Valery Storozhik - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actor 2021



The creative biography of the actor Valery Storabia is inextricably linked with the theater named after the Mossovet, on the stage of which it serves since 1979. The theater career performer combined with work in the cinema. Now it is now known to the film and serials of various genres. In the artist filmography both the main roles and the role of the second plan.

Childhood and youth

The future actor was born in the small Ukrainian village of Kotuelv in 1956. The boy from nature was shy, but inquisitive. Peaging the creativity of the idols of his time Alena Delon and Marcello Mastroanni, he also wanted to touch the magic world of the movie.

Good luck smiled Valery, and at the age of 12 he began to film in children's films in the film studio. M. Gorky. The actor's mother was very artistic - sang perfectly, drawing, writing poems. The woman wanted the Son to go on the creative track, and insisted on training in a music school.

The next step of education was the Tver Music School, where Valery entered his youth to the directorial and choral department. Here it finally shouted in the whirlpool of creative life: the first student performances, cabbagers, mini performances, improvisation. Once at the public under the sight of the audience and stunned by applause, the young Stirochik realized that he was captured by this magic atmosphere forever.


Final sick scene, Valery began to trigger in theatrical universities. After a failure attempt with Gitis, he entered the famous Shchepkinskaya school. After graduating from the university in 1979, the young graduate received a proposal to stay in the troupe of the Small Theater. But he chose to enter the service in the Mossoveta Theater, where the Faina Ranevskaya, Rostislav Kostat, Leonid Markov, Georgy Zhorshov, Margarita Terekhov and others were shone at that time."I found the best times of the theater! I was fortunate enough to play in some performances with the greatest actors! All - happiness, sadness, flour of creativity - passed through the scene of this theater, "the actor confessed in an interview.

The debut of Valeria Storochik on the scene of the native theater was held in the "Day of arrival - the day of departure." But the next job turned out to be unsuccessful - the image of the Lieutenant submariner Alesh in the formulation of "Black Gardemarine" did not succeed. However, after the role of the captured German in the play "Sasha" about the Storochik, they were talking about as a promising artist.

On the Mossovet scene, the actor performed dozens of roles. But the sign was and remains the role of Jesus from Nazareth in the play "Jesus Christ - Superstar". For the formulation of the Opera of the same name Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice in 1989, Kryuku Kryuku Mosovet Theater Pavel Khomsky took.

Valery Storozhik first started working with enthusiasm, but soon began to behave strangely: I missed the rehearsal, argued with the director, put the conditions. As a result, the next day the premiere actor left the project. The role passed to Oleg Kazancheev. Subsequently, in conversations with journalists, Storozhik explained the reasons for his act:

"Probably, I just saved before difficulties, and maybe a scared of an unusual material was scared, because in" Jesus "it was necessary to sing at the same time, move and at the same time to portray something."

However, the role did not let go artist. In 1996, Storochik again offered to play Christ, and he accepted the proposal, already obtaining experience in the musical play "Game" (based on the Musical Chess). This time, everything, as they say, has grown. The performance was successful from 1996 to 2002, bringing the performer to the leading role of unprecedented popularity.

In the following years, Valery Stepanovich continued to work in the Mossoveta Theater. The repertoire of the artist was replenished with bright roles in the original productions. Among them - "The strange story of Dr. Jekyla and Mr. Heyda." In this exciting music project, created based on the popular mystical essay of the English classics of Robert Lewis Stevenson, the artist presented the image of John Atterson, which is engaged in a lawyer and having the status of the attorney Jekila.

Since 2007, the actor appeared on the scene in the play "Noise behind the scene", which was based on the comedy play of Michael Frein. Here Valery Stepanovich got the main role - Lloyd Dallas, theatrical director, who, together with the troupe, is trying to save the insight from the failure. The director of this project was Pavel Khomsky, with whom the actor managed to find complete mutual understanding.

No less memorable was the work of the performer in the "energetic people" created in the same distinctive product of Vasily Shukshin. In addition, the artist continued a long-term "novel" with the musical performance "Jesus Christ - Superstar". Since 2003, Storochik has tried on a new role in this musical, becoming in Pilat Pilate.


