Pallada - History of ancient Greek goddess, myths and origins


Character History

Pallada in the myths of ancient Greece is set up a modest role. The dairy sister of Athens and the granddaughter of the legendary Ocean Titanium lived a short life and died from the hands of a girlfriend. But, according to legends, thanks to the girl, people learned where to build three.

History of appearance

The word Pallada is familiar to lovers of the ancient Greek myths as the epithet of the goddess of war and wisdom of Athens. On the topic where the daughter of Zeus appeared a beautiful prefix to the name, there are three legends.

Studrosz Zeus

One story states that Athena borrowed it at the Giant Raughty. The goat giganoon once removed to rape a girl, but was fighting a stone. Athena removed the skin from the offender from which he sewed aegid.

The second version refers to the deceased friend of the ancient Greek goddess. The name of the dental allegedly wore a friend of childhood of a militant heroine myths, whom that was inadvertently killed by the sword.

But, perhaps, the most beautiful and "plot" legend concerns Pallas - the only daughter of God Triton, the Bulletin of the Depths. The goddess entered the chronicle of ancient Greece as a girl, inadvertently killed by Athena.

Pallada in myths


In Greek mythology, there was a place for the plot of the children's fight, in which one on one fell away Pallada and Athena. The daughter of Triton since childhood was friends with the future goddess of war, but once the girlfriend quarreled. Pallada Mettlul to the offender with a spear, however Zeus saved heiress, dragging the flying weapon with magic aeghie. Athena so accepted that he did not calculate the strength and killed the opponent.

Realizing which crime committed, the young goddess repented and asked the name of the girlfriend in memory. In addition, the dyed was made by the sculpture: the statue of three elbows height was a palladium, which held a spear in his right hand, and in the left - a spinning line with Spirit. On the girl's breasts, the authors of the monument threw aegid.


The finished sculpture, called Palladium, Athena placed on Olympus. In the future, this thing has chosen legends. Some argued that the monument made people from the tree, others, and at all believed that the material was the bones of Tsar Pelopa.

For a long time, the statue was concerned next to the Zeus throne, while once the supreme God did not drop Palladium from Olympus. The reasons why the monument fell into the disgrace of the inhabitants of the sacred mountain, too, paint. Zeus himself threw him out, because he grabbed the seeker of salvation from the angry thumbs of an electra. Another version of the myth tells up that this Athena was angry at the Electra for desecrating palladium. And finally, on another legend, the sculpture became a sign of Ilu, in what place to erect the Trojan Citadel.

Athena Pallada on Olymp

Where Palladium fell, Il built the temple of Athens. According to the prediction of the oracle gelena, while this statue is worth in the cathedral, the enemies are not terrible. Danaires Dameed and Odyssey were stolen before the fall of Troy Palladium, after which the trophy traveled to the world - visited Athens, Sparta, Argos. They say that they saw sculpture even in Rome.

Interesting Facts

  • In March 1802, Astronon Heinrich Wilhelm Olbers opened the second asteroid (the first cerer was the first). Small planets initially received female names, so the discovered celestial body was named after the daughter of Triton Pallas. In 2006, Ceres acquired the status of a dwarf planet, thus the pallada gained the title of the largest asteroid. However, it is inferior by the mass of his "sister" Vesta.
  • In astrology, the Pallada asteroid patronizes the airy signs of the zodiac - aquarian and weights. Pallada in the horoscope means that the person is endowed with the mind, intuition, and also easily finds inspiration in creativity.
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  • At the end of the 15th century, the Italian artist Sandro Botticelli presented the world a picture of Pallada and Centaur, which today is stored in the Uffizi Gallery (Florence). In artistic circles, fierce disputes are still going, which was going to show the painter with this work. The canvas looks like an illustration of the myth with the participation of the Centaur, however, the goddess (under the dealer means Athena) None in the ancient Greek legend was not seen in the company with semi-cakes. It is assumed that Botticelli, according to the idea of ​​Neoplatonism, fashionable at the time of the artist's life, expressed conflict between mind and feelings.
  • In the 19th century, maritime expanses of Frozdil Russian frigate, carrying the name "Pallada". A bright event in the "fate" of the vessel was swimming with a diplomatic mission to Japan. On board, together with the sailors, the writer Ivan Goncharov was, who later glorified the frigate by the novel created in the style of travel notes.

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