Ilya Damn - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs 2021



The biography of Ilya features, the founder and leader of the Pilot group are filled with contrasts. A person with a pseudonym feathers lectures about God, religion and sense of life, helping people find the right way. From the rampant life and alcohol fun Ilya gradually came to righteousness, restraint and became a vegetarian. However, even such a radical change of the worldview did not pushed the devotees of the musician fans.

Childhood and youth

The future rock star was born on August 2, 1972 in Leningrad. Father Ilya Knabengofa is such a passport name of the singer - was a Jew, Mom - Volga German. As a musician confessed in an interview, he grew up the yard, constantly disappearing on the street with buddies. After graduating from 8 classes, Ilya decided to leave the school and entered the film.

Ilya Dam in childhood

At the same time, in 1987, his passion for rock music began. Ilya has new buddies, introduced to the new culture of the underground and protest. At about this time, the nickname of the feature appeared: in the new Tusovka it was customary to see by some frightened pseudonym. Death, spider - similar nicknames were considered steep and fashionable. Ilya chose the trait, deciding to prove others that even a good person can be presented in this way and that it is not worth "meeting on clothes", or rather by name.

Ilya Damn in youth

Ilya Dame tried not to miss a single concert in the rock club, getting acquainted with everything with a lot of musicians. Gradually, a young man has a desire to try to speak. It was said - MADE: So the group "Ex Agumator" appeared, performing compositions in the style of trash metal. In this team, Ilya was a guitarist, and it was from her that a musical career feat.


In 1989, Ilya Damn moved to the aggressor group, where he also became a guitarist. Permanent rehearsals and tour took away the mass of time, and the young man decided to leave the film to devote all efforts to performances. True, the year later Ilya entered the architectural technical school, but also there was no longer delayed: the music did not leave a minute to study.

Ilya Damn with a guitar

At first, the novice artist had to be disadvantaged: concerts in local DCs and friendships practically did not bring income. In order to earn a little, Ilya Damn was taken for everything: I wasted the streets, I was a driver's driver, the seller in the kiosk, and once he even settled himself in a hospital, where he worked for quite a long time and even passed courses for advanced training for health workers.

In 1991, Ilya again changed the group by joining the Al.ex team. Here the musician lasted until 1995 and even managed to participate in the recording of the studio record. Unfortunately, the group broke up. For some time, the features remained in free swimming, and then became the drummer in the "Bounds".

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After that, the Era of the Military Jane team came, which initially played in the style of the rock band "Alice". But after a while the musicians moved away from the style of Konstantin Kinchev, the Alice leader, and decided to go their own way. In addition to the style, the name was changed: right during the concert Ilya, the hell announced the creation of a new team - so the legendary "pilot" appeared.

The group pretty quickly became popular: so in the life of Ilya the feature and comrades, time was left only for concerts, rehearsals, shooting clips and record albums. The collective discography was constantly replenished, and Ilya Damn opened new and new faces of the talent.

Thus, in addition to the music, the artist became interested in writing and released 4 art books and two poetic compilations for several years. According to his own admission, Ilya is not going to stop at what has been achieved, new albums and books are already in the plans.

The popularity of musicians also brought their own compositions, and songs performed jointly with other teams and artists: the pot (Mikhail Gorenev) and the King and Jester group, Helavisa (Natalia O'Sh) and the "Mill" team, Chucha Ivanov (Naive ).

Ilya Damn on stage

It is noteworthy that the Pilot Group organizes not only commercial concerts: the musicians have repeatedly performed in places of imprisonment, as well as in boarding houses for children and all kinds of rehabilitation centers.

Earnings, according to Ilya Dam, not the main thing, however, the musician does not hide the joy from what has the opportunity to contain not only herself and family, but also help novice musicians make their way to the scene. So, "under the wing" leader "Pilot" began the creative path of the artists Cat Sasha, Julia Rat (Julia Kotelnikova), the team of "sounds of reformers".

Huge influence on the songs and creativity of Ilya Dama had his attitude to religion. The musician accepted baptism at the age of 13, but for a long time did not think about religious dogmas. Later, in many ways under the influence of Konstantin Kinchev, Ilya came to Christianity. According to the artist, the teaching of Jesus Christ is closest in spiritual plan. In addition to Christianity, the hell feels craving for Indian Vedic teaching.

A terrible disease was played in the formation of the musician's worldview of the musician: Ilya Damn suffered cancer. It was helped to recover to him the faith in life and the adoption of loyal landmarks in life, artist said.

Ilya Damn and Zakhar Prilepin

Such views of Ilya once became the cause of the scandal: in 2015, the features with the group "Pilot" were honorable guests of the first release of the Salt program, whose writer Zakhar Prilepin. Ilya and Zakhar have developed so much in the opinion that the artist even published angry posts on the network, however, later deleted them. Prilepin did not remain in debt, calling the leader of the Pilot Group, "a glorious musician with a pitch fog in the head."

Personal life

Personal life Ilya Dam is not so public as a career. It is known that until 2012, the musician was married. The lover of the trait called the face of Kostin. The artist has no children from this marriage, but Ilya brought up a stepdaughter.

Ilya Damn and his wife Maria Chernov and his daughter

In 2013, the press appeared in the press that the leader of the "pilot" became a father - a daughter was born at the damn. The girl called Ayia. And three years later, the musician married his child's mother and a long-standing beloved Maria Chernova. With the second wife, the artist, on his own admission, lives the soul into the soul.

Ilya Dam Now

Now Ilya Damn and the Pilot group continue to record songs and give concerts. In 2018, the fans were pleased with the new plate of the favorite team, called "Pandora". On the official website of Pilot, as well as in fan communities in "Instagram" and other social networks already published the schedule of group concerts at the end of the year.

Ilya Damn in 2018

Unfortunately, the fans did not see the performance of Ilya the trait on the main event of the Russian rock scene - the "invasion" festival, but the game of musicians at the Tambov Rock Festival "Chernozem-2018" were pleased.


Solo albums

  • 2003 - "Childhood"
  • 2006 - "Exit Summer"
  • 2010 - "Audio School"
  • 2011 - "Snow Tale"
  • 2015 - "Audio School-2"

As part of the group "Pilot"

  • 1997 - "War"
  • 2001 - "Fairy Tale of Jumper and Sliding"
  • 2002 - "Our Sky"
  • 2002 - "Jocona"
  • 2004 - "Fish, Mole and Pig"
  • 2008 - "1 + 1 = 1"
  • 2011 - "Autumn"
  • 2015 - "Isolator"
  • 2018 - "Pandora"

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