Joffrey Barateon - biography, actor, age, image and character


Character History

The series "The game of Thrones" is popular in dozens of countries of the world. The audience with a fading heart awaits the release of the new season to find out how events develop in seven kingdoms, which is happening with loved heroes. Joffrey Barateon - a hero who did not use the location of the audience, but an interesting character and biography.

History of creation

Joffrey Barateon is the eldest son Robert Baraton and Serne Lannister. He became the second king of seven kingdoms and the new representative of the Bratteon dynasty on the throne. The young man had an attractive appearance and physique, there was a green-eyed and a fair-haired. On the bad character barely hinting a capricious fold on the lips. The temperament of the boy became a combination of negative qualities of mother, father and grandfather. He was distinguished by whims, cruelty, falseness and ambition.

Robert Barateon and Sersa Lannister

Joffrey demonstrated the sadistic inclinations and longed to resemble Jame Lanner, a biological father. The history of the boy's appearance is full of sad events. Sersa learned about Robert's treason and decided to repay the same coin. From Bastardon Barateon only Joffrey reacted negatively to the named father.

George R.R. Martin, the author of the work "Song of Ice and Flame", which formed the basis of the series "Game of Thrones", inspired some historical personality. Therefore, in the described features of Joffrey Barateon, similarities with recognizable persons are seen. As a prototype of an analytics character, Edward Lancaster, heir to Heinrich VI, whose origin was covered by a secret. The young man with a bad character loved the head of the head enemies.

Joffrey Barateon and Margery Tirell

Joffrey also demonstrates the features similar to Estarchy Boulogne, Sippers of the cruel and non-merciful king of England Stephen Bloua. The magenta wedding Joffrey Barateon and Marghery Tirell is described in the consonance with the events of the death of Eustachia Boulogne.

Some serial fans compare the hero and with the Varvalov Louis, the French king from the dynasty of capeting. The ruler walked a cruel and hot-tempered person, was distinguished by egoism and a dependence on someone else's opinion. Louis was on the throne a year and a half and died due to the attempt.

"Game of Thrones"

Joffrey Barateon is one of the main heroes of the project shot on the books of George R.R. Martin. The young man became the ruler of seven kingdoms who inherited from his father. He was accompanied by a bodyguard Sandor Kligan on the nicknamed "Dog". The boy was a unpleasant man. Spoil and arrogance through each act. Coward and sadist, baraton neglected people and pursued their own benefit.

Joffrey Barateon

The most gravily qualities of Joffrey manifested themselves after climbing the throne. Sansa Stark, who became elected, after the first meeting with the fiance was horrified by the worldview and spiritual warehouse of the groom. The cruelty and the arrogant of the future spouse shocked the girl, staring for Eddard Stark, his father, who is in the dungeon. The cruelty of the king manifested itself in the fact that the girl was forced to observe the execution of the Father. All the bastards of Father Joffrey were also sentenced to death and beheaded.

During the war of five kings, began after the death of Robert Baraton, Joffrey is sitting in the Red Castle and refuses to listen to the requests of his people. Hungry and dared people once attack the king on the street. Tyrion Lannister adopts the brazers of the army board in the battle during the draft and frees Joffrey from the cargo of incorrect solutions. The event final becomes the consent of the king on termination of the engagement with Sansa Stark.

Joffrey Barateon and Sansa Stark

Joffrey's new bride becomes Marghery Tyrell. Margery is trying to make the bridegroom with close people and offers to go to people, giving them the opportunity to welcome the ruler. The crowd gladly meets the king Joffrey.

The cruelty of the king finds a way out in petty acts like bullying over prostitutes, beating Sansa and other sublimate actions. At the wedding of Tyrion Lanner and Sansu Stark, the hero leads a former bride to the altar and prevents the execution of the marriage rite, mocking the bride and groom. Joffrey threatens Sanance with rape, but his plans are not implemented.

The king's own wedding also turns out to be spoiled by its outcomes. He mocks Tyrion, offering to participate in the Show of Dwarf, and disgraces his brother before the guests. At the festival, Joffrey drinks poisoned wine from the Cup and death overtakes him. Nobody regretted the death of Joffrey. Hading who killed his son, Sersi accuses Tyrion.

The reason for its inadequacy could be the bloodstream. Majoria and thirst for worship made the king of a low-alley person. He saw himself by the warrior and the domineering king, but in reality was no one or the other.


The role of Joffrey Barateon performed actor Jack Glison. For the first time, he stepped on the set in 2002, starring in a short filming called "Moving Day". The subsequent roles of the young man were proposed by the leadership of the short tapes "Fish Tail" and "Tom Wait forces me to cry."

Actor Jack Glison

The next work of Gleason was associated with a full meter. At the age of 13 years, the artist starred in an episodic role in the picture "Batman: the beginning." In 2007, his career continued on the work in the horror of "Mushrooms", and then projects "Rainbow" and "all good children".

The popularity of the artist brought the role of Joffrey Barateon in the series "Game of Thrones". It is noteworthy that in real life, the young man is the exact opposite of the character, which he had a chance to embody in the frame. He was masterfully recreated the image of the villain-monarch, the godge in the public a negative attitude towards the character. Casting came with George Martin's participation, and the author influenced the choice of an actor who had justified the confidence of the project creators.

Actor jack gleason on set

It is curious that the hatred of the serial fans was so great that it was spread not only to the hero, but also on the actor himself. The producers were worried about Jack Glison's safety and in an interview was often afraid that the Family Stark Fans can transfer their malice from an artist's screen character.

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