Stanislav Resurrection - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



Stanislav Resurrection began political and financial career early. His successes in this area are undoubted - in 2007, in 30 years, the Journal of Forbes politician is included in the list of the most successful young people in Russia. Until recently, the man served Vrio Governor of the Ivanovo Region, replacing Pavel Konkov, who had passed from the post at his own request. According to the results of the elections, the Resurrection from September 9, 2018 is the governor of the Ivanovo region.

Childhood and youth

The biography of the future policy begins in Moscow, where Stanislav Sergeevich was born on September 29, 1976. Information about parents is small. Father - Voznesensky Sergey Modestovich, many years specializes in the construction of hydraulic structures. The Voskresenskaya Maria Yuryevna's mother also worked in Gidrospetsproekt LLC, in the privatization of which her spouse actively participated in the 90s.

Stanislav Voskresensky

Having finished school, Stanislav entered the Russian Economic Academy. G. V. Plekhanova, prestigious "hush". In 1998, he completed the receipt of higher education in the specialty "International Economic Relations".

Career and politics

Voskresensky began to work in student years. In 1995, he began to work on tax issues, employers were auditing companies in Russia and abroad.

Stanislav Voskresensky

It is known for certain that from 1999 to 2004, Stanislav Sergeevich served the company's fondar director with a profile on underground construction, but there is no accurate information about the place of work. Perhaps it was headed by the Father Stanislav sleeps "Gidrospetsproekt". The Voskresensky himself owned a 26% one there.

After 2004, a man begins to build not only economic, but also a political career. The first step on this path is the expert government of the presidential administration. At that time, Arkady Dvorkovich was the head of the department, and he tried to collect more political youth around him in this post.

Politician Stanislav Voskresensky

According to the results of the work, the deprecatorial management becomes from the referent. Then the XI St. Petersburg International Economic Forum was preparing. According to the results of the work, politicians received gratitude to the President of the Russian Federation.

Talents of men were noticed - in this position he worked for a year, after which he switched to a more profile department, the Ministry of Economic Development. It was not necessary to start a career "from scratch" there - Stanislav Sergeevich immediately took the post of deputy minister, on which politician worked until 2012.

Deputy Minister of Economy Stanislav Resurrection

This position was expected by the second gratitude of the president - in 2009 for the preparation of the same forum as in 2007, only the 13th on the account. The World Economic Forum in 2010 found the Resurrection One of the young world leaders.

Until 2010, politician was attracted to business - he was a co-owner of "GSP Leasing" and "Soyuzjidrossets". Sad fame had another company Stanislav - Sayangidrospetsstroy. It was a contractor of the repair work of the hydraulic unit No. 2 of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP, at which there was a terrible catastrophe in 2009, which caused the death of 75 people.

Vladimir Putin and Stanislav Resurrection

2012 was marked for Stanislav Sergeevich appointment by Russian Sherpoy, a representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the affairs of the group of the main industrial states in the "Big Twenty". Another responsibility of Sherpi has become connections with representatives of the G-20 countries.

In the same 2012, Stanislav became the Deputy Headman of the President of the Russian Federation in the North-West Federal District. A man worked mainly in the direction of the development of the Kaliningrad region. In 2014, politics were withdrawn back to Moscow, for the previous post of deputy minister of economic development, which occupied until 2017.

Governor of Ivanovo Region Stanislav Voskresensky

The next appointment of the Resurrection was the post of temporarily acting governor of the Ivanovo region. When appointing Stanislav, the former head, the Minister of Economic Development Maxim Oreshkin, positively responded to the qualities of the former subordinate. Maxim Stanislavovich described a colleague as a person competent and suggested that the inhabitants of the region will soon appreciate the work of Voskresensky.

Personal life

Stanislav is married to the model and actress Svetlana Dryge, in the family two children. The wife's wife managed to be held not only in Russian filmmakers, but also in the Hollywood blockbuster "Another World", albeit in a small role. Before marriage, the woman was a model for advertising many brands. In addition, the hasen filmed for Maxim magazine. The photo of the press described as "topless", although the girl's body is covered in all pictures.

Stanislav Resurrection and his wife Svetlana Dryga

The man in an interview did not directly mention the hobby, but it is known that he loves movies. Stanislav - Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the festival "In short." The event is held in Kaliningrad, his profile is short films. In Instagram politician willingly publishes photos from the festival.

Stanislav Resurrection - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021 14008_8

Blogs in "Instagram" and Facebook politician leads neutrally. He publishes posts not only on a political topic, but no provocative materials about personal life or funny selfie there is not found there. About Twitter Men Official Information No.

The governor is not alien to popular culture - July 30, 2018, he and his wife visited the concert of the famous Rapper Basta in Kineshma.

In 2016, the Resurrection declared income, which amounted to 6.8 million rubles.

Stanislav Voskresensky now

On September 9, 2018, politician won the election of the Governor of the Ivanovo region as a candidate from the United Russia party. Resurrection scored 65.72% of the votes. Most of all those who voted for the governor live in Upper Landha, the least of all Stanislav Sergeevich was supported in Teikovo. Ivanovo, the capital of the region, took an intermediate position in the voting, however, the border of 50% the governor overcame.

Stanislav Resurrection in 2018

In addition, politician leads the working secretariat of the Russian part of the Intergovernmental Russian-Chinese Commission on Investment Cooperation. Now Stanislav also also leads a group to promote the economic interests of Russia in the Asia-Pacific region.

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