Gorky Park Group - Composition, Photo, Personal Life, News, Songs



The Gorky Park Group has the status of world legend. And this is not surprising, because in the first years of existence, the team has already had hundreds of thousands sold to the plates, and their hits were in hearing. More famous among foreign listeners as Gorky Park, the group entered the history of world rock music as a phenomenon.

The history of creation and composition

The biography of the Gorky Park Group began in 1987 in the USSR at the center of Stas Namina. The history of creating is such that the team initially was created with a landmark for the American market. The name "Gorky Park" came to the producer it is no coincidence that the rehearsal place was located on the territory of the Park of Culture and Rest named after Maxim Gorky, and in addition, at that time, the eponymous novel of Martin Cruz Smith was at the territory.

Guitarist Alexey Belov

The composition of the group was extremely unusual: each of the young people had experience in popular rock bands. Alexey Belov became the first participant, who took place behind the solo guitar. Previously participated in the team "Moscow" and VIA "Nadezhda", and since 1983 he was engaged in arrangements.

Vocalist Nikolay Noskov

Nikolay Soskov received a place of vocalist. He worked together with Belov in the group "Moscow", and after sang in the restaurant "Rus", from where he went to the group "Gorky Park" at the invitation of Stas Namina.

Bassist and vocalist Alexander Marshal

Alexander Minkov, today known as Alexander Marshal, became a bass guitarist. Alexander Lviv took the place behind the impact installation, and Jan Yanenkov answered the guitar. The last three musicians who came to the Gorky Park at different times participated in the group of Stas Namina. These participants represented the original composition of the group in which the musicians lasted 3.5 years.


In the autumn of 1987, after several months of stubborn rehearsals, the scenic debut of the group occurred. The clip is removed on the "Fortress" track, which broadcast in the popular American program "Don King Show".

Logo of the Gorky Park

In August 1989, the first plate of the collective called "Gorky Park" was published. The cover depicted a logo in the form of letters "GP", stylized under the sickle and hammer. After the fall of the iron curtain and thanks to the growing interest of the West to the Soviet Union, the Gorky Park group quickly became popular in the United States.

The single "Bang" lasted on American MTV 2 months, coming up to 3 positions. As for the single "TRY TO FIND ME", he reached 81 positions in Billboard Hot 100, making the Gorky Park by the first Soviet team that fell into this chart. The album "Gorky Park" reached 80 Positions of Billboard 200, whose sales for 3 weeks exceeded 300 thousand copies.

The next single became "Peace in Our Time", recorded with John Bon Jovi, who received excellent rotation.

Participants conducted successful tours in Denmark, Sweden, Germany and Norway, and have played two large-scale tour in the United States. Concerts had a grandiose success and broadcast on the television of America. Participants were remembered by performances in stage costumes with folk topics and guitars in the form of balalak.

Drummer Alexander Lviv

Gorky Park was at the top of success, but after the manager's dismissal by members of the group, their career was shaken. At the same time, the composition left Nikolai Soskov, the assessing causes of the musician's departure were fatigue and pressure from the participants.

Due to changes in the group, Alexander Marshal occupies the place of the soloist. The team began to record a new material called "Moscow Calling", participation in the process of creating vocalists Richard Marx and Fi Webil.

In 1992, in Russia and many other countries, the album was published called "Gorky Park II". The record although did not get into the American charts, managed to conquer considerable popularity - sales in the world made half a million copies. Disk acquired special fame in Denmark, receiving a platinum status there.

Thanks to the world success, "Moscow Calling" the team gained financial independence and has equipped his own studio in Los Angeles.

Guitarist Jan Yanenkov

In 1995, the keyboard player Nikolai Kuzmini joined the group. Upon returning to Russia, the performers went on tour, at the end of which "Gorky Park" began writing a material for 3 studio records in a new Los Angeles Studio.

During preparation for the release of the Album "Stare", a scandal with an ex-producer of the Stas Namin group on the basis of the name "Gorky Park" broke out. But the sides quickly came to compromise: the performers bought the name.