"Roman" with cinema at Storabia developed as fruitful. Even at the beginning of the 80s, the director Alexander Mitta was noticed in the play "Sasha" and invited him to his picture "Fairy Tale" (1983). At the same time, the actor appears on the screen in the Savva ribbon snag "Fairy Tales ... Fairy Tales ... Tales of Old Arbat". By the way, few know that Valery Storozhik could play in the leading role of the cult film "Pokrovsky Gate" and was even approved by Mikhail Kozakov. But at the last moment the director gave the role of Oleg Menshikov.

In 1987, Valery Stepanovich was invited to a major role in the romance "Tutor". The director of the picture Leonid Nechaev presented to the viewers of the audience the fascinating history of the young provincials of Katytova, with the feelings of the 26-year-old "thinker" - Muscovite Evgenia Ogarashev. The "beloved" actor in this project became Svetlana Seleznev.

In the 90s, Stirochik a little, but still removed. During this period, there are films with his participation as "Joker" (1991), "Stalin's will" (1993), "full moon day" (1998). And with the emergence and development of the genre of the Russian TV series, the Contractor began to participate in the TV projects "Opera. Chronicles of the slaughter department "(2004)," General therapy "(2008-2010)," URGENT in number - 2 "(2008)," Lovel Method "(2011) and others.

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In subsequent years, the actor was filmed in many film projects of a different genre, revealing skill both in comedy and dramatic images. Especially fruitful for the artist was 2017, who replenished by Valery Stepanovich filmography with 10 new pictures. Among them - at once 3 films from the series "Detectives Anna Malysheva", where Storochik fulfilled the role of Erdel. Elena Velikanova, Alexander Konstantinov, Alexander Konstantinov, Lyubov Gellanova and others became partners of the actor on the shooting area.

No less bright was the work of an artist in Morozov's melodrama. Fans saw the Storochik as an employee of the expert commission. Together with the actor, Aimirkhanova, Andrei Soskov, Dmitry Blokhin and others starred in the series. The picture fell soul to the audience, so in a year the second season of the project came out on the screens. In 2019, the artist pleased the fans with the role in the series "Alex Liti".

Valery Stepanovich also became famous as a master of a dubbing, which began to study from the end of the 70s. Her voice is spoken by the heroes of foreign films and TV shows, as well as computer games characters. Among the brightest works of the artist in the voice acting, the role of Maikrofte Holmes, the brother of the main character of the series "Sherlock", as well as Lucius Malfoy in a series of films about Harry Potter ". In addition, the fans heard the Master's voice in audiobooks, in particular in the writings of Howard Phillips Lovecraft "White Ship", Frederick Begmedra "Love lives three years" and others.

Personal life

Thanks to the textured appearance behind the Storochik, the role of the romantic hero was secured for a long time. Charming, photogenic, slim (actor's growth - 186 cm), he did not have a deficit in fans. However, information about his personal life is extremely small.

It is known only about the only marriage with the actress Marina Yakovleva, in which two sons were born - Fyodor (1987) and Ivan (1989). Storozhik with his wife broke up in 1991. On the cause of the divorce, the actor said loacious: "We are different people." Children of actors did not go in the footsteps of their parents and became programmers by profession. The performer does not lead the social network, but in "Instagram" photos and videos associated with his work regularly appear.

Valery Storozhik now

In 2020, the artist continued his creative career. Valery Stepanovich replenished with several new projects filmography. Among them are the detective melodrama of the director Alexander Baranova "Theorem Pythagora". Here, Maria Kulikova, Egor Beroev, Nina Usatov and other performers became colleagues of the actor on the set.


  • 1982 - "Life of the Holy Sisters"
  • 1983 - "Fairy Tale Stranges"
  • 1986 - "Boris Godunov"
  • 1987 - "Tutor"
  • 1990 - "Mediator"
  • 1993 - "Stalin's Testament"
  • 1994 - "Pirates Empire"
  • 2000 - "Repenet"
  • 2005 - "Unknown"
  • 2007 - "Jocona on Asphalt"
  • 2007 - "Ice Passion"
  • 2008 - "General therapy"
  • 2010 - "Such an ordinary life"
  • 2014 - "Rose Hip Aroma"
  • 2014 - "You will have a child"
  • 2017 - "Groom for fool"
  • 2018 - "Breaks of Grapes"
  • 2018 - "Northern Gate Sphynx"
  • 2018 - Morozova-2
  • 2019 - "Alex Luty"
  • 2019 - "Detectives Anna Malysheva"
  • 2020 - Pythagore's Theorem

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