Robert Plant - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



Robert Anthony Plant - the voice of one of the greatest rock bands "LED Zeppelin", Commander of the Order of the British Empire. For a unique Maneru of the performance of Vocalist's songs, "the Golden God", and young rockers tried to imitate Robert's behavior on stage. However, nobody managed to nourish the musician nor copy his manners and gestures.

Childhood and youth

Robert was born on August 20, 1948 (on the sign of the Zodiac Lion) in the British city of West Bromiz. In adolescence, the Plant became interested in blues, he heard Robert Johnson and Sonny Beat Williamson. Later, love jazz and soul, as a result, deciding to devote the lives of music.

Robert Plant in childhood

He graduated from the School named after the King Edward VI and at the request of the parents had to get a stable, fusion profession of an accountant. However, the path of the economist of a young musician did not sit down, he left the father's house and began to make money on life.


For quite a long time, about three years old, Robert sang blues in local bars. I managed to visit three of the three unremarkable groups, but the experience gained. And in 1965 it was ripe in order to lean his own musical team. Together with Comrade Jeff Thompson, Lee John briefly and Roger Bimer created a group called Listen.

Robert Plant in youth

The guys were going to experiment with pop music and even received a contract from the CBS label. However, the case was at first not set. The debut cover on "You Better Run" did not have success, as the two solo songs of Plant did not become hits.

Robert decided to throw experiments with "Pop", returning to the blues. Rocked again in groups, along the way made friends with the drummer John Bonam. The most successful project in which Robert was able to participate at that time, the Band of Joy ensemble was. However, he soon broke up.

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The happy case fell in 1968. Famous in the musical world Jimmy Page and John Paul Jones were looking for her group "Yardbirds" vocalist. Advised to look at the plan. The voice of the young singer impressed the musicians, and they invited Robert to make a company. There was not enough drummer, then the plant called Bonam's friend. This formed a new team, which was called - "New Yardbirds". The group immediately went on tours in Scandinavia.

Soon it became clear that the updated repertoire intersects little so that the musicians did during the old "Yardbirds". Therefore, we decided to change the name. After many rapidations started called "Led Zeppelin". Ahead was waiting for 12 years of success, fame and love of fans.

Robert Plant in the LED Zeppelin group

Speeches in the legendary quartet became the most bright pages of the creative biography of the Plata. Although the singer himself did not think so, rarely using the legacy of the group at concerts.

"LED Zeppelin" confidently conquered the musical Olympus, and Robert Plant from the very first speeches declared itself as a brilliant vocalist. The fan army was rapidly grew: Blues and Rock fans noted a mystical, fascinating voice, the ability to improvisation, the ability to slow down and accelerate the pace of the vocal line. Soon the man nicknamed the "Golden God".

Robert opened another talent - he began writing lyrics. All works are filled with deep meaning, beautiful, sometimes not beyond blues.

The plunt used bright images and sensual words, and the inspiration served asset sources, ranging from traditional blues and ending with the works of his beloved J. R. R. Tolkina. In the part of the songs ("Ramble on", "The Battle of Evermore") even entered quotes from the "Lord of the Rings".

Group albums were not like one on another. The fourth studio plate "Led Zeppelin" and the Single "Stairway to Heaven", in which the musician appeals to the theme of mystics, uses existential images and forms.

In the song "The Rain Song", the author mentions pagan rituals, and in some compositions looks towards Scandinavian folklore and Indian music.

Robert Plant on stage

At first, the plan was lacking confidence, because he was a newcomer on large-scale scenes. But with the time "Rasp" and turned into a self-confident artist, even Narcissa, skillfully supporting the image of the "rock deity". The tricks of the vocalist were comic conversations that he started with the audience right at concerts.

"LED Zeppelin" released nine albums, during the existence never changed the composition and broke up at the top of Glory - in 1979. Robert Plant seriously thought to throw music, was going to even go to the teacher to school philosophy. But in the end went into solo swimming.

The first personal album of the musician saw the light in 1982. Drew talented drummers, including Phil Collins, with whom he created the second plate "The Principle of Moments".

