Lucretia Borgia - biography, photo, personal life, cause of death



Italian beauty with golden curls, contemporary Leonardo da Vinci and Columbus, illegal daughter Pope Pope, pawn in the political game of his own family. This is all the same woman - Lucretia Borgia.

Childhood and youth

The illegal daughter of Cardinal Rodrigo Borgia was born on April 18, 1480 in the Italian city of Subyako. Her mother was the lover of Cardinal Vanozza Dei Cattanei, who in fifteen years of communication gave birth to Borgia three sons - Cesare and Giovanni to his daughter and Joffrey after. Officially, all the children of Cardinal were considered his nephews.

About the childhood lucration is known a little. The girl was taken away from the mother and gave a cousin from the father. Adriana de Mila, at one time, successfully married the representative of the Orsini clan, by the time he was already widowed. The teacher from the aunt turned out to be good: the girl owned several languages, disassembled in art, danced well, fond of history and alchemy.

The girl, from nature pretty, flourished early. There were rumors that the older brothers fed to her not quite fraternal love. Contemporaries celebrated excellent addition, the correct shape of the nose, golden hair, white teeth and a graceful neck of the girl, not forgetting to mention her constant smile and a cheerful character.

Family of Borgia

Now no one can say with confidence, whether such a description is truthful. Historians and art historians tend to believe that reliable portraits of Lucretia written in her life, noting that some paintings of the masters of the brush probably displays its traits.

By 13 years, Lucretia got two times, but the engagement did not end with the wedding.

Daughter Pope Rimsky

In 1492, Cardinal Borgia became Pope Roman and from now on, Alexander VI named. Then began to manipulate the Lucreta, which became the exchanged coin in the political trading of the Renaissance era. The daughter of Pope (and rumors about his fatherhood were not held) - a tight piece for the grooms from the aristocracy, and the Bordzhia clan, famous for non-trimmed in the means, enjoyed it.

Rodrigo Bordjia, Pope Alexander VI

Pope's puppet and brother Cesare Bordjia, Lucretia came married three times. Marriages were concluded with Giovanni Sforza, Duke Pesaro, Araphono Aragon, Duke of Bishew, Prince Salerno, and from Alfonso D'Esta, Prince Ferrarsky.

It is believed that the girl was happy in marriage with the second husband, Bastarda King Naples. But happiness is nothing when it comes to politics, especially someone else's happiness. By order of Cesare, Alfonso killed as soon as he became useless to Borgia.

Cesare Bordjia and Lucretia Borgia

It is unlikely that the girl from the cruel and unprincipled clan was meek, but there are no reliable information that Lucretia was directly involved in the dark affairs of the relatives. Do not forget about the dependent position of women in the XV century.

Personal life

In 1493, Giovanni Sforza, a cousin nephew of the ruler Milan, Widovets, 26 years old, received Lucretia in his life companions, and with her 31 thousand duots and a place in the papal army. The 13-year-old wife was considered not yet matured to perform a marital debt, so at first there was no intimate relationship between the newlyweds. Probably not happened and then.

Giovanni Sforza

In 1497, the Union of Borgia and Sforza ceased existence as unnecessary - the alignment of forces on the political arena has changed too much. Pope insisted on the recognition of a marriage of his daughter invalid due to the lack of its consumers.

The fact that the husband could not make a wife a woman in the Middle Ages was a significant reason for divorce. The Sforzha clan insisted that Giovanni confirmed the Pope's version, and the marriage was dissolved at the end of 1497. After that, Sforza began to dissolve rumors about the connection of Lucretia with his father.

Lucretia Borgia

Young Borgia on the broken-separated process swore that a virgin. But in the spring of 1498, they spoke about the birth of a baby girl. One of the possible "culprits of the Celebration" was called Pedro Calderon (he also perotto), who served as a courier between dad and Lucretia, when she was in the monastery of St. Stiks. However, from the likely lover quickly got rid of the child, if he was, the mother did not give, and Lucretia again issued married.

In June 1498, Alfonso Aragonian became her husband's husband. A year later, the Friendship of Borgia with the French alert the King of Naples, and Alfonso left his wife, however, for a short time. The lucrations of Dad then gave the castle of Neli and planted in the chair of the governor of the town of Spoleto. The girl showed the talent of the managerial and politics - in a short time set up the relationship between Spoleto and Ternni, enjoyed with each other.

