Alexey Pekhov - biography, photo, personal life, news, books 2021



Alexey Pekhov writes in the genre of fantasy, in which the styles of Raphael Sabatini and Ursula Le Guin, Roger Zzizlya and Alexander Duma. His worlds distinguishes logicality, and sometimes cruelty. Heroes have no prototypes, since none of the environment would fit authentic, it is used except life experience and some details of reality. The only thing that the author does not see the difference between fantastics and reality is love.

Childhood and youth

Alexey Pekhov was born in March 1978 in the capital of Russia, but for some reason, Moscow region Elektrostal is indicated in the documents. The parents of the boy worked for dentists, and Alyosha also decided to become a physician. At the end of the school with the second attempt, he entered the Medical and Dental University, received a specialty of a doctor-orthodontist and an outpatient surgeon, graduated from graduate school.

Alexey Pekhov in youth

To write fantastic pegging stories began to be still a teenager, but all the work of the initial period calls the poles. At the time of study at the Institute, this entertainment was scored until one day did not call the old buddy and did not ask to compose a couple of pages for the website. This text was then published on the Portal "Samizdat", an open programmer and the creator of the oldest library of Runet Maxim Moshkov. There he was read the editor of the Alpha Book publishing house and ordered Alexey Roman.

The future winner of the award for the biggest circulation of books initially refused, considering that he could not such a voluminous work. But the thought of turning the hobby to a serious occupation for half a year built consciousness. So the novel "Grounding in the Shadow" appeared, which became the first part of the series "Chronicles of Saly" about the Virtuoso Thief Garrete.


In novels and the poses, Alexei Pekov, the lack of hypertrophied cruelty, bloody scenes, obscene vocabulary, but also silent that death is sudden and real, the author does not consider it necessary. The game of imagination The writer restricts the answer to the question, he would give the book to honor the children and that one can learn from it, because the main age audience, according to Pekhova, are young people from 15 to 25 years.

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Alexey's first book "Crouching in the Shadow" came out of the press in 2002 and immediately awarded the Alfa-Book publishing house award, was given by Fantastics Andrei Belyanin and Roman Zlotnikov. Immediately the author published a continuation - "Dzhanga with shadows." A year later, the entire cycle has received the second Prize of the International Festival of Fiction "Star Bridge".

In 2004, the best, according to the magazine "World of Fiction", fantasy-novel of the year "under the sign of the Manticari". Following - the "Wind and Sparks" series, for the second part of which - the "wind seekers" - the peahs were awarded the prize "Silver Kaduchi". The main characters of the narrative are a married couple with a magical strength and becoming the object of persecution by necromancers and other unclean.

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On the cover of the novel "Guardian", released in 2010, american actor and director Misha Collins depicted, the executor of the role of Angela Castiel in the series "Supernatural". The "autodfefe", "Gold fires" and "damned mountain" were added to the first part of the one-time part. The main character Ludwig has a gift to see what is not available to others.

In the "sorcerer from the Death Clana" of the Pehs appealed to the Vampire theme. The book entered the Cycle "Kindret", in which it was about two clans of vampires living among mortals. In addition to the "sorcerer", Alexey in co-authorship with Natalia Turchaninov and Elena Bychkova wrote a "founder", "new gods" and "blood brothers". The tetralogy is marked by the "Wanderer" premium as the best urban fantasy of the early 2000s, the last part is nominated for the title of "Book of the Year" in 2010.

Elena Bychkov, Alexey Pekhov and Natalia Turchaninova

"Fortune catchers" became the 20th edition in the bibliography of Alexey Pekov. Roman told about Elf Las, who was fed to the run, to escape from the death sentence for refusing to lead his people to the war.

Another fruit of the joint labor of Pekhova, Bychkova and Turchaninova - the "Master of Dreams" cycle. In the novel, the main actors - a community of dreams who know how to manipulate dreams of the inhabitants of the giant metropolis. Intervention in the mind contributes to the preservation of the balance and reliability of the state.

Personal life

The wife ranks first not only in personal life, but also in the creative biography of Alexei. Elena Bychkova and the writer itself, the husband, co-author, first reads and edits Pechov's manuscripts. Fortist Natalya Turchaninova sometimes joins joint projects of spouses. The literary trio released the cycles of the novels "Casterners", "Master of Dreams", a collection of the "Chance" agent. Alexey is not taken to explain how the threesome is written, but he says that the number of authors does not make it easier for work.

Alexey Pekhov and his wife Elena Bychkov

The writer, according to his own confession, tries to give 10 thousand characters per day, but it turns out not always. If Muza does not attend, he does not write at all, "squeezing words does not benefit."

Sometimes Alexey reads the works of colleagues in the workshop. I like Angey Sapkovsky and Joan Rowling, Mikhail Klikin, Marina and Sergey Dyachenko. If the peggings are taken to watch movies, then American TV shows that attract the logical of the plot and adequate heroes are preferred.

Alexey Pekhov

Favorite Hobby Pekhova - Travel, from where the writer brings coins and knives to replenish collections. Photos from trips are posted on the pages in Vkontakte and in Instagram.

In one of the early interviews, Alexey said that I would not like to see my own works at the heart of computer games. This pastime is generally meaningless. However, subsequently, the peahs wrote scenarios for a number of computer "shooters" and "universes".

Alexey Pekhov Now

In 2018, from under the pen, Alexei Pekov, the contemplator cycle was continued in the Stampank genre - "The Shadow of Ingenium". Ingenium - a certain device changing the alignment of political forces in society. Side effect - the owner goes crazy. Having killed at the end of the narrative of the main character of Itan Shelby, the author completed the series, and in the fan communities began on this tantrum. The opinion was expressed that at least 2 novels could be extended by Shelby's life.

Alexey Pekhov in 2018

On a thousand copies, Alexey left an autograph. These books apply through the online stores with which the writer cooperates.

About the fact that the pekhs are busy now, whether the future development of works cycles is planned, the readers report official website and blog in the "Live Journal". For example, in the near future the next part of the "Blue Flame" series will be released. The key characters of the heroic fantasy are an acrobat, killer and necromancer. Such diverse heroes are randomly united into the team, and the good purpose forces the forget about personal ambitions.


  • 2002 - "crouching in the shade"
  • 2004 - "Under the sign of the Manticari"
  • 2006 - "Wind wormwood"
  • 2008 - "Spark and Wind"
  • 2010 - "New Gods"
  • 2010 - "Guard"
  • 2011 - "Casterners"
  • 2012 - "Fortune Catchers"
  • 2014 - "Master of Dreams"
  • 2015 - "Blue Flame"
  • 2017 - "Eriner Holness"
  • 2018 - "The Shadow of Ingenium"

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