Colin McCalow - biography, photo, personal life, books, cause



How did Harper with her book "kill the casting" and Jerome D. Sallinger with Novella "Above the Pelia in rye", Australian writer Colin McCalow was remembered to the whole world thanks to one work - "singing in the thorn." This book is considered to be sold in the history of Australian literature - from the moment of publication 33 million copies reigned, and according to one of the Universities of London, even now every minute in the world sells two copies.

Childhood and youth

Colin McCalow was born on June 1, 1937 in Wellington (New South Wales, Australia) in the James family and Laurie McCalow. Her father was an Irish, and Mother - New Zealander with Maori Blood. McCalow's family often moved, and the little Colin did not have time to make friends. All energy and free time she devoted books, drawing and writing poems.

After years of wanderings, the family of Maccalow asslaved in Sydney. Colin entered the Catholic College of the Holy Cross and began to show interest in science and humanitarian disciplines. Simultaneously with the study, the girl worked as a primary school teacher, a librarian, a bus driver and a journalist.

The study for research pushed the future writer to enroll in Sydney University at the Department of Neurosurgery. However, on the very first year she was allergic to medical soap, and she had to abandon the dream to become a surgeon. Colin found an alternative and devoted himself to neurobiology. After graduating from the university, she got a job in the Sydney Royal North Shore Hospital.

Colin McCalow in youth

In 1963, McCalow moved to the UK. Once in the London Hospital, the head of the neurological department of the Yale University, the head of the neurological department of the Yale University, was noticed on Great Ormond Street. Colin devoted 10 years, from 1967 to 1976, the Department of Neurology in the Yale Medical School in New Haven, Connecticut, USA. In the same place, combining internal traction to books and interest in science, she wrote her first work.


In 1974, the Roman "Tim" was published. The main character is mentally retarding, but an incredibly handsome young man. Due to violations over him, others are mocked, and a lonely 45-year-old woman, fascinated by the sincerity and helplessness of Tima, takes it under his wing. She gives on his upbringing all the forces. Thanks to her care in the finals, the young man is reincarnated in a strong loving man. "Tim" finds a positive response from the reader, and Colin receives the first fee.

Colin Maccalo at work

In 1977, the masterpiece of world literature was released - family saga "singing in a thorns". It consists of seven parts, each of which is named after one of the main characters, the characters of the Cliri family, and tells about his life. Actions covered half a century - from 1915 to 1969.

Throughout this period, the family is financially developing, turns from the poor in the management of the major Australian estate. The book produced Furore and instantly became a bestseller. With the history of Love Meggi and Father Ralph, boys and girls, wealthy gentlemen and sensitive ladies were acquainted.

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After some time, in 1983, the screening of the book was published. The series received several "golden globes" and "Emmy", beat conceivable records on the views. And McCalow called him "the most advanced blame". Once in an interview, she said:

"It seems to me that the series became popular just because people wanted to see their favorite heroes with their own eyes."

By the way, the three films on the books of Colin were filmed everything: "Tim" in 1979 with Mal Gibson starring, the mini-series "singing in the thorn" and "obscene passion" in 1985.

The response of the public on Roman-Sagu convinced Colin McCallow in the fact that it is necessary to leave medical practice and close to writing. She moved to Norfolk Island in the Pacific, wrote the third romance "obscene passion."

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At the same time, Australian has a personal life - she meets Rica Robinson. In 1983, the couple fastens the Union of Marriage Uzami. Then Colin was 46 years old, and Ricka - 33 years old.

In the 1980s, McCalow experiments with genres. She creates a fantastic novel "The Symbol of the Faith Third Millennium", the story of "Lady from Missalong", the historical novels "Song about Three" and "Morgana's path". The last book is devoted to the life of the English prisoner, whom he stupus in Australia in the XVIII century. Later, Colin McCalow, together with the composer, Gavin Loclles adapted it to the musical.

In 1990, McCalow presented the first book from the historical cycle of "Vladyka Rome" - "The first person in Rome". She described the events of 110-100 BC, when Roman commander Mary and Sulla have achieved first success in the military craft. The cycle consists of seven parts, tells about the formation of Caesar and Pompei. The seventh book, "Anthony and Cleopatra", saw the light in 2007.

