Maria Konchalovskaya - biography, photos, personal life, news, health, coma, Konchalovsky daughter and vysotskaya 2021



"Star" children are often jealous. Indeed, the glory of parents often opens all the doors and gives many opportunities in choosing a life path. Unfortunately, even the popularity of mom and dad is far from always becoming a guarantor of happy and carefree destiny. It seemed that the biography of Mary Konchalovskaya, Yulia's daughter Vysotsky and Andrei Konchalovsky, would be perfect, but the terrible tragedy turned the life of the girl and her close to the nightmare.

Childhood and youth

In the 1999th fans of Julia, Vysotsky pleased the news about pregnancy beloved actress and TV presenter. On September 28 of the same year, Julia presented her husband, director Andrei Konchalovsky, daughter. Girl called Maria.

Due to the fact that the lives of parents are inextricably linked with cinema and filming, a small Masha began to appear on the screen from an early age. At first, the audience saw the girl in the frames of the program "Eat at home", which Julia Vysotskaya shot at home kitchen. Then Masha performed with a tastor of mother's dishes.

And after some time, in 2006, Andrei Konchalovsky, noticing the artistry of his daughter, took her to casting the series "Transaction". Masha liked the film crew, and the girl was given an episodic role in one of the project series. And next year, Maria Konchalovskaya received the first major role in the movies. This project of her father and Avdoti Smirnova got the name "gloss".

Maria Konchalovskaya - biography, photos, personal life, news, health, coma, Konchalovsky daughter and vysotskaya 2021 14393_1

The main role in the picture went to Julia Vysotsky, Masha played the heroine of Julia in childhood. Efim Shifrin, Alexey Serebryakov, Alexander Domogarov and other eminent actors participated in the filming.

This role, despite the complexity, was a success of Mary. The girl did not save either intensive shooting schedule, nor before the responsibility that parents entrusted 8-year-old daughter.

The next time, Maria Konchalovskaya had a chance to work in front of the cameras in 2010. Then the painting of Egor Konchalovsky "Moscow, I love you came to the screens. This film is made up of 18 novel. In one of these short stories and played Masha. It seemed, in front of Maria Konchalovskaya waiting for new roles, fame and success. But, unfortunately, fate ordered otherwise.

Accident and illness

In 2013, Julia Vysotskaya and Andrei Konchalovsky went to relax in France. And on October 12, photos of this family appeared in news publications: it became known that the car in which Julia and Andrei went to the hotel, crashed on the road. Mary was with them. Later it turned out that Andrei Konchalovsky did not cope with the management. The car flew to the oncoming lane, where I ran into a different car "forehead in the forehead".

Girl's parents were lucky: Julia and Andrei received only bruises and abrasions. But for Masha, this accident has ended with serious injuries. Maria Konchalovskaya was taken to the hospital, where the girl spent a long time without consciousness in resuscitation. In 2014, the press appeared reports on operations that Masha had to postpone. According to physicians, soon the child should have come out of the coma, but time went, and the state of Masha still remained heavy.

After some time, Mary's health improved a little: doctors reported that the girls earned the internal organs and independent breathing returned to normal. Parents, Plowing the Spirit, translated the daughter to the Italian clinic, where the doctors continued to fight for the child's life.

In 2015, Julia Vysotsky gladly informed journalists that Maria came out of the coma. The state of the girl allowed to transport her homeland. In Moscow, Konchalovskaya was put in a rehabilitation center, where parents came every day to help her daughters adapt to life. It was necessary to start with Azov: At first, Maria began to respond to the light, then the girl had to learn to walk and learn close people. However, despite the noticeable improvement, the doctors have been stolen to give optimistic forecasts.

Unfortunately, the concerns of the physicians were confirmed: after a few weeks, Maria Konchalovskaya again fell into someone. In an interview with Julia Vysotskaya recognized that this situation was inspected for strength for her and Andrei Konchalovsky, as well as for all close and family friends. The actress and TV presenter admitted that they and his spouse were trying to spend more time together and support each other in difficult moments.

But the attitude of Vysotsky to publicity has changed. Previously, the actress did not hesitate to share the details of personal life with fans, laying out family photos in "Instagram". Now, Julia publishes only the stories about the rest and details of the working moments. But about the state of the daughter of Mary woman prefers not to spread.

Recall: in the family of Yulia Vysotsky and Andrei Konchalovsky two children. Mary has a younger brother Peter. In addition, Andrei Konchalovsky has three more children from the first marriages. In 2017, Egor Konchalovsky, the enerst son of Andrei Konchalovsky, admitted to journalists that once doctors even offered parents to turn off the masha from life support apparatus. However, Julia and Andrei refused to even think about it.

Maria Konchalovskaya now

Now the girl is still unconscious, and doctors still beware of giving any positive forecasts. Moreover, doctors argue that even if Maria comes out of a coma, it will be very difficult for her to restore all the functions of the body and return to normal life. But, despite this, the parents and relatives of the girl do not lose hope that Maria will recover.

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