Artem Yunusov - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, "Instagram", Brother Timati, Lisa Kutuzov 2021



Artem Yunusov, the younger brother of the popular rap artist Timati, is known in the club's club party as Dj Temniy. Yunus-junior career began in 2006 and today is one of the most fashionable and advanced DJs. The emergence of celebrity at a youth party is a pledge of drive and rampant fun. Like an older brother, Artem does not think of life without music, companies, travel, luxury cars and charming girls.

Childhood and youth

Artem was born in Moscow, on the sign of the zodiac - aquarius. Date of birth - February 19, 1987. Ildar Vakhitovich's father is a successful Russian entrepreneur, and Mom Simon Yakovlevna Chervomorskaya in his youth received musical education, playing a great guitar. By nationality, the woman is a Jewish, and Ildar Yunusov - Tatar.

The difference in the age of the guys is 4 years. In childhood, boys surrounded the joyful and carefree atmosphere. And how to get bored when guests always came to the house - friends of parents, numerous relatives. The Yunusovs themselves also did not sit in one place, they traveled a lot. When Artem was 9 years old, and Timuru - 13, father and mother divorced. Although the businessman left the family, the children did not need anything.

Brothers grew moving and active. Could have been found if adults did not have time to follow. Mom in one interview told how sons once made a paper airplane, set fire to it and let down the bunk bed. Fortunately, the fire was able to prevent.

Another favorite children's entertainment of Yunusovy Children's entertainment is to dump balls filled with water, right on passersby. According to Simonov, Yakovlevna, the guys grew together, although sometimes the clashes arose and had to be distributed. "It makes itself felt hot blood. In addition, Artem, like Timur, - the leader in kind and did not want to give up, "recalled the Chervomorskaya.

At school, Artem did not show a zeal for learning, preferring to the exact sciences of humanitarian. And if Timati still in junior grades have identified a music school in a music school, Artem did not want to follow the footsteps of his brother and mother, despite a good rumor and congenital sense of rhythm.


It is not known whether Artem is regretting about the last decision, because as a result, the music has become serious passion for celebrity, and then a profession. True, Yunusov's element is not a scene and vocals, but a DJ console, headphones, mixer and vinyl mountains.

The specifics of the future work and the ability to "twist the turntables" Artem began to master in school. And in 2006, it was already noticeably succeeded on this field, becoming frequenter of fashionable parties of the capital, speaking under the pseudonym Dj Temniy.

But the brothers of the Yunusov are not music. While Timati paid attention to the development of the Black Star label, Artem helped in organizing the work of the same name of the restaurants specializing in the burgers. Business walked with varying success, the institutions opened and closed. However, at the beginning of 2021, the Russian rapper managed to save several points.

Personal life

Artem Yunusov is one of the enviable bachelors of the capital Beauday. Although the guy was attributed to relationships with models and bloggers, among whom Lyschnevskaya love, in the biography of a secular lion, there is no information about marriage. For this reason, the guy's personal life is a matter of particular interest both for fans and for the press.

Serious romantic relations were associated with the "Dark" and the participant of the project "Dom-2" Lisa Kutuzov. Relationships of Lisa and Artem, although they were built after the perimeter, but were in sight of the numerous fans of the teleproekt.

Online you can see a lot of romantic pictures of a couple in love. Without a scene of jealousy, when Yenusov was openly threatened by the participant of Telestroyka Oleg Miami for a flirt with a girl. However, the attitudes of Artem and Lisa after 2 years (2012-2013) came up to no, and the couple broke up.

In June 2018, it became known about the Roman DJ with another television station - the finalist Show "Bachelor" Victoria Shkova. Hero of the program Egor Crd chose another participant of the project, which upset Vika, but for a while, because soon, Yunus Jr. Yunusov appeared in the heart of the brunette. Artem even posted in the "Instagram" the eloquent photo on which he was captured in the company Victoria and Anastasia Ryatova, Timatia beloved.

The pair often flashed together at fashionable parties. And although the official statements of the celebrity did not do, the network users were rapidly discussed by the new Roman of Young Beauty and Charismatic Party. According to media, Artem and Victoria broke up in the summer of 2020.

Instagram-Account Yunusova is an excellent source of news about relationships with beauty and other leisure of a young man. At images, Artem poses with friends against the background of exciting species in numerous travels. But more often with the family - Mom, brother, as well as nephews Alice and Ratmir. Seeing how gently DJ hugs kids, users build assumptions that a good father can get out of a man in the future.

Fans and journalists are asked: why successful and attractive artem still did not get his wife? Not lucky in love and timati. Perhaps the riddle solved Ksenia Borodin: "The Jews are brought up in the spirit of the matriarchate and all their lives remain the heads of families, or even childbirth ... Moms of this nationality strongly interfere with their sons."

Yunusov's mother denies involvement in the parting of brothers with halves: "I think that young must build a family separately, but it is necessary to build on the basis of something, but here there are few people have a positive experience, since traditions are destroyed."

Today, Simon Yakovlevna lives in the Dominican Republic, but often visits relatives in Moscow. On the hot island of Haiti and in the cold Russia, "just grandmother" is remembered by the granddaughter by Alice (daughter Alena Shishkova), the upbringing of which is devoted to all his free time. Ildar Vakhitovich is located in Switzerland, he has a new relationship, and with the "old" relatives of Yunus seeing rarely.

Artem Yunusov Now

Now Timati and Dj Temniy have a new project - Chicken Mafia. The new establishment of Fastfud, which appeared in Moscow in 2020, focuses on the preparation of dishes from chicken meat. If Black Star Burger is mostly the case of an older brother, it is Artem Ildarovich the founder of this catering point.

The opening of the restaurant took place with Pompe. In fact, the event became the first meeting of bright Russian stars after quarantine, declared due to coronavirus. In addition to the rappers of Zhigan and Moth, Yana Rudkovskaya, singer Valery, Joseph Prigogin, Gregory Leps and even Philip Kirkorov, became the guests of the Zhigan and Moth. The king of the stage appreciated the burger "Honey Barbecue". The event was announced by the MUZ-TV channel.

At the end of the year it became known that the brothers decided to release a non-alcoholic carbonated drink Flex Cola. Artists from Moscow and Minsk were engaged in the development of design banks. A black and white gamma and gothic font are taken as the style.

Do not forget Artem Yunusov and about creativity. In 2021, DJ Temniy promotes his musical brand, as DJ takes part in large events and private parties.

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