Samson - Judge Biography, Name, Interesting Facts


Character History

Biblical hero, Jew, Old Testament judge from the land of Canaan. Found with the unfriendly people of the Philistines and became famous for the exploits. Samson's name is translated from Hebrew as "Sunny".

Samson and Dalila

The biblical era of judges "judges" was called authoritative people, to which the Israelis addressed the court. The same people were significant carriers of ethnic self-consciousness who called on Israelis to resist assimilation and loss of ethnic identity. In this capacity, any person could act - and the prophet, and a woman, and even the leader of the robber gang. Mythological Samson is one of them.

Samson in the Bible

Samson's people, enslaved by the Philistines, forty years suffered because of this. While Samson grew, constantly witnessed how humiliated compatriots. Immored hero decides to take revenge on the associates of the Philistines.


Samson was named - dedicated to God. This meant that the hero adhered to some vows - could not eat grapes and drink beverages made on its basis, struggle to the dead and cut hair. The huge physical force, a given hero, "kept" in the long hair of Samson and manifested itself in childhood.

Having matured, the hero decided to marry the Philistine. Parents discouraged Samson from this marriage, but the hero insisted on his. Once, going to the city where the future spouse lived, Samson met Lion. The beast wanted to pounce on the hero, but Samson managed before and ruined the lion with his bare hands.

Samson and Lev.

During the wedding feather, an episode occurred, which became the beginning of unpleasant history. The hero decided to have fun and guess to the guests a riddle. A response would correctly obtain thirty couples of clothes and shirts. The guests forced the hero's young spouse to be familiar with the correct answer, and then convey to them. At night, the woman had spent the answer in her husband, and then "passed" to the tribesmen. Formally Samson lost and was supposed to give out unclean on hand wedding guests "Prize". The hero arranged a fight in the city, killed thirty-fistine and gave as a prize of their clothing.

After that, the father of the spouse suddenly changed his mind and did not give a daughter without warning for another man. And Samson himself decided that nothing prevents revenge planes anymore, and began to revenge on the Philistines, as soon as the fantasy suggested. Legends describe how Samson settled the tails to three hundreds of foxes and let the animals on the field during the harvest. Bread Philistines burned down with the foxes. The wrestler himself disappeared in the mountains.

Samson with donkey jaw

Frightened by Samson Philistines burned the failed testing of the hero with her daughter, deciding that aggression is provoked specifically. But the hero stated that he would twist the Philistines as people, and not these specific people, and then it would be more fun. Soon the inhabitants of the city were afraid to go beyond the walls, because Samson opened hunting for them. And there was no salvation from the hero.

The terror arusted by Samson led to the fact that the Philistines attacked the neighboring ownership of the Jews. A delegation from three thousand tribesmen came to Samson to the mountain refuge and put forward a claim about the worsened even more relations with the Philistines. Samson allowed the Jews to tie him and issue to the Philistines so that they calmed down.

Samson and Dalila

So they did, however, at the moment when the hero had to be transferred to the Philistines, he ripped off and escaped. On the road, the hero picked up an outfit jaw and began to kill it the Philistines, which will get out, and so dealt with a thousand people.

Stayed for the night in the city of Filfrilmal Samson Local tried to catch, locked for the reliability of the city gate. But the hero carried a gate together with the pillars and demonstratively in the mountains of the mountain. Cut up with the hero eventually managed thanks to the Philistine Dalile. The woman was evaluated that the power of the hero in his hair, and when he fell asleep called man who cut off his samson's hair.

Death Samson

The hero lost his strength was blinded, chained in the chains and threw in the dungeon. The Philistines over time relaxed so much that the entertainment for the sake of SAMSON was killed in the temple of his own Dagon's deity. And the hair of the hero between those managed to grow again. In the Samson Temple, he appealed to God and the last effort hit the heads on the heads who were inside, perishing with them.

Interesting Facts

  • Two fountains are named after Samson. One is now in Kiev at the National Art Museum, the other - the acting - in Peterhof. Both beating the plot of tearing with Samson Lion's mouth.
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  • In the book of the famous anthropologist James Freser "Folklore in the Old Testament", the similarity of Samson from the Bible with the Vyshnevsky Koshchey is immortal, taking into account the change of role of antagonist and hero.
  • For the Protestants of the XVII century, the image of Samson became a symbol of their own struggle against the power of Pope Roman.


In 1963, the film "Hercules vs. Samson" came out in Italy, where freely interpretated biblical and Greek myths intersect. The role of Samson was played there by actor Iloosh Khoshade.

Iloosh Hoshade as Samson

Samson here is represented by the rebel and the leader of the anti-state movement, which is hidden from the authorities in a small Jewish village. Greeks Hercules and Odyssey fall into this village, after those along with the team puts to the shores of Judea. The Greek ship failed, and they want to go home.

Samson is looking for royal warriors, and Hercules, hurrying with comrades to the capital, in order to get a ship there, accidentally take for Samson. It happens because Hercules in front of the local merchant kills Lion's bare hands - he made SAMSON as the same feat, and this is known to everyone.

Rowan McNamara as Samson

A merchant reports "where follows", and in the capital of Hercules satellites taken prisoner, and the Greek hero is told to go and find a merchant Samson, since he argues that he himself is not Samson. Together with Hercules, Queen Dalila is sent to search.

When Hercules finds Cameson, there is a skirmish between them, but in the end, the fighters are equal to the power of friendship and decide to overthrow the king in Judea. Dalila, coming to the capital before the heroes, "rents" those king, and the army waits for the approach to the capital of Hercules and Samson.

In 2009, Samson and Dalila melodrama came in Australia. The film does not reproduce the biblical plot directly, here it is more likely to be about the allegory. On social issues that arise in Aboriginal communities in Australia.

Taylor James as Samson

The main characters are Samson teenagers and Dalila - live in poverty. After the fellow villagers beaten by Dalil sticks, flee into the city. There, the fate of heroes does not get better, no one draws attention to homeless adolescents, and they do not know how to earn. After severe tests, the heroes return back to their native village. The role of Samson in this film is played by Rowan McNamara.

In 2018, the American fighter Samson will be released on the screens - the spectacular screening of the biblical myth, where the hero will play Actor Taylor James.


"And the Spirit of the Lord came up on him, and he confused [lion] as a goat; And in his hand he had nothing. "" He found a fresh donkey jaw and, stretching his hand, took her, and killed her a thousand people. "" And said Samson: Melci, my soul, with the Philistines! And rested [all] strength, and the house fell on the owners and for the entire people, former in it. And it was the dead, who killed [Samson] when he was death, more than how much he killed in his life. "

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