Evgeny Nazarov - biography, photo, personal life, news, "Marry Buzov" 2021



About Evgenia Nazarov TV viewers learned back in 2017. A young man who positions himself as a successful businessman, puzzled by the search for his wife. Ideally, this is a bright identity, a decent, intelligent and beautiful girl, dividing his values ​​and seeking self-improvement. And to find such Eugene hoped with television.

Evgeny Nazarov

Not all the details of the biography of Evgeny Nazarov are known in details. According to some sites, a man on the sign of the zodiac twin, born in 1987 in the family of a police officer. Now the father of Yuri is the retired colonel, teaches at the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and leads the security service in the company of the Son. Mom is also involved in business. There is a younger brother.


By the formation of Nazarov, the financier. He started his career in the investment company Troika-Dialog, which was considered in the early 2000s largest in Russia. Then he moved to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, from there - Deputy General Director in DC Capital, specializing in stock markets. The next stage was the division of the Opening Financial Group, where Eugene held the post of vice-president, and the structure of Norilsk Nickel - CJSC TKB Capital.

Businessman Evgeny Nazarov

In addition, Nazarov opened the restaurant and the garbage processing plant, traded real estate, spinning up to billions of rubles by the turnover of brokerage firms. Personal investments in securities brought 500 thousand rubles to yesterday's student. In a month of passive income, so that the whole year he calmly lived in America and Bali.

As Evgeny himself recognized, the desire to earn money was formed in childhood - the boy did not rest on vacation, and he worked as a courier, Bartender. Over time, he became interested in Bitcoin, but the self-mining or purchase and sale did not attract, although the Bitman Group sells the equipment to build equipment belonging to the former banker.

Evgeny Nazarov

Nazarov with friends moved towards consulting and managing portfolios cryptocurrency, became the founder of Crypto Fund consulting company. In addition, the entrepreneur conducts training on the themes of personal growth and achieving financial independence is published in business publications.

Money is not an end in itself. Evgeny's plans to create an investment fund, whose funds will go to "large-scale changes in life in the country." According to Nazarova, like-minded people already found, which "discount these goals into a common piggy bank." And the secret of success is simple: to want it, put high goals, clinging for any opportunity and develop around the clock.

Personal life

Without unnecessary modesty, Evgeny Nazarov argues that he does not complain about the lack of female attention, but it realizes that its current status of a millionaire obliges with increased caution to relate to potential brides. Businessman developed a test, answers to whose questions, according to him, instantly show the true intentions of girls. The same way Eugene uses when hiring employees to work.

Evgeny Nazarov in 2018

About the size of your own state does not say. However, it allowed Nazarov to buy an apartment in Moscow-City for 33 million rubles - a dream, which was performed for half a year, Penthouse for parents, a country house. How many properties are owned by, Evgeny already never remembers.

In an interview with the first channel, the guy demonstrated the attributes of a beautiful life - designer suits of individual tailoring, Bentley car in full configuration with all sorts of "commens". Office Nazarova is located two steps from housing, the company manager does not want to spend time on moving and road traffic jams. Premises worth 100 million rubles Evgeny rents.

Favorite passion for the entrepreneur - travel, with friends, the young man traveled half a major, and "it's easier to say where they were not, what to remember where they visited." According to the stories of the Father, the Son never wanted to stay in another country. On the contrary, from each trip Nazarov junior tries to bring all the best and non-standard ideas to then introduce ideas in Russia.

Evgeny prefers business literature - Robert Kiyosaki, Ronald Hubbard, Nathaniel Popper. He behaves a healthy lifestyle, does not drink coffee and does not eat sweet.

Nazarov opened two pages in "Instagram", in which, in addition to publications, photos and videos, wrote motivating posts, calls on Falllovers to speak out about or another and distributes prizes for comments.

Evgeny Nazarov now

On television, Evgeny Nazarov is not a beginner. The businessman has already visited the Talk Show "Male / Women's" at Julia Baranovskaya and Alexander Gordon, where he told about himself, about how the money earns and how then he spends them. In search of the wise companion of life without a negative past, the investor turned into the transfer "Let's get married", but none of the three candidates have not liked Eugene.

Evgeny Nazarov - biography, photo, personal life, news,

In the summer of 2018, the millionaire was among the 15 participants of the new reality on TNT "Marry Buzov". In the studio show Nazarov met a lot of colleagues-rivals, the same business people. Thus, Alexander Grinev - the owner of the video production company, the one-fampots Oleg Nazarov opened the modeling school and the coffee shop chain, Denis Lebedev - the owner of the plant for the manufacture of dairy products.

Olga Buzov, a man disappointed from the very first minutes when he said that he was rich. The TV viewers reproached Nazarov in the fact that he had a word with the case: looking for a relative soul, and himself begins with material. Separate participants of the show noted that Eugene is the "story about" I ", and not about" we ", and all his relaxation and confidence - just a mask. Moreover, the young man immediately moved to the familiar style of communication and entered into a rewritten with Alexander Sabanin.

Olga Buzova with a photo Evgenia Nazarova

After the first release of the transfer, the number of applicants for hand and the heart of Buzova decreased by 5 people. Nazarov retained a chance to go with a television in Venice and try to correct the impression of yourself. However, Hayters already appeared in the network, arguing that the colorfully painted by Eugene life is only the fruit of his fantasy. A number of portals called business communities criticized the activities of companies organized by an entrepreneur.

Rumors about the ghost wealth of one of the favorites Buzova confirmed his unexpected care from the project. Eugene chose to take 2 million rubles, giving them, according to him, for charity. The decision of Nazarov plunged Olga in shock, she burst into disadvantage.

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