Rustem Khamites - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



Rustem Khamitov - Head of Bashkiria, whose political career began in 1990. He grew up in a simple family, which did not prevent a man on their own to develop in the selected direction and grow from the master's assistant to one of the first persons of the state.

Childhood and youth

Khamitov Rustem - a native of the Kemerovo region, and by nationality - Bashkir. His father of Khamites was born in the Bashkir ASSR, all his life worked diligently in engineering. Raisa, Mother Politics, worked at the school teacher. The woman was always next to his spouse and after the wedding went after him in the Kemerovo region, in a small village.

Rustem Khamitis in childhood

The family lived in the village of Drachenino for 5 years, while the man worked in the mine. During this period, two boys were born, Russem and his brother Rashid. And later the Khamita and children returned back to Bashkiria.

In general, the biography of a man is not much different from the description of the lives of other people. Being at a young age, he graduated from the usual Ufa school, after which he received a five-sided certificate in all subjects, except for a foreign language, which he passed on 4. Simultaneously with the study, the young man visited the Section of Sport Gymnastics and trained at the stadium.

Rustem Khamites in youth

In the largest engineering university of the country, he led his dream to go in the footsteps of the Father. At the age of 17, he went to Moscow and reached the first time in MWU. N. E. Bauman to the specialty "Engines of aircraft". The study was given to a young man not as easy as in school, but this did not prevent him in 1977 to finish the university and get a diploma.

Career and politics

In 1977, immediately after the release from the university, Rustem decided to return to his homeland and had a job there to work in the Ufa Motor-Building Production Assistant Assistant Master. For a good job, he was quickly raised and transferred to the post of Master. However, the young man did not stop at this and continued to rapidly climb the career ladder.

Politician Rustem Khamitov

In 1978 he was transferred to the Ufa Aviation Institute, where, starting with the position of an engineer, for 8 years he was raised to a senior researcher. Since 1986, and for 2 years has been the head of the laboratory for the land use of aircraft engines, and also overseen the work of the Scientific and Production Department of VNIist.

In 1990, Hamitov begins a political career at the moment when he was elected by the People's Deputy of Bashkiria. And after 3 years, being as director of the Bashkir Institute of Applied Ecology and Environmental Management, Rustem Zakievich plunged into work on the creation of several programs in the field of ecology and industry, and also solved other environmental issues across the region, making more and more achievements.

Vladimir Putin and Rustem Khamitov

Further, his career began to grow even rapidly. Since 1994, for 2 years, a man has headed the Ministry of Environmental Protection of the Republic, and later became a member of the Security Council of Bashkortostan and was appointed Minister for Emergency Situations. In 2002, the Khamiti entered the position of Deputy Representative of the President of the Russian Federation at the Volga district.

In 2004 he received the position of head of Rosjodresurs, and after 5 years he was chosen by the Deputy Chairman of the RusHydro Board. Also in 2009, he had to become a participant in the elimination of the accident at the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP. A man from the first hour of the accident and until the end of its elimination was present at the HPP along with other rescuers.

Head of the Republic of Bashkortostan Rustem Khamitov

Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich appointed a policy temporarily acting by the President of the Republic of Bashkortostan, and later signed a decree recognizing him with the president. Subsequently, politician combined this position with the post of chairman of the government.

In May 2014, Hamitov's governor is forced to ask the resignation from Vladimir Putin, because without it he could not become a participant in the election of the head of the region. In September of the same year, during early elections, President Bashkiria Rustem Zakievich scored the maximum percentage of votes, as a result of which was re-elected for a second term. From the beginning of 2015, the position of the policy is renamed, from January 1, it sounds like the head of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

Personal life

The head of the Republic of Bashkortostan consists in a strong marriage. With the future wife, a man met still at a young age. The wedding took place immediately after he returned from the university to his homeland, and now the family union is over 35 years old. Hamitova's wife - Gulshat Gafurovna, a woman works in medicine in the field of functional diagnostics.

Rustem Khamitov and his wife Gulshat

Son politician, Camille, today lives in Moscow, having an engineering education, he works in RusHydro. His daughter Nurura Khamitov also lives in the capital, the work of the girl is connected with the tourist business.

In addition to children, Hamitov has three grandchildren, but their families are rarely becoming public domain. The man himself repeatedly stated in an interview that he would not want to demonstrate a personal life to the public.

Rustem Khamites with family

Unlike other heads of republics, he has no pages in "Instagram", so only those that are available on the network are available for the public. And, for example, his colleague - the head of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov, on the contrary, actively uses social networks and even one of the birthdays of Hamitov placed a congratulation on his page addressed to a man.

Despite the already elder age, the head of Bashkiria does not complain about health, at least, in the press information that he was sick, did not come. Therefore, a man does not plan to leave the post ahead of time, and whether he will put forward the candidacy for the next time, will show time.

Rustem Khamites now

One of the most discussed topics of 2017 was the conflict between the head of Ufa Irek, Yalalov and the head of Bashkortostan Khamitov. The negative information campaign relative to the relationship between these two people originated in early 2017. The reason for this was the corruption scandals in the walls of the Ufa City Hall.

Rustem Khamitov and Ire Yalalov

Then Alexander Philippov, who is the first vice-mayor of the Bashkir capital, was resigned with the wording "in connection with the loss of confidence." This decision was made by the city anti-corruption commission. Then the Khamites strictly "walked" in the municipal authority and sharply spoke in a relatively established situation during the direct television broadcast.

Although today there is no open conflict between the two representatives of the authorities, there are still many questions, at the expense of which the situation came out due to control is unlikely to work soon.

Rustem Khamitov in 2018

As for the welfare of the head of the republic, in accordance with the official data in 2017, its income amounted to a little more than 7 million rubles, which is almost 100 thousand rubles. less than in 2016. In 2018, the head of the republic took the 56th place in the Forbes list, ahead of Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Ramzan Kadyrov, Gennady Zyuganov, etc.

Despite the hard work, numerous business trips and stressful situations, the head of Bashkiria is trying to follow health and nutrition. With 175 cm height, its weight is 70 kg, which indicates a good physical condition.

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