Nike Borzov - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



Nike Borzov - vocalist, composer and popular Russian rock musician, famous horses "Horse", "riding a star", "about fool". Borzov collects full clubs, arranges concerts on the popular sites of the capital and small cities.

Childhood and youth

It seems that the unusual Nick Name is a pseudonym. Some media argued that the musician is called Nikolai Barashko. In an interview, the musician has repeatedly commented on rumors, assuring that his data remains unchanged from the moment of receipt of the document. The musician told that parents did not give him a name to three years. All this time the child was called "Baby". For a three-year-old father, the father decided to call the son of Nike. Musical critics suggest that the name is invented by analogy with Mike Naumenko or Nika Rock and Roll.

Musician Nike Borzov

Nike Borzov was born on May 23, 1972 in the village of prominent Moscow region in the family famous in the narrow circles of the rock musician. Creative departments The boy received at birth, and the circle of communication from childhood set up on a certain way. Father instilled the taste for music.

The boy often entered confrontation with his family, showing freedom and perseverance. He never did what he did not like or seemed boring. So, the study referred to classes that were not considered attractive. But the work filled the life of Borzov. All free time, young Nike spent with friends, listening or playing music.

Nike Borzov in childhood

He was a complex teenager and after the next clarification of the relationship with the parent just left the house. Son found a friend a few days later. The young man defeated the hangmelist syndrome. In order to avoid repetition, Nike's situation was given freedom, and the guy built a new priority system for himself, forgetting about the school.

At the age of 14, he created the first rock group. "Infection" was a provocation and outrageous, causing the slogan of the rebar. The team existed for 4 years, after which Nike was engaged in solo career. Despite the short-term cooperation, the musicians of the group released 2 albums who presented them with the first success. Borz managed to serve in the army, work with different rock bands and change the direction in music. Having left a punk, he switched to a psychedelic rock genre.


Nike Borzov had a small number of fans who knew him since the existence of "infection", so the musician could count on support, engaged in solo creativity. The first released album was the record called "Dive", published in 1992.

Nike Borzov on stage

For her in 1994, the album "Closed" followed. Nike compositions were romantic and mental, written in a melancholic style. In 1996, Borzov released an album in honor of the decade of "infection", making it without musicians of the group. Among other songs there was a composition called the "Horse".

The song fell into the rotation of radio stations in 1997. The nontrivial plot, the use of the name of narcotic drugs and the hidden poverty caused a discussion among critics and listeners. Under the small horse, Nike meant a man concluded in a circular order "House-work", where they manage their obligations and a rare opportunity to gain happiness.

After prohibitions of the translation of the song due to the use of the word "cocaine", the author made an adjustment. The composition was allowed to ether radio stations. In 2000, Nike Borzov became the artist of the year according to the radio "Maximum" and the publication "Izvestia".

In 2001, the musician provided his arrangement "Quarrel" as a soundtrack for the film "Down House" Roman Kachanova. Critics increasingly showed the location to the composer. Borzov began to perform with solo concerts in the capital, collected large platforms, and tickets on his speeches quickly sold out.

In 2002, the album "Zanoza" was released, and, stopping tour, the musician for some time suspended rapid activities. He played the role of Kurt Kobein in the play "Nirvana" Yuri Grymov, released a single "for the sake of love."

In 2004, Nike Borzov focused on producing the album of the wife of Ruslana and collaborated with the Musical Collective "Bobras-Mutants". 2005 was marked by the launch of the One Rythmical Ritual project, over which Borzov worked with the artist Vadim Stashkevich and the Studio Studio "Mohsira". In 2006, Nike released a collection of the best songs of the Rock Group "Infection".

Music Borzov inspired animators Svetlana Adrianov and Svetlana Yelchaninov to create a multiplication project "Player", which Nike Borzov presented in 2007. He shot clips, recorded new songs, created a soundtrack to audiobook "Fear and disgust in Las Vegas", which he himself voiced.

The Contractor decided to engage in the revival of the Infection Group, but the team quickly collapsed, since it did not match the courts of the proposed format. For small clubs "Infection" made too high-quality music, and for concert halls and stadiums inappropriate.

In 2010, a new solo album Borzov "From the inside" was released. Nike released the film "Observer", in which he told what was engaged in the last few years. At the moment, the musician continues creative activities, speaking at the national rock concerts and organizing solo events. Being a fan of Viktor Tsoi, the 55th anniversary of Kumir Borzov recorded the song dedicated to him "This is not love."

Personal life

Nike Borzov - Public Figure. His biography is known to journalists, but the musician's personal life can be hidden. It is known about his marriage with Ruslana. In the Union with a vocalist in Borzov, Victoria daughter was born. There are no more joint children with a couple.

Nike Borzov and his wife Ruslana

The musician easily sought sympathy of representatives of the beautiful sex, and his character and freedomism went wrong with the perception of the wife of the ideals of family life. Borzovs diverged, but support friendships for the sake of daughter.

Nike spends time with the heir and takes care of it. After the divorce, he managed to keep confidential and friendly relations with ex-wife. Now Ruslana is immersed in managing his own vocal school in Moscow.

Nike Borzov Now

The greeting greyhounds of the 2018 format is very different from the musician, having fought for the "horse" with the censors of radio stations. Nike changed the image, hairstyle, and its compositions became more romantic and positive. The musician has its own account in the Instagram network, with which users can communicate with the idol and watch out for his life. Borzov actively publishes photos, sharing its plans and ideas about new projects.

Nike Borzov in 2018

The shocking was changed with elegance, and the unbridledness was attense. The singer still does not hesitate to express his own opinion in his characteristic manner. He adheres to the direction in the music to which his soul lies, and pleases fans with new compositions. Borzov has a schedule of tour and speeches by day. Today, he remains in demand by the rock musician and cooperates with a variety of teams, among which the Murakov Group.

Growth of the musician 180 cm, weight 78 kg.


  • 1992 - "Dive"
  • 1994 - "Closed"
  • 1997 - "Puzzle"
  • 2000 - "Superman"
  • 2002 - "Zanozoz"
  • 2010 - "From the inside"
  • 2014 - "Everywhere and Nowhere"
  • 2014 - "Nike Borzov. Favorites "
  • 2015 - "Molecule"
  • 2016 - "Molecule, Vol.2"
  • 2018 - "Acid God"

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