The third official record was published in 1996, a tour was followed by the cities of Russia. After 2 years, the group released the following Studio Album "Protivofazza". Soon the musicians finally returned to their homeland. The plans included a recording of a concert album, but there were events that changed everything and forever.

The end of 1998 is marked by a fatal event for the group. The composition of the three major musicians were left at once: Yanenkov, Lviv and Minkov. The latter explained the care of the desire to realize his own ideas.

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A little later, unexpectedly, Alexander appeared on the scene under the pseudonym Alexander Marshal with the songs in the style of Russian chanson.

The victims are essential perturbations, the activities of the performers continued. Alexey Nelidov came to the place of vocalist and bass guitarist, and Alexander Makin became the drummer. Yanenkov also joined Marshal to record the album "White ash". When the work was finished, the musician returned to the group.

In 2001, "Gorky Park" released a single and a clip on the track "Made in Russia". The performers prepared a studio album, but the work did not see the light, because Alexei Nelidov left the team, moving to Germany. Officially announced the dissolution of the team, and in the history of "Gorky Park" there was a break.

After a long silence of Belov and Yanenkov, they decide to resume concerts as "Musicians of the Gorky Park Group" "together with Alexander Makin behind the drum installation. But this project did not exist for a long time and quickly closed.

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In 2012, the Gorky Park Group held 3 concerts. The performers in the first composition performed on the TV program "Evening Urgant" and gave an anniversary concert dedicated to the 25th anniversary. In July, the musicians played the "invasion" festival, but already without Nikolai Noscova.

The next time the show program of the battle of Vladimir Klitschko and Alexander Povetkin became the reason for the fees. Next, after a long time silence in 2 years, the last concert of Gorky Park with the album "Moscow Calling" accompanied by a symphony orchestra in City Hall.

"Gorky Park" now

Now there are no prerequisites for the recreation of the group, each musician is busy in its own project. Today, Nikolai Soskov is an exception, in which the trouble happened. The man as a result of stroke fell into the hospital, and after temporary improvement, he again struggles with the severe effects of the disease.

Alexey Belov and Olga Kormukhina

As for Alexei Belov, he continues to perform solo, produces new projects and writes songs for Olga Kormukhina's wife. In July 2018, the release of the new Single of the musician was released called "Living in Moscow" - the first track in the future solo record.

In honor of this event, Belov gave an interview with Radio "Echo Moscow", where he told about the years spent in the Gorky Park group, and the prospects for a solo project. As for Alexander Marshal, he continues a successful solo career. The photo of the Participants "Gorky Park" can be found on the net.

Alexander Marshal in 2018

In 2016, the scandal broke out due to the pseudo group "Gorky Park", the participants of which went around the country and were going to record a Russian-speaking album. It turned out that this action the former participant of the Jan Yanenkov group and some Yegor Dervyed, self-ordered producer and director are fought by this action.

To clarify the situation, Alexander Marshal and Alexey Belov gathered a press conference. Belov said that one day he received a call from the Ukhta administrator, who asked a nervous voice, whether the Gorky Park is going to them to a concert. A surprised musician admitted that for the first time hears about it.

Egor Dervyed

After that, the caller said that the festival was arranged in Komi, at which the group "Gorky Park" was arranged, and the advance of Entrance Hydra is already listed in the amount of 100 thousand rubles. The head of Komi saw the list of groups and raised, not finding there Belov. As a result, I had to go Alexey with my wife, because the situation was almost endlessly.

At the end of the press conference, the musicians announced that Yanenkov is no longer a member of the Gorky Park group. Also, Marshal and Belov said that they would solve the issue with the surrogate by the immediate appeal to law enforcement agencies. What ended the proceedings are unknown.

The Moscow Calling Track became the official soundtrack for the Fizruk series.


  • 1989 - "GORKY PARK"
  • 1992 - "Gorky Park 2"
  • 1996 - "Stare"
  • 1998 - "Protivofazza"


  • Bang
  • Peace in Our Time
  • My Generalation.
  • Fortress
  • Moscow Calling
  • Stranger
  • I'm Going Down.
  • Stare.
  • Ocean.
  • Two Candles (Two Candles)

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