on March 15, 1989 (zodiac sign - fish). From an early age, relations with parents were not easy. Masha was embarrassed that Mom had a hairdresser, and could not find a common language with his father who worked as an architect and rarely visited at home.

About the career of the model girl dreamed from school, despite the constant discontent with his own appearance. Minogarov, who studied on "excellent," teased because of the burdens. In order not to worry about this, Masha often joking with classmates and did not allow himself to be offended by evil attacks.

Masha Minogarov in childhood (right)

Mingarov's own dreams began in 17 years. The girl settled into the local model agency and went out several times on the podiums in shopping centers. But more suggestions about the work did not receive, so Masha gradually left dreams about the model future.

Despite the hot desire to develop in the fashion industry, the girl decided to get academic education. Minogarov entered the Kuban State University, choosing the Faculty of Management and Psychology.


Already in the second year, the girl is arranged to work on local television. Masha without journalistic education with ease coped with the role of the correspondent. A sudden turn in the biography of the girl came when Minogarova learned about Casting to the new project "Top-model in Russian".

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Taken in a reality show exclusively for extras, Masha not only successfully passed the casting, but also reached the final five. The girl left the contest, making an unsuccessful photo in the form of Barbara Streisand.

After returning to Krasnodar, Masha could not sit in place for a long time. At first, the model moved to Moscow, and after moving to Milan to continue working on fashion shows. European designers rated the appearance and character of the girl.

Masha Minogarov in a swimsuit

Masha has become a permanent participant of mod weeks. At one of the defile, the model met Nastasya Samburskaya. First, fashionable dives were unloved each other, but over time they became friends, now they often rest and work together.

In parallel with the model career of Minogarov, it was engaged in the development of his own blog in "Instagram". The girl shared photographs out of the clogging of fashionable shows and laid out the video where without censorship was his own opinion on a variety of issues. The sincerity and sense of humor quickly attracted subscribers and fans to the account.

Gradually, life on permanent diets and incessant castings tired girl. Masha said he suspends the work on shows and is going to focus on the profession of the TV presenter. The family relationship was gradually improved. The girl stated that she began to understand the parents when he matured. The model made several tattoo, one of which devoted to her father.

In 2017, Masha became Guest "Comedy Club". Pavel Volya and Garik Kharlamov were discharged from a blogger, which is the reason for such a quick popularity of the model, to which Minogarov said, which is "Efremov" Instagram "and has already concluded several advertising contracts with alcohol companies.

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In the same year, the girl felt in the ability to logically think in the transmission "where is the logic?". Masha's partner became Ida Galich - no less successful blogger and a close girlfriend model. The rivals of the girls became the comedy duet "Sisters Zaitsev".

In October 2017, Masha, together with Nastya Ivel and Dakota, became the face of the advertising campaign "Mas", dedicated to the lip of the "Retro Matte Liquid Lipcolour" lip. The girls starred in a video, where the song MONATIK was durable to the song and experienced a variety of shades of a new cosmetics.

Personal life

By the time of the casting, Masha consisted of serious relationships with a young man named Arthur and even planned to marry the boyfriend. Arthur easily let go of a beloved on a reality show, putting only one condition - Masha should not cut her hair. The hairstyle remained almost the same, but it did not save a love relationship. Shortly after the completion of the project, young people broke up.

Masha Minogarova and her boyfriend Pavel Alekseev

The owner of the nightclub Pavel Alekseev became the new passion of the Minogarova. A businessman and model met at the Raiv party in the club "Arma" and practically do not part, accompanying each other to important shooting and business meetings. In an interview, the model stated that it was not yet ready to marry and make children, but I am sure that someday this moment will certainly come.

Masha Minogarov now

In February 2018, the blogger became a victim of Prank, who tested the participants of the CHEBURUSSIA TV project. Natalia Krasnova and Andrei Glazunov also became victims of the draws. In June 2018, the model was invited to the humorous show "Improvisation". Masha's company was Ida Galich.

Masha Minogarov in 2018

Together with the Arseny, Popov and Anton Shastun, the girl played a fun scene in the "Double" heading, where Masha and Ida appeared as a rival, seeking one young man. In the same month, the model visited "Kinotavr - 2018". The passage of the girl in a black flowing dress attracted the attention and journalists, and other television stars. The image of the machine was recognized as one of the most stylish.

In July, on the TV channel "Friday", the program "Eagle and Rushka. Russia". Masha went to Kaliningrad to explore the sights of the city. Unlike the co-supporting Jeanne Badoev, the blogge of the blogger was limited. But such trifles did not upset the Minogarov.

At the end of July, it became known that Masha was nominated for the "Women of the Year" Award of the magazine "Glamor" for his own project "Yavyheti". After the next secular evening, where Minogarov heard unflattering feedback on their appearance (the growth of the model is 1, 84 m, and the weight is 58 cm), the girl launched the flash mob, whose main task was to draw attention to the fact that the high growth is not uncertainty. In response, the blogger received thousands of messages with sad and ridiculous stories about how society is intolerable to non-standard beauty.


  • Participant "Top-model in Russian"
  • Model on "Russian Fashion Week"
  • Advertising "CLS" car from "Mercedes-Benz"
  • Participant "Vogue Fashion Night Out 2017"
  • The face of the lip of "Retro Matte Liquid Lipcolour"
  • The author of the project "Yavshetheti"
  • Brand-ambasador "Glamor Russia"

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