In order for the events in the cycle of "Lord Rome" were factally faithful, Colin conducted scientific research. For this in 1993 she was assigned the title of Honorary Doctor of the University of Makuvir. In 2000, for the work on this project, the writer was honored at the prestigious Italian Prize Scanno.

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In 2003, Colin McCalow produces another SAGA in the hope of repeating the triumph - "touch". The story covers the 30th anniversary of the Englishman Elizabeth, her spouse Alexander and their children. Despite the touching descriptions of human grief and disappointment, readers note the excessive overload of the text describing technical progress: gold mining, engineering, etc.

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Even more Colin disappointing fans by Roman "Independence Miss Mary Bennet" - a continuation of the work of Jane Austin "Pride and Prejudice". The Australian Society Jane Austin literally goes to the writer of war. Susanna Fullerton, President of the Company, noted one day:

"Elizabeth is one of the strongest, cheerful heroines in the literature, and the generosity of the soul and the nobility of Darcy's character makes her fall in love with him. So why do these main features change after 20 years? ".

In 2000, McCalow wrote detectives and released a series of books on the investigations of Karmaina Delmonic. In the cycle five stories, the latter came out in 2013. The final work of the writer is "bitter joy."

Personal life

Colin McCalow is not the only child in the family, she had a younger brother Karl. He tragically died at Crete's coast at 25, trying to save tourists who succumbed to the aquatic funnel.

Colin Maccalo and Rick Robinson

The memory of him the writer embodied in the book "Singing in the Thurning" and in the autobiography "Life without cooler" (Life with the Boring Bits).

It was married to Rick Robinson since 1983 to death. There were no children from the pair.


On January 29, 2015, the writer died in the hospital on the island of Norfolk aged 77 years. The cause of death was a few strokes.

Colin McCalue grave

By that time, Colin McCallow lost sight of the maculyodistrophia and moved on a wheelchair.

Interesting Facts

  • Colin McCalowa took up literary activities, because she wanted to receive additional earnings.
Colin Maccalo
  • The name of the Saga "singing in the thorns" herself explained the Celtic legend of the bird, which sings only once in life, but so that no heart remain indifferent. From the moment of birth, she is looking for a black bush, and when it finds him, then in a frenzy rushes on the most acute spike, the prickly caller. At this point, she performs his first and the last song of incomparable beauty. The legend shows that the wonderful is created by suffering.
  • Colin McCalowa - Workaholic: It cost her to finish one book, as she immediately took to write another. The biggest gap that the writer did between writing works - 44 days


"In life there are things more important and interesting than dances around a selfish, narcissistic man, although it seems that most women prefer to live their lives that way." "She needs and she wants all the most ordinary - so that there were husbands, children, their home. And someone who you love! As if rather modest desires, in the end, almost all women all this is. But do many women who all this have it really pretty? She seemed to be pretty, but maybe she thinks so because she is not given all this? "" What bliss it would be at least once in life not to hide what you feel! But the usual learning and prudence entered into the flesh and blood. "" We can only give what we have, no more, right? And on stage I am no longer me, or maybe, more precisely, there are different "me". Probably, in each of us there is a lot of "I", agree? For me, the theater is primarily a mind, and only then feeling. The mind freames and hops the feeling. It is necessary because it is not easy to cry, or scream, or laugh, and so that the audience believes you. You know, it is wonderful. To mentally imagine himself a completely different person, someone, who would have become, are addicted differently. This is the whole secret. Do not turn into another woman, and to build on the role and fate, as if my heroine is me. And then it becomes me. "


  • 1974 - "Tim"
  • 1977 - "singing in a thorns"
  • 1981 - "Indecent Passion"
  • 1985 - "The Symbol of the Faith of the Third Millennium"
  • 1987 - "Lady from Missalong"
  • 1990-2007 - Cycle "Vladyka Rome"
  • 1998 - "Song of Three"
  • 2000 - "Morgan's path"
  • 2003 - "Touch"
  • 2004 - "Cute Angel"
  • 2006-2013 - a series of detectives about Karmaine Delmonic
  • 2008 - "The independence of Miss Mary Bennet"
  • 2013 - "bitter joy"

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