Melisandra - biography, image and character, actress, "Game of Thrones"


Character History

The character of the novels of the "Song of Ice and Flame" of the authorship of George Martin and filmed on the basis of these books the series "Game of Thrones". The priestess of the Lord of Light, is also known as a red woman. A woman of thirty years old wears red clothes, her hair has red. In books, Melisandra also eyes red and glow, but in the series this moment omitted.

History of creation

Writer George Martin

George Martina Heroine is first mentioned in the book "Battle of Kings," then appears in the novel "Storm Swords", which was released in 2000. In 2011, a novel "Dance with dragons", where Melisandra is a central character. An important role of the heroine will play in the penultimate part of the cycle called "Winter Time", which will allegedly be released in September 2018.

"Game of Thrones"

Melisandra comes from the city of Aszhai, standing on the coast of the Jade Sea. Assem is mysterious lands of shadows. Melissandra herself can spend shadows and predict the future. The heroine moved from his native lands to Westeros, where she brought faith in the Lord of Light, whose cult in Westerosa is not common.


The first Melisandra drew to a new faith of Baratheon Stannis and part of his people. For several years, Melisandra lived in the Castle of the Dragon Stone, the birth nest of Targarey, who became the residence of Stannis. Under the heroine station, he was listed by the advisor and mistress. A red priestess does not disdain manipulate people with the help of witchcraft stuff that makes people feel fear or brighter burn fire. The heroine uses these tricks to reinforce the faith of the Lord of the Lord around the power.

In the second season, the heroine helps Stannis in the struggle for Trone Westeros, which breaks up after the death of King Robert Baraton, Brother Stannis. In order to increase the number of army, and at the same time remove the enemy, Melisandra is painted with Renley - another brother of Stannis. To this end, the heroine will be pregnant and gives birth from the Stannis Shadow - a creature-ghost, which kills Renley. After that, the army of the dead brother goes under the banners of Stannis, but at the siege of the royal harbor, Stannis still loses, even though Melisandra also assured in victory.

Stannis Barateon

In the third season, the heroine demonstrates a cruel and fanatical character. The battle of the draft has been playing, Stannis in depression, and the heroine is accepted for human sacrifice in the name of the Lord of Light. On the fires, those who were not fortunate enough to reap melisandra are burned. After the attempt on the life of the heroine performed by the Davos Sievort, Melisandra throws Stannis in Dragon Stone, and herself sails into river lands.

The priestess is still going to put on the iron throne of his ally of the station, but for this you need to sacrifice the Lord of the Light of a person, the royal blood flows in whose veins. In any case, so Melissandra explains his departure to concerned Stannis. The victim of royal blood, according to Melisandra, should be Jendry, Bastard King Robert. The priestess buys the young man from the brotherhood without banners for two bags of gold coins. Here, Melisandra intersects with Argeny Stark and says that she will close many more eyes.

Melisandra and Arya Stark

Melisandra reveals Gendry's eyes to its origin and, together with the young man, is declared in the dragon stone. Using Gendry's blood, obtained by leeches, Melisandra curses three enemies of the station. When Robb Stark dies, the heroine takes it as evidence of the effectiveness of his own black magic.

Melisandra is still going to sacrifice anyone who does not suspect Gengri, but the young man saves Davos and takes it to the capital. When, due to the walls, they come about the approaching army of white walkers, Melisandra is accepted to convince the station that his true destiny is to fight in the north.


In the fourth season, Stannis goes to the north to help the night watch fighters in the war with white walkers. Together with the stanis against the wall arrives his wife, the only daughter of Shiren and Melisandra. In the north of the heroine continues to do his beloved thing - burn people alive in the name of the Lord of Light. Monsand Mensander dies from Melisandra. The heroine is also trying to seduce John Snow, but here it is waiting for it.

When Stannis goes to Winterfelle, Melisandra rides with him. And when the army, due to bad weather, fits in the snow, the heroine proposes to sacrifice the Lord of the Daughter of Stanis, Shiren. Stannis first drives out the priestess, but after agreeing, and the girl is burned on the fire. The weather becomes better, but Stannis from this there is no benefit - his spouse cums with him, and half the troops deserts the same night. Following them from the camp escapes and Melisandra.

Melisandra and Stannis Barateon

In the sixth season, the audience see the heroine in the Black Castle. Here the heroine is shown in its true appearance. Melisandra is exposed before bedtime and without a necklace appears in front of the audience in the form of an old terrible woman with grayish skin and half-linous skull.

Later, Melisandra at the request of Davos resurrected John Snow, which herself was surprised. Having decided that the Lord of Light helped her to resurrect to Snow, not just so, the stealing Melisandra comes to the conclusion that the deceased Stannis was "wrong" promised by the Prince, and Snow suits the prophecy better.

Melisandra Old

Now the heroine accompanies John Snow everywhere and says that he will come as he orders her. After the victory of Starks over Ramsi Bolton heroine remains in Winterfelle. However, John Snow drives out Melisandra away when it becomes known that that burned shops, the daughter of Stanis.

In the seventh season, the heroine is again in the dragonstone stone and is found there with Daeneris Targaryen.


In the series "Game of Thrones" Melisandra first appears in the second season. The first episode called the North Remembrance was published in April 2012. The script for the second season of the series was written according to the book "Battle of Kings", where Melisandra is first mentioned in the text of George Martin.

The heroine participates in the plot as one of the key characters until the seventh season. In January 2018, information appeared that the actress Caris Wang Howen, who performs the role of Melisandra, will be filmed in the final, eighth season of the series.

Caris Wang Houthene

Initially, the actress was going to pass the casting on the role of another character in the series. Because of the too tight shooting schedule, Caris did not have time to pass samples on time and came to listen later, when that character was already busy. So the actress received the role of Melisandra.

Caris managed to get world recognition to the "Game of Thrones" when he worked in the military drama of the director of the floor of Verkhovna "Black Book". The actress performed there the main role of Rachel Steinn - the young German Jewish, which during the occupation of the Netherlands, the German troops hid in the house of pious peasants.


"- My time is chipping kings." - Oh, I doubt. We, Proshiromy, who have tasted power, are like a lion who has tasted human flesh: nothing will seem sweeter. "" The ant, who hears the words of the king, does not understand their meaning, and all of us - only ants before the fiery Lick of God. "If half of the onion Rotally, we say that the bow is rotten. A person is either good or bad. "" - You have to buton in front of my brother! He is the chosen one, born among smoke and salt! - Born in smoke and salt? How is the ham? "

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