Andrei Tarasenko - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



Having headed the Primorsky Territory, Andrei Tarasenko positioned himself as a person, ready to devote to work for the benefit of fellow countrymen all the time. Interesting to stay at the helm of at least 5 years, the head of the region stated that the Major decrees of President Vladimir Putin will take place as the basis of transformations.

Childhood and youth

Motherland Andrei Tarasenko - Vladivostok. In Primorye at the beginning of the 20th century, grandmother came from Astrakhan, grandfather - fisherman, and her parents appeared here. The governor's father is a sailor-submariner, a graduate of the Pacific Military School named after Admiral Stepan Makarov.

Sailor-submariner Andrei Tarasenko

At school, Andrei retucked up to the 8th grade, then he entered the Leningrad Nakhimov School, after - to the Higher School School. Being a cadet, began a labor biography. At the end of study, it is directed to serve in the Crimean Balaklava. Tarasenko passed all official steps, commanded a submarine and quit the reserve with the traps of the captain of the 1st rank.

In a citizen, the future governor has replenished the baggage of knowledge in the Russian Academy of State Service and Social University, received diplomas of the manager and economist. In addition, he defended the degree of doctor of psychology, although, on the conclusion of the community "Thesis", the dissertation of Tarasenko - plagiarism for 70% of the work of his own supervisor.

Career and politics

At the turn of 1990-2000, Andrei Tarasenko led CJSC "Westmorprodukt", subordinate to Yuri Sinelnik, the formerly scandalous head of the State Staff. After removing the latter, Tarasenko's office moved to the chairman of the General Director of the FSUE "National Fish Resources", which joined the fisheries to the Federal Fishing Agency, received the Brazda of the Board with financial flows sent to the repair of ports and berths, on the development of fish product supply channels.

Andrei Tarasenko

Later, during the year, Andrei was led by one of these ports - Murmansk, and in 2005 it turned out to be the other side of the barricades - he became an inspector of the Department of the Accounts Chamber, which checked the validity of the costs of budget funds to fisheries.

During this period, Tarasenko was part of the Board of Directors of the largest Russian enterprises related to the construction and design of ships and ports. The first is the Nizhny Novgorod shipbuilding plant "Red Sormovo", which produces sea ships, tankers and drilling equipment. Second - Joint-Stock Company Lenmornniiproekt, whose main task is to design ports, transport systems and flood protection systems.

Politician Andrei Tarasenko

In 2007, Tarasenko came to the chemical proceedings for the post of deputy director of the Institute of Chemicals Iraa. The next job of Andrei Vladimirovich was the Rosatom Corporation, headed by Sergey Kiriyenko, in which he got the post of deputy head of the business management.

In late 2010, Tarasenko replaced the nuclear energy to the scope of banking services. In the structures of Rosselkhozbank, chaired by the Son Secretary of the Security Council of Russia, Nikolai Patrushev, Dmitry, a former Sailor-submariner Doros to the adviser to the Deputy Chairman of the Board.

Andrei Tarasenko and Dmitry Patrushev

In 2012, Andrei moved from Moscow to St. Petersburg, to a new place of work, closer in spirit, associated with water spaces. Tarasenko was appointed to the post of the Nevsky-Ladoga-Ladoga water control. Its responsibilities included control, protection, issuing permits for the use of water resources to the Leningrad, Novgorod, Pskov and Kaliningrad regions and the Republic of Karelia.

A year later, Tarasenko returned to the capital and headed the Federal Unitary Enterprise Rosmorport. In the structure of the organization - 16 branches throughout the country, from Murmansk to Sakhalin. FSUE solved the challenges to ensure the safe and rational functioning of port equipment.

Vladimir Putin and Andrey Tarasenko

In accordance with the decree of President Vladimir Putin in October 2017, Andrei Tarasenko changed Vladimir Miklushevsky as the head of the Primorsky Territory. To get rid of the prefix in Virio, he decided to participate in the direct election of the governor and deputies of the Regional Legislative Assembly in 2018. To manage the pre-election headquarters asked the former Minister of Emergency Situations of Russia Vladimir Puchkov.

Personal life

Details of the personal life Andrei revealed to journalists, barely arriving in Primorye. With his wife Svetlana Tarasenko met on dancing in the house of culture. Andrei invited the girl on the waltz, although he did not know how to dance, the more interested. After 2 months, made an offer and immediately said that he would take Svetlana to Vladivostok.

Andrei Tarasenko and his wife Svetlana in youth

The spouses of the governor of 2 higher education - pedagogical and medical. All her life, she worked in a specialty, before moving to the Far East, headed the center of the development of children, engaged in a patronage of orphans and disabled, is now a housewife. The only daughter of Ksenia rose in the family of Tarasenko.

According to the stories of his wife, Andrei is not emotional and externally emotional, and at work is demanding and strict. Despite the fact that months disappeared into the sea and on business trips, always found time for loved ones. Ksenia still trusts the secrets of the Father, he asks advice.

The hobby of the hereditary seaman is also connected with the sea - Andrei loves to walk under the sail on the racing yacht. In the dreams to develop yachting in Primorye, and "While the wretchedness is here in this part."

Andrei Tarasenko and his wife Svetlana

The governor's working day begins at 5 in the morning, the first reception is appointed by 7. It works Tarasenko to 22: 00-23: 00 pm 6 days a week, sometimes without days off.

In the midst of the election campaign of Virio Governor, the pages on social networks, including in "Instagram". In the comments to the first photo on behalf of Tarasenko, it is said that due to lack of time posts will not always be placed personally, but undertakes to closely monitor the appeals of citizens. The latter did not slow down to throw Andrei complaints about the poor quality of the roads in the edge, leading specific examples.

Andrei Tarasenko now

At the elections of the governor of the Primorsky Territory in September 2018, Andrei Tarasenko failed to overcome the established 50 percent threshold of the number of votes votes. The candidate from the party "United Russia", however, almost doubled the representative of the Communist Party of Andrei Ishchenko. However, in one of the first interviews in the status of the Acting Governor, Tarasenko noted that it was non-partisan.

Andrei Tarasenko in 2018

The RBC Agency noted that the party of power has recently loses the regions. Primorye is the fourth, in which United Russia is forced to pass through the second round. And on this background, Tarasenko became involved in the Kremlin in surprise. And in the fact that only 30% of voters came to the plots, the Typhoon "Jebi" is to blame, the roads. Otherwise, Andrei Vladimirovich's results would be others.

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