Sergey Shekhovtsov - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography



"Home", "warm", "True Many". Such epithets awarded the fans of Sergei Shehovtsov, the artist of the theaters "Contemporary" and MCAT. His kinogerehi was remembered by their directness and principle, and even so attentive, with a square, look like Vasily Shukshin.

Childhood and youth

Sergey Shehovtsov was born in September 1961 in Cossack Votchin - Krasnodar Territory, in the village of calm. Parents worked with cots in collective farm, dreamed that the son would go to pedagogy or medicine. But Sergey still in school got sick to the scene. Storming Moscow theatrical universities Shehovtsov did not risk and entered the Yaroslavl School, to the department of the duplicate theater. The diploma in the specialty young man did not receive, because from a student bench went to serve in the army.

Sergey Shekhovtsov in youth

Having gave the debt home, Sergey joined the ranks of Vladimir Bogomolov's disciples and Viktor Monyukova at the MCAT Studio School. Among his classmates were the sons of Vyacheslav innocent and Alexander Mitty - Vyacheslav Jr. and Yevgeny, Mikhail Gorheva and Maria Evstigneev, Alexander Tabakov and Mikhail Efremov. The latter, as Shhovtsov told in an interview, became almost a relative.

On the 3rd course, on the initiative of Galina Volchek, friends created the creative studio "Contemporanik-2", which existed for 4 years. In 1991, Father Mikhail, Oleg Nikolaevich, invited Shehovtsov to MCAT. There, the actor served before the death of Oleg Efremov in 2000, and with the new arthritus Oleg Tobakov did not work out.

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Shortly before that, Efremov, the Senior fired his son from the theater, and Mikhail with a friend of the Gorean created the project "Theater Event Factory". Sergey joined them, besides this, became a guest artist "Contemporary" theater. Scene's change has positively affected the film biography of the actor, the roles of Shehovtsov fell alone by one after another.


Sergey possessed in demand by the type, because very soon I liked the directors who were looking for a "man from the people." Characters Shehovtsova for the most part of the state-plane, but charismatic and understandable. The actor looked in harmoniously in the images of people wearing epaulets and sitting in the official chair, ideological and principal. Such, for example, Marshal Georgy Zhukov in the documentary series "And pinching Schipilov", the prosecutor of Klimov from Marsha Turkish, Commander of the Black Sea Fleet in the Mori militant, the director of the furniture factory in the drama "where you".

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Shehovtsov debuted in Drama "Puppy" in 1988, lit up in a pair of episodes in the 90s. And in the early 2000s, it appeared immediately in a number of criminal paintings - "Moshamik, 12", "Men's work", "Antikiller", "Boomer", "Private Detective". Sergey diverse the diverse roles of the manager in the film "Bloody Baryn" and the forester in the melodrama "Fernal Flower", a military physician in Sitkom "Soldiers" and a taxi driver in a detective "I go out to look for you."

Together with Alexey Salpanov and Sergey Ugryumov, the actor played the driver of a heavy truck in the adventure TV series "Truckers", in a series of murder, which occurred in temporary quarantine.

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In "Forgiven Sunday" Shehovtsov received the main role of the father of a young man who gathered to marry. But the hero of Sergey suspects that the bride is his illegitimate daughter, the fruit of fleeting hobby in youth. In the melodraman of the "Seraphim of the beautiful" screening daughter of the artist, Ekaterina Village became Ekaterina, in the militant "Flint" - Anastasia Bezborodova.

In the painting "Batyushka" Shehovtsov appeared in the image of an intellectual in the professors of glasses, pacing around the village with an umbrella. In 2011, Vladimir Mirzoev suffered a tragedy of Alexander Pushkin "Boris Godunov". Character Sergey in the film - Tramp-Chernets Varlaam. Maxim Sukhanov, Leonid Gromov, Dmitry Pevtsov and Andrei Merzlikin were starred.

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The musical comedy "National Treasure" is another project in which the actor got a leading role. Shehovtsova can be found in the depolit of the military orchestra, which will be to organize a meeting of the commission from foreign countries in the division and try not to hit the face.

In 2012, the screening of the novel Vasily Grossman "Life and Fate", implemented by Sergey Ursulak, was released on the screens. In the narration of the talented scientist-nuclear core, Sergey starred with Elena Kazarina. The film became the last work of the actress in the cinema. Shehovtsov was a close friend of Elena and her husband Igor Nefedov since the times of "Contemporannik-2". He found Igor on the landing on that ill-fated day, when the star "Fox hunting" committed suicide.

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In 2014, the Actor entered the custo series "Moscow Borzaya", which was reincarnated in the Police General of Pyrus, the chief of heroine Olga Krasko. Before his sudden death, Sergey worked on continuing the criminal tape.

Shehovtsov managed to receive an invitation to shoot a sequel detective "City" called "Gurzuf" with Peter Fedorov and Alexander Bukharov, to the television interpretation of the novel Anna Malysheva "Sphinxes of the Northern Gate", in the TV series "Dinosaur" about a criminal authority that helps the Son-policeman.

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According to Dmitry Pevtsov, the artist of the lead role in the TV series "Men and Baba" based on works by Boris Mozhaev, the film is not easy fate. Shooting began in 2014, repeatedly changed directors, and only in the summer of 2018 there was confidence that the picture would finally finish. Sergey Shehovtsov played relatives Pevtsov, a resident of the village, in which the collectivization plan is implemented.

Personal life

Knowledge of the details of the personal life of Shehovtsov could not boast even close friends. It is known that with the wife of Maria, which Sergey called exclusively Masha, the artist met at the Studio Studio MCAT. The spouses did not even part up at work - Maria headed the requisior workshop in the "contemporary". The sons of Egor and Alexey, named after grandfather and great-grandfather, grew up in the family. The children were worthy of their father - they received a good education, they were not adherence to the label of representatives of the Golden Youth.

Sergey Shehovtsov and his wife Maria

In 1998, the head of Mkhat Oleg Efremov set Sergey before a strange choice - to get an apartment or the title of Honored Artist of Russia. Family with two children and parents Mary lived in the cramped conditions at the Red Gate, in Moscow. Shehovtsov chose the well-being of loved ones. But the contribution of the actor to the cinema, in whose filmography over hundreds of roles, did not appreciate - no longer put forward.

In 2012, Shehovtsov acquired a cottage in the suburbs in the village of Tomilino. Sergey was very happy with each family member, a secluded corner appeared, and everything is in order with the environment, hand to the capital.


The cause of the death of Sergei Shehovtsov was the stop of the heart. It happened suddenly, on July 30, 2018, near the house, when the actor went to walk the dog. The funeral was held in the native village calm.


  • 1992 - "In a straight line"
  • 1999 - "Family Secrets"
  • 2000 - "Lily Silver"
  • 2001 - "Truckers"
  • 2002 - "Antikiller"
  • 2002 - Marsh Turkish
  • 2004 - "Moscow. Central District
  • 2005 - "Ataman"
  • 2006 - in the rhythm tango "
  • 2007 - "Gromov. House of Hope "
  • 2007 - "National Treaty"
  • 2009 - "Isaev"
  • 2011 - Piranhai
  • 2013 - "Fighters"
  • 2014 - "Moscow Borzaya"
  • 2017 - "Bloody Baryna"

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