Andrei herbalists - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



On a single voting day on September 9, 2018, Andrei Mestorov was elected by the Governor of the Novosibirsk Region - the former mayor of Vologda, a member of the United Russia party. In the election program, the politician emphasized the strong regional economy, the development of human potential and a comfortable environment for people's lives. In the case of successful implementation of the tasks set, the Novosibirsk region will enter the top 7 of the foremost regions of Russia.

Childhood and youth

Andrei Aleksandrovich Heroven was born on February 1, 1971 in Cherepovets of the Vologda region. In the family of a boy, some workaholiki: both parents worked at the Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant - Father Brigadier, Mother - a specialist of the project department. Grandfather of the mother - Chairman of the collective farm, the second grandfather - the head of the leshoz.

State Affairs Andrei Trashnikov

Empty therapy fruitfully influenced Little Andrei: He dreamed of becoming like relatives, wanted to achieve professional skills in the worksheet. Therefore, without having received a full-fledged secondary education, Andrei entered the metallurgical college by choosing the electoral profession.

It is worth noting that in the youth of herbalists rarely consulted with elders and did a lot in secret. For example, the documents in the technical school filed on their own, without the knowledge of the parents who thought 2 months of school year that the boy successfully studies in the 9th grade.

Andrei herbalists works in the park

Andrei's father was a party and insisted that the Son also joined the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. The young man fulfilled a request reluctantly. Once in an interview with TASS politician admitted that he passed from the third time - before that, "deliberately poured tests about the birthdays and death of Lenin." Behavior explained like this:

"There was no reason to be offended to the state, my childhood I spent quite happy. But I was stated by formalism, which Komsomol was soaked. "

In 1990, herbalists graduated from the school with honors and received the 4th category in the chosen profession. After planned to enter the University of Leningrad to the Faculty of Leningrad, he dreamed of becoming a physiological researcher, but the plans broke the agenda to the army.

Andrei Herbalist

Until 1992, herbalists passed military service in the Moscow region. The part to which he believed was engaged in emergency rescue work on special bodies. Some objects passed under the vulture "completely secretly", so the politician is still under a subscription of the unseen.

Immediately after the end of the technical school, Andrei Alexandrovich wrote an application for exclusion from the Komsomol rows. Thus, he became the first non-partisan servicemen of the special.

Career and politics

After demobilization in 1992, herbalists went in the footsteps of the parents and settled on the Cherepovets Metallurgical Combine (OJSC Severstal). In the varietary workshop, he met the current governor of the Vologda region Oleg Kuvshtinikov. About him politician once said:

"In 2001, our paths were separated and crossed again when Oleg Aleksandrovich invited me to the mayor of Cherepovets Mayor. It turns out, he has always been one step ahead. "

In 1998, he received a diploma of Cherepovets State University in the direction of "Electron and Automation".

Politician Andrei Herbalists

Having worked on a long time at the Metallurgical Combine, in 2006 Andrei Aleksandrovich became the general director of Elektrodemont LLC. Guided by its own rule, "Every five-year plan needs to be changed and once every 10 years, the sphere of activity," in 2010, the herbalists went into politics, in the mayor of Cherepovets for the post of deputy Oleg Kruvinikov, mayor.

When, after a year later, Oleg Kruvinikov appointed temporarily acting governor of the Vologda region, herbalists took the post of mayor, but did not run for elections. After in 2012, Yuri Kuzin became the mayor of Cherepovets, Andrei Alexandrovich moved to the Government of the Vologda region. Oleg Kruvshinikov again helped again, this time - as the first deputy governor. I was responsible for the implementation of Vladimir Putin and economic development in the territory of the May Decrement region.

Vladimir Putin and Andrei Travistov

In 2014, Trachnis was appointed Deputy Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the North-West Federal District. Having worked for two years, moved to the post of mayor of Vologda.

The candidate policy in the election of the mayor of Vologda became a surprise for the local population and the main applicant for the position of Sergey Voropanov. By the way, I did not file an application, and on November 2, 2016, Andrei Trabournova was approved as a city manager.

Mayor of Vologda Andrei Travnikov

A year later, a significant event occurred in the political biography of the official: on October 6, 2017, he was appointed Vrio Governor of the Novosibirsk region. On September 9, 2018, he won the election by typing 64.52% of votes.

A month before the elections, in August 2018, herbalists met with trusted persons - with distinguished high achievements of agrarians, physicians, civil servants, athletes, young people. Just 91 people. He presented his election program based on "May Decrees".

"The main task is to take a breakthrough in all spheres of life," said Andrei Alexandrovich at the meeting.

First of all, herbalists decided to develop the brand of the region:

"Novosibirsk should be perceived as the third capital of Russia and the main city of Zauralye. It is necessary to create here relevant conditions for life. "

To do this, it is necessary to build new schools, provide jobs and expand the metro junction.

Governor of the Novosibirsk Region Andrei Travnikov

Immediately after the appointment of herbal, the posts of residents about the difficulties with the delivery of children from rural schools in schools, about the poor state of health care facilities, which affect the ecology affects the ejection. Andrei Alexandrovich considered all these claims as a signal to which need to immediately respond. The government of the Novosibirsk region he trained the same - not to leave the criticism.

It is important to note that during the execution of the responsibilities of the governor of herbalists did not cause the negative and sharp criticism from the population.

Personal life

Alexander Trachnikova has a wife Lyudmila and two children - the son of Dmitry and Daria's daughter. The boy from childhood is fond of accurate sciences, especially physics and mathematics. The daughter is studying at the St. Petersburg State Economy University.

As the declaration discharge showed, in 2016 the revenues of the official amounted to 5.5 million rubles. He ranked second in the list of rich leaders of the Vologda region after Yuri Sapozhnikov, the heads of Vologda. According to 2016, owned by two cars, but sold one after appointing the governor as unnecessary.

Andrei herbalists and his wife Lyudmila

The herbalists actively leads a profile in "Instagram", posts photos from social events of local and federal significance. In the "Twitter" account is not.

The governor of the Novosibirsk region has a lot of hobbies: fishing, hunting, theater and sports - mountain and cross-country skiing, bike. The latter allows him to maintain a good physical form: with growth of 187 cm it weighs 84 kg.

Andrei herbalists now

Starting at the post of governor of the Novosibirsk region, Andrei herbalists set the task to get acquainted with the region entrusted to him. Most often makes working trips to areas, meets local flavor.

Andrei herbalists in 2018

Now the official has been tasked with the task of prepare Novosibirsk to the reception of the World Hockey Championship in 2023. In addition, he plans to begin expanding the subway with the prospect of implementation until 2025 in 2019. The herbalists noted that he would cut the red ribbon at the solemn ceremony.

"I came here for a long time," said Andrei Alexandrovich about the Novosibirsk region.

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