In the early 80s, Robert attempted to led another rock band. So the team "The Honeydrippers" was formed, which did not last long ago - released only two songs and collapsed. Until then, the musician did not include the motifs "LED Zeppelin" in the repertoire, but everything changed in collaboration with the Keyman Fil Johnston, who convinced to "remember the past."

Robert Plant and Jimmy Page

The mid-90s was marked by the appearance of the project "Page and Plant": the Page Plant was conceived together to record songs and arrange tour. Comrades connected to the work of Arab musicians to give the work of greater originality.

And they succeeded in their excellent - the eastern motifs of the debut plate "No Quarter" Melomanany were appreciated. Further cooperation turned out to be less successful, and the musicians decided to disperse in different directions.

Robert Plant and Alison Krauss

With the onset of the new millennium, the singer continued to experiment: organized musical projects, recorded albums and clips, challenged the world with tour. The breakthrough in the career was 2006, when the Plant, together with Country singer, Alison Krauss released the "Raising Sand" duet drive. The plate bought 3 million people, and she took the top of the Billboard Top 200 and won the Grammy Prize.

Personal life

Doubt the orientation of Rocker does not have to - Robert loved women, and they were reciprocating him. Otherwise, I could not, because the musician fascinated not only by voice. The growth of the plan is already 186 cm, so he also put on the heel scene. In addition, the booty vocalist loved to speak with the breast of the lady, for which in the mid-1970s, the readers of the magazine Rock Scene in absentia were awarded the Award "For the Best Breast in Rock".

Robert Plant and his wife Maureen

The first time the singer married 20 years. They say, without love, simply to prove independence to parents. The chief of Mauren Wilson became elected, with which he met a couple of years. Three children were born in the family - the daughter of Carmen Jane and the sons of Karak and Logan Romero. Karak died of a rare viral infection in five years. Robert was seriously worried about the death of his son, even dedicated to him some songs.

Robert Plant with children

An exemplary family man did not come out. A man changed his wife to the right and left, spun a novel with his native sister Maureen - Shirley, with which after the divorce lived in a civil marriage. The new chosen one gave birth to a musician of another son, who was called Jessie Lee. Also, the singer of three years supported the relationship with the beauty Michel Overman.

Robert Plant and Michelle Overman

The career of the musician sometimes hung on the hairs due to health problems. Back in 1973, Robert survived the surgery for voice ligaments and some period did not sing. And soon it turned out to be in a wheelchair: along with his wife, he got into a serious auto accident, after which two years could not rely on the broken leg.

Robert Plant now

In the discography of the legendary vocalist 11 albums. While the last disk called "Carry Fire" saw the light in the fall of 2017. The "Sensational Space Shifters" team took part in the record.

In the winter of 2018, the documentary "Robert Plant" was shown on the first channel, which became part of the TV project of the AC / DC soloist Brian Johnson "Life on the road".

Robert Plant in 2018

The musician is visiting the former Solist "Led Zeppelin", which tells about the fate of the group, answers the question why the team did not reunite after the collapse, speaks of his own creative searches.

Despite the old age, Robert Plant performs at concerts, writes songs, and also communicates with friends and fans through pages in Twitter and Instagram.


  • 1982 - "Pictures AT Eleven"
  • 1983 - "The Principle of Moments"
  • 1984 - "The Honeydrippers: VOLUME ONE"
  • 1985 - "Shaken 'N' Stirred"
  • 1988 - "NOW AND ZEN"
  • 1990 - "MANIC NIRVANA"
  • 1993 - "Fate of Nations"
  • 1998 - "Walking Into Clarksdale" (with Jimmy Page)
  • 2002 - "Dreamland"
  • 2005 - MIGHTY REARRANGER (with Strange Sensation)
  • 2006 - "Nine Lives" (Collection)
  • 2007 - "Raising Sand" (with Alison Krauss)
  • 2010 - "Band of Joy"
  • 2014 - "Lullaby and The Ceaseless Roar"
  • 2017 - "CARRY FIRE"

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