Lucretia Borgia and Alfonso Aragon

The union with the Neapolitan Crown, which had a very surrender position at that time, became Cesare to nothing. First, the Naples Bastard was picked up on the street, but, having received a series of knife injuries, Alfonso survived. The wife was trying to put it on his feet for almost a month, but the killers got to the prince - strangled it right in bed. Lucretia had to benefit the father in the Vatican - to respond to letters when the dad was not in place. Then she got a castle of Sermonet.

In 1502, Pope found a lucration party more profitable than previous husbands, Alphonso D'Esthe, the heir to Duke Ferrara. Alexander VI planned the Union with Ferrara vs. Venice. At first, the father and son refused to the papal daughter, marrying her slander at the first husband and about the extramarital child. But a spoiled reputation turned the influence of Louis XII and dodged in 100 thousand duots.

Alfonso d'Esthe

Subsequently, Lucreta managed to conquer the good location of her husband and mother-in-law. When Alexander VI died in 1503, the marriage lost political meaning, but until the death of Borgia remained his wife D'Esta, although he was offered to get rid of it.

In 1503, Lucretia became the beloved poet Pietro Btembo. Probably, they did not have a love touch, but the tender correspondence existed. Another beloved women became Francesco Gonzaga, Marquis Mantui, up to his death in 1519. Perhaps he was a lover of Lucretia, but if this is true, Borgia went to a huge risk.

Pietro Btembo

Alfonso in 1505 became the duke after the death of his father and often leaving for duke. And the duchess remained rentherath, doing the affairs of Ferrara with the help of devices, Cardinal Ippolito. Husband, as ever, father, gave tribute to the administrative talents of Lucretia and trusted the spouse. And not in vain - the castle of the dukes Este was considered a brilliant yard. Lucretia patronized poets and artists, founded a female monastery in Ferrara and a charitable organization.


A part of Lucretia's pregnancies ended with miscarriages, several kids died in infancy. The list of children, about which descendants know, begins with the result of the likely to communicate the daughter of Pope and his servant - Giovanni Borgiai, whom Alexander Vi secretly recognized his child.

Lucretia of Borgia and her son Ercole accept the blessing of St. Maurielia

The duke of the Bishelye woman gave birth to Son Rodrigo, but, joining the third marriage, left the boy in the family of his father. The child lived for 13 years.

The rest of the children appeared in marriage with D'Eeste. The firstborn Alessandro died in a year old, then there was a stillborn girl. In 1508, Alfonso appeared the heir to Ercole II d'Esta. After him, Ippolito II was born, which later became the archbishop of Milan and Cardinal, Alessandro (lived 2 years), Leonora, Francesco and Isabella Maria, who was deceased in his second birthday.


Lucretia seemed to anticipate his death. Shortly before the end of his biography, the Duchess often also had a long time in the temple, made an inventory of property and jewels, wrote a will, in which the Ferrars mentioned.

Grave of Lucretia Borgia

In June 1519, Lucretia, exhausted pregnancy, began premature childbirth. June 14, a premature girl appeared. And on June 24, 1519, the 39-year-old Lucretia of Borgia died from the maternity hospital. I buried her in the monastery of the Domini Corps.

Lucretia Borgia in art

In most books and films Daughter Pope Roman - the embodiment of evil. Occasionally, it is posed by the victim, on a pawn in the hands of Rodney. Viktor Hugo in 1833 wrote a play "Lucretia Borgia", based on which Gaetano Dyzetti composed the Opera in the same year. Thanks to the Hugo, readers learned the story of the Lucreta, enriched by the author's fiction.

The writer spoke of the birth of a 11-year-old Lucretia of the child from Brother Giovanni, about Persnet with poison inside, with the help of which a woman pokes unwanted, that in Ferraré, her husband kept her in prison.

Hollide Granger in the role of Lucretia Borgia

The authors who later composed novels about the Borgia family, gladly enjoyed the Hugo version and embarrassed it on their own way. Lucretia acts as a character of works by Friedrich Klinger, Alexander Duma, Louis Gastene, Jean Calogridis, Mario Puzo and others.

Cinereared could not pass by a bright image of Lucretia. A large list of films and TV shows, in which since 1922, the daughter of Pope Roman embodied the actresses from Ava Gardner to Marina Kazankovoy. In the photo in the form of lucration, they are all different, but the same beautiful.

The Borgia family marked even in computer games - "Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood" and "Assassin's Creed II".

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