James Gann - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



James Gann - American film director, actor, writer and musician. He began his career on television, writing a scenario to the comedy "Tromeo and Juliet" (1996).

Director James Gann

Twice awarded the Saturn Prize for the best director's work, the winner of the Critics' Choice Awards premiums for the best fighter and "chainsaw" for the largest number of victims in the film "Sliznyak" (2006). The collection is complemented by two antipremia "Golden Malina" for dubious achievements in cinema.

James Gann is exclusively talented, charismatic and outcast personality, black humor only warms public interest in his person and creativity.

Childhood and youth

James Francis Gunn Jr. was born on August 5, 1966 in Missouri. In the family of Gunn Six children. Three James Brothers chose a creative path: Sean and Matt became actors, Brian - screenwriter. Patrick also works in the film industry, and sister Beth went to the footsteps of the parents, becoming a lawyer. The last name Gann comes from Irish McGillganne, which is translated as "sons to the service of the God of the Dead."

James Gunn on his father's hands

Childhood James passed in St. Louis and Manchester, Missouri. Being small, James was fond of comics, magazines of A la Fangoria and low-budget horrors in the style of "Night of the Living Deads" and "Friday 13".

In 1978, the "Dawn of the Dead" came to the screens. Inspired by James began to shoot rollers in the forest with the help of an old camcorder, several liters of ketchup and brothers, disguised into the zombies. Whether a 12-year-old guy knew that in 2004 he would write a script for the Zack Snidder remake of the same name, the cash colors of which would exceed $ 100 million.

James Gunn in childhood

In 1984, James graduated from high school and entered the college in St. Louis. Two years later, he threw her studies for the career of the musician and founded the Rock group "The Icons". The team released only one album called "Mom, we like here on Earth." Music did not bring profits, so James worked by Sanitar in Arizona and painted comics for underground newspapers.

Own experience in Hann Hospital uses when creating a novel "Collector of toys" in 2000. In the mid-90s the group broke down. James did not leave music. Later, he will be the author of the soundtrack to the films "Scoobi-Doo", "Scoobi-Du 2: Monsters on freedom" and "Movie 43".

James Gunn in youth

In the end, Gunn recovered in college and received a bachelor's degree in Saint Louis. In the student years I painted the UNIVERSITY News for the weekly. A year later, he entered the Columbia University and received a master's degree in elegant arts in 1995. His study at the University of James later called empty and expensive spending time.


The beginning of the career of Gann was cooperation with the studio Troma Entertainment and work on the script for "Tromeo and Juliet". In the film, filmed by Lloyd Kaufman, James's mentor, the young screenwriter played the role of a second plan. But the bad is the student who does not exceed the teacher. The script for "extraordinary" (2000) Gunn has written independently of the Trom. The Hollywood Debut of the scenario was the film "Skubi-Du" in 2002.

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In 2004, James wrote scenarios to the second part of Scooby-Doo and the remake of the famous "dawn", after the premiere of which woke up famous. In the same year, together with Genna Fisher, at that time his wife, became the actor and producer of the film "Lollylav".

"Sliznyak" (2006) - the first director's work of Gunn, was awarded the title of one of the best horror films according to the site Rotten Tomatoes. Later, the collection of Gunn films replenished a few shortaries Gorror genre, comedy mini-series "Porn for the whole family" (2008), black comedy "Super" (2010).

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The best director's work of James became the film "Guardians of the Galaxy", published in 2014 with the support of the Marvel Studio. After the film appears on the big screen, the direction director personally thank viewers for their support on his Facebook page:

"Thanks to everyone who watched or watching the" Guardians of the Galaxy. " This film is removed for everyone who at least once felt lonely and abandoned. For all of us".

The director suggested that it would stand at the steering wheel on the filming of the sequel "Guardians", and was not mistaken: the second part of the film was released in 2017. In the filming, Brother James Sean Gunn was participating as an assistant director.

In April 2017, James Gunn in Michael Rurate and Pom Clementeff visited Moscow. Becoming an honorary guest show "Evening Urgant", the director told about the three-year process of creating "guards". During the interview, James admitted that to shoot the most difficult stage with a baby, he had to dance personally, and even performed several movements in front of the chambers.

Personal life

In 2000, James married Jenne Fisher, actress and winner of the Emmy Prize. After 7 years of marriage pair filed for divorce. Jenna and James remained best friends and help each other in the workflow.

James Gann and Jenny Fisher

In 2010, Ganna had a novel with a violinist Mate Matsumia from the Kayo Dot group, and in 2014 - with a model of Melissa Stethten.

In the frames of several films Gunn, his favorite pet appears - a dog named Dr. Wesley von Spears. The director said that sheltered the PSA rescued in California, in 2003.

James Gann and Jennifer Holland

From 2015 and until now, he meets with Jennifer Holland, with which James reduced a pure accident. During the filming of the second "guards", lovers were not seen for months, but the separation did not interfere with their strong alliance.

James Gunn now

Now the director is fully immersed in the work. In "Instagram" James among frames with filming, you can see joint photos with a girl and a new petty-raccoon. June 25, Hann announced the completion of the scenario for third "guards", which is scheduled for 2020.

James Gann and his dog Dr. Wesley von Spears

James leads a page in Twitter, where it is divided with readers with his thoughts and events from life. Together with other celebrities, dissatisfied politics, Trump, the director openly criticizes the president. James mocks not only about the activities of Trump, but even over his overweight. The director himself diligently supports the physical form and weighs 72 kg with growth of 182 cm.

Hunnna humor still played a cruel joke with him. On July 20, 2018, James's fans shook the news on the removal of the director from filming. The grand scandal around the name of Hannah rose after the Twitter user Jack Powers was not too lazy to collect director's records for 2009-2010.

James Gunn in 2018

James accused of inappropriate behavior due to provocative jokes about pedophilia, racism and other painful things. The director of the studio Disney, Alan Horn, was categorical, despite the assurances of the director that he had long revised his views.

For James, not only fans, but also colleagues. On July 30, 2018, an open petition was published on the Instagram page in "Instagram" in support of Gann from Caste "Guardians of the Galaxy". Fans and friends are hoping for a rapid return of the director to work on the film, which invested his soul.


  • 1996 - "Tromeo and Juliet"
  • 2000 - "Unusual"
  • 2000 - "Citizen Toxy: Toxic Avenger 4"
  • 2006 - "Sliznyak"
  • 2008-2009 - "Porn for the whole family"
  • 2010 - "Super"
  • 2012 - "Hacking"
  • 2013 - "Movie 43"
  • 2013 - "Tor 2: Kingdom of Darkness"
  • 2014 - "Guardians of the Galaxy"
  • 2017 - "Guardians of the Galaxy. Part 2"

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