Yaril - biography, fertility patron, name


Character History

The illegitimate son of the Rod of Werez's God and his wife Perun Dodol is distinguished by the irrepressible force and a frantic passion, became a symbol of the heyday of the vitality and the patron saint of spring fertility. Forever young Yaril personifies spring sunshine. However, this character is not so simple: Slavophiles prove that Yaril is not a Slavic deity, people did not worship him. It belongs to the cohort of the characters of the carnival-gaming nature.

History of origin

The researchers are still arguing whether Yaril's Slavic God was or yet it was a ritual character created for the summer holiday - because evidence in the ancient monuments was not found (for the first time God mentioned in 1763 in the Scriptures of the Bishop of Tikhon Zadonsky).


Some point to the ancient legends, preserved in folk creativity, others compare the image of Yaril with a chucks of the carnival, as well as with the ritual heroes of Kostroma and Cummary. All these heroes appeared in the form of dolls and personified the dying and resurrecting God. Reject the involvement of the hero to the Divities and representatives of the Institute of Slavic Science RAS. Scientists are confident that the romanticization of the "Sun God" is just the result of speculation and the distortion of the meaning of the stuffed-symbol of fertility.

To some extent, thank you for the Yaril-God there is a writer-ethnographer Pavel Trevlyansky (Spilersky), who lived in the early 19th century. Literary critic set himself into the mass culture of the indomitable Belarusian God God, which since then has been identified with young and carnal joy. He will hear the lord of feelings, not subject to mind.

saint George

Description of the character appearance - young, high, blue-eyed handsome man. Picture it naked in a belt or dressed in a spacious white shirt, barefoot. In the hands of Yaril holds a bunch of ears, his head decorates a wreath of spring flowers. Manages the deity with a snow-white horse. Wherever the leg of the solar deity goes, in that place, flowers and grass grows immediately. With the baptism of Russia, the part of the image and the functions of Yaril borrowed Holy George. Other authors were picked up by the Desolensky Yaril. As a result, the real beliefs firmly collapsed with the fantasies of the Belarusian writer.

The name has many values. The root of "Yar" is translated as spring, fertile (spring bread, spring bees, Yarovik - young bull). The derivative adjective from it is "bright" - white (light), as well as passionate, angry. "Yaritsa" called spring, and the combination of "bright bread" indicated the freshness of the product.

The image of Yarily

At the root of "Yar", researchers also see the meaning of "swiftness, strength of the spring sun or sunrise." The inhabitants of the Carpathian Mountains of the Yar meant "Spring", in the Kostroma dialect Yar is May and heat. As for the continuation of the name - "ilo", then it plays the role of a diminutive detail by analogy with the wind, Churilo.

Yaril in mythology

Whatever the Slavovydy, but Yaril has already entered the mass consciousness as the God of the Sun. In Slavic mythology, the birth of Yarila marked the beginning of the confrontation between the god of Liak Perun with Brother Veles. Veles had a drink to the beauty of Dodol, the wife of the thumbnail, and kidnap her. As a result of a vicious connection, a ruddy, cheerful, full energy, like his father, the god of the spring sun, appeared.


From dawn to sunset, Yaril is riding his skyscraim on the horse. The Slavic Symbol of Kolovrat personifies the climbing of the sunny Divine in the early morning on the sky - the daily victory of life over death.

Yaril, as befits a passionate handsome, quite loving. In one legend it is said that the goddess of the morning dawn of Lelia was crazy in love with solar creation and decided to confess the feelings. For happiness, Yaril replied with reciprocity, but he added that he loves to Maru, and Lada, as well as all women in the world.


The ritual calendar character appears in the celebrations of the Spring Equinox Day (at that time, Yaril with honors meet) and the day of Ivan Kupala (they decide on peace). Scarecrow named Yarilo gives out obvious male signs (genitals), the action is accompanied by obscene jokes, erotic chastushki. It is understandable, because the hero is responsible for the beginning of life, the birth of everything alive.

Celebration of Ivan Käpala

In the spring burns the scarecrow Marines, welcoming Yaril and playing in the "turquoise", and the fire devours on this well done. Or buried it in water - as a symbol of farewell with the warm sun. In the Kostroma villages, Scarecrowed Yarilo, put in the coffin, which burned the most ancient representative of the village through the streets, and the Baba at that time was unfulfilled "the deceased." "Yarilina Week" is the right time for love conspiracies (both for bonuses and sneaks).

Tikhon Zadonsky describes the celebration of Yaril in the Voronezh province. It is represented as a certain idol of antiquity, which was revered on the day before the post. The people went out in the field, danced and saw a lot of wine.

Sculpture Yarily

In his literary writings, Pavel Drevlyansky talks about the tradition of Belarusians. Under the evening, on April 27, the girls chose a girlfriend from the company, which was closed in snow-white clothes, the heads were decorated with a wreath, the skull was embedded in one hand, to another - the ears of rye. The lady sat down at the horse, and the rest of the girls drove round dances and sang songs around it. All this was thinking in honor of the meeting of Yaril. However, the Belarusian God of Spring and Fertility, described by the author, is nothing more than a romantic hoax, scientists are confident.

Interesting Facts

  • The symbol of Yarily is considered to be "Sunny Cross", which allegedly worn priests, princes of princes and ordinary soldiers. The cross had functions of a native guard and combined the purity and power of Yarily. Additional symbols of the Divine - Rune Ud, five-pointed star and ordinary swastika.
Symbol of Slava
  • Yaril her down in the names of Slavic villages. Until now, in Russia and Belarus there are places with the name of the Divine - Yarilova Valley, Yarilina Shi, Yarilina Mountain, Yarilovo Field, Yaryl Grove.
  • In early March 1975, in the Crimean Observatory, Astronoma Lyudmila Black opened an asteroid of the main belt at number 2273. Heavenly body called Yarilo.

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