Ivan Solovyov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Male Natalia Poklonskaya, Divorce 2021



Ivan Solovyov, although it is an official with a solid experience of the civil service, until recently remained in the shadows, because he held posts that do not imply publicity. He became known in the public in August 2018 in connection with the events in his personal life.

Childhood and youth

About the biography of Ivan Nikolayevich Solovyov while driving dry phrases from sites of organizations where he worked. Information about parents, the presence of brothers and sisters remained on the pages of a personal case.

It is known that the Doctor of Law Sciences - Native Moskvich, was born in August 1970. In 1993, he graduated from the historical faculty of Moscow State University named after Lomonosov, after 3 years he also received a lawyer's diploma. In addition, he defended his dissertation on criminal law. After 5 years, he changed the degree in Doctoral by writing work on the topic of criminal prosecution for tax crimes.


In 1995, Solovyov began service in the tax police, was engaged in analyzing operational information in the Moscow Department. Since 1999, Career Ivana went to the mountain - he received the post of senior investigator on particularly important cases in the main investigative department of this department.

Lawyer Ivan Soloviev

The professional growth of Ivana continued as the head of the investigation department, then the Deputy Head of the Legal Department of the Federal Tax Police Service. In 2003, he moved to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

In the law enforcement structure, Solovyov was consistently headed the division of legal protection, criminal law. In 2010, I moved to the chair of the Deputy Head of the Legal Department of the Federal Ministry of Internal Affairs. Ivan Nikolayevich was responsible for the preparation of the regulatory framework for the fulfillment by the internal affairs bodies of its functions.

Since 2011, Ivan Solovyov continued his career in the civil service. At first, I conducted the affairs of the Parliamentary Committee on Safety and Anti-Corruption. It was a time when his head was a deputy Irina Yarovaya, the author of the draft laws on the unofficial use of the state symbolism of Russia, about negotiable fines in trade, tightening control over the NPO and the scandalous "Szarova Package".

Later, Solovyov left the Walls of the State Duma to begin the duties of the head of the Office in the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights, which is engaged in the protection and control of the respect of the rights of citizens in criminal proceedings.

In October 2016 by the Decree of President Vladimir Putin, Ivan Nikolaevich was translated by the Deputy Governor of the Russian Ombudsman. Shortly before the new appointment of the Solovyov owner of the Cabinet of Commissioner for Human Rights, another his colleague was, this time Tatyana Markalkov, with which Ivan had a chance to work in the legal administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In November 2017, Ivan Solovyov received another increase - appointment as the head of the work apparatus of the Commissioner for Human Rights.

Personal life

Ivan Solovyov - a man closed. It is much more knowledgeable about the scientific and pedagogical circles, no wonder the official is the author of over 300 textbooks, monographs and other books on legal aspects in the economy.

The conclusion about the presence in the past of Ivan Nikolayevich family journalists did, having studied the declarations of income that every state employee is obliged annually. From this document it follows that three children were born in the first marriage of men. In addition, a whole list of real estate is registered in the name of the lawyer.

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In the summer of 2018, the personal life of Ivan Solovyov attracted the attention of journalists. He married a second time. Chief Chinovnik - Natalia Poklonskaya, notorious deputy of the State Duma, the former Prosecutor of Crimea, the only member of the United Russia party, who voted against raising the retirement age. Representatives of the press managed to find out what he earns the Solovyov 2 times less than a new wife.

The news of Marriage Ivan and Natalia surprised media space, because the woman in an interview repeatedly claimed that he was married. It turned out that it was a way to stop even the slightest attempts to Flirt. Not all the media were confident that the wedding really took place. The celebration passed in a closed mode, with few guests in the face of relatives and colleagues. The culprits themselves themselves did not give any comments.

"Moscow Komsomolets" found out that the husband of Poulomb came to Crimea in 2016 as part of the official delegation. The visit initiated Natalia, then the prosecutor, timing to an important event - the arrival of the icon of Nicholas II. The image was protected by the fighters of the Orthodox Mission, whose guardianship would seemed to be a Solovyov.

According to the correspondent of the named publication, Ivan was awarded the Poklonan Order "For Courage and Humanism" of the Association of Veterans of the hostilities of the internal affairs bodies and the internal troops of Russia, in which he himself was the adviser to the chairman. Later Solovyov participated in Natalia in the action "Immortal Regiment", carried a portrait of a relative.

"Instagram" and other social networks of Solovyov does not use, unlike Natalia, which in 2016 reported that it was officially registered in Odnoklassniki, in Vkontakte, in Twitter and Facebook.

In August 2019, Natalia was transparently hinted in an interview about family issues. And soon the joint decision voiced her spouse. In a conversation with journalists, Ivan Nikolaevich reported that the family turned out to be two leaders who did not want to give up each other. Now the official decree on divorce entered into force, so the spouses betrayed the information to publicity.

Ivan Solovyov now

The joint life of two outstanding personalities was rich on the events. In 2018, Solovyov and Poklonskaya implemented several joint projects, and also released the book "Crimean Spring. Before and after. History from the first mouth. The presentation of literary labor took place in March 2019. The circulation was 1.5 thousand copies. Later it became known that Japanese book publishers became interested in memoirs.

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