Arkady Zucker - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



The business coach of Arkady Zucker is not exactly from those who have received money and glory. The story of a boy who learned to live with severe illness and at the age of 17 who founded his own company is an inspiring example for hundreds of thousands of fans. Today he is a famous researcher, a marketer and a philosopher whose theory is caused by fierce disputes on the Internet.

Childhood and youth

Arkady was born on May 7, 1975 in Novokuznetsk. Immediately after the birth, doctors set him a diagnosis - a severe form of children's cerebral paralysis. Parents reported that they would never be able to take a normal life and take care of themselves. Doctors were sure that it is unlikely that the child will learn to move independently and speak clearly.

Consultant Arkady Zucker

Parents took a kind of position in relation to the sick's disease. Father said that he simply could not be born a disabled person, it means that Arkashi's problems are not a sentence, but only "temporary difficulties". He forced the boy to overcome the disease and lead the life of an ordinary child: to dress himself, although half a day left to the ok in one buttons, although it was also painful. From the bullying school, the father also refused to defend him, saying that normal children could stand up for themselves.

Such a distant at first glance from parental care behavior greatly influenced Arkady's worldview. Despite the problems that no one helped to decide, he did not break, but he took the point of view of his father and tried to believe that he was healthy and normal. Every morning the boy tried to start with charging, stubbornly studied and trained his mind as well as naughty hands and legs.

Arkady Zucker

School years Zucker remembers pain. According to him, in childhood he was a target for bullying and could not do anything with it: classmates threw him to the floor, a great knowing, whatever labor he should be climbed, insulted and constantly came up with new "jokes", for example, hank helped with a helpless guy for clothes. In the end, Arkady stopped attending school, passing exams externally.

In high school, the disease aggravated, threatening with full paralysis and loss of speech, but the young man himself considered it "temporary difficulties" and looked into the future without fear. Gradually, he straightened the pronunciation and began to walk with a stick, later refused from her.

Business and trainings

After receiving secondary education, Zucker entered the Faculty of Philosophy of Tomsk University. Later he studied the theory of management activities and the basis of playing in the Russian Academy of Management. He founded the first company for 17 years, inviting her teachers to her.

Entrepreneur Arkady Zucker

In 1993, Arkady became a professional business consultant. Over the years, he organized 700 projects in the media, construction, catering, municipal management. On the account of the Zucker 6 monographs and 120 books on marketing, the theory of education and management. It develops programs for higher educational institutions in Russia, USA and Germany, reads lectures, conducts seminars and trainings.

The extensive audience Zucker became known thanks to the author's psychological method, which was based on life philosophy inherited from the father. Arkady calls his approach "Live thinking, or a temporary difficulty method." The foundations of the theory, he outlined in the video "power of mind". The approach is universal for life and business and implies a complete denial, refusal to realize that a person considers him a problem. According to Zucker, any crisis or barrier can be "canceled", overcoming mental effort, because the will works wonders.

Business consultant Arkady Zucker

Theses of Arkady cause fierce disputes among businessmen and the "simple" public. Some consider him a genius, and opponents are accused of excessive communion of reasoning and "divorce" for money, because consultations and lectures of a recognized marketer are not suiced. However, no one denies that the zucor has a special charisma and eloquence.

In 2017, at the seminar, the coach shared the parables of the wardrobe from an expensive restaurant, leading it as an example of why the leadership should listen to the younger staff and attract them to develop ideas. The story quickly divided the Internet, but the reserves quickly cooled the restaurant PR specialist Oleg Nazarov. He laid it on the items in Facebook post and proved that it was just a bike.

Arkady Zucker conducts a seminar

Zucker told that the intended girl wardrobe came up with the crowd of the most secured customers from the crowd (which, according to the restaurant, a challenging task, even for a professional) and, together with a number, give them soft toys (serious businessmen, most likely, would refuse such a frivolous gift, Yes, and put it in a restaurant of nowhere).

Then she ordered the waiters to serve the visitors chosen by her faster and present to them surprises (Zucker mentioned cakes with the car logo and Cognac "Hennessy" - such gifts would quickly struck the hole in the budget even an expensive restaurant). Later, the VIP clients began to make random people who, according to "Sarafan Radio", transmitted rumors about generosity of the establishment and attracted a new audience.

Arkady Zucker

As a result, the revenue of the restaurant increased 2.5 times, and the inventive wardrobe raised the salary, but not much - she himself refused, "so as not to corrupt." After that, Arkady was accused of fiction, remoteness from life and real business problems. Many fans refused to inferdate him in guilt, insisting that to compose motivating bikes - part of the work of the business coach.

Personal life

Arkady prefers not to apply for personal life and not affect this topic in an interview. It is mentioned in the articles that he has a family and that Zucker "Happy Husband and Father".

Arkady Zucker with his wife and son Bogdan

On the pages on social networks there are photos with my wife and son Bogdan, but what is the name of the spouse and what its relatives do not indicate.

The business coach leads accounts in Facebook and in Vkontakte. The official page in "Instagram" he has no.

Arkady Zucker now

The researcher is held by the Director of the Center for Strategic Consulting and travels the world with seminars. It is now interested in the topic of education and related problems of generations.

In June 2018 in Minsk, Zucker presented a new program "Walk through the strategies of geniuses. Business thinking algorithms. "

Arkady Zucker in 2018

The biography of the business coach was based on the film "Temporary difficulties" with Ivan Okhlobystin and Rinalem Mukhametov. Journalists and critics responded to her extremely ambiguous. Camerers, in particular Ekaterina Barabash, accused the film in promoting violence and form a misunderstanding of the cerebral palsy, called it "fascist", and the behavior of the father of the main character - "ethical crime."

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