Matthew Bellamy - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs 2021



Matthew Bellamy's name in Melomanians around the world is associated with the work of the legendary team "Muse" ("MUSE"). Guitarist, keyboard player, vocalist and, of course, the creator and permanent leader of this group, Bellamy, for more than one decade, remains a real rock legend and, despite the impressive stage experience, continues to collect the full halls of fans together with the group.

Childhood and youth

Matthew James Bellamy was born in the British Cambridge on June 9, 1978. Artist zodiac sign - twins. Music passion for Matthew came in childhood, and not by chance: the father of the boy, George Bellamy, participated in several teams. One of them, the group "The Tornados", even became popular with fans of rock music. It is not surprising that Matthews appeared about the scene and glory. True, other children of George (except Matthew, in the family there were two more children - the older sister and the younger brother) did not show interest in music.

Matthew Matthew Bellamy

I got Matthew "Legacy" and from the mother - that was fond of other entities and even, according to his own statement, conversation with the dead and spirits. Bellamy himself later seriously, the idea of ​​the existence of a world conspiracy, the goat of world "adaptation", the illuminates and aliens, the contact with which allegedly hide the strengths of this world.

When Matthew was a teenager, his parents divorced. The situation has developed in such a way that the young man had to bring up a grandmother. In the same period, to express experiences and self-realize, the young man seriously began to master the game on the guitar. Later, Bellamy is confirmed in an interview that I wanted to get into the local group of Dominic Howard "Gothic Plague" and prove to parents and others that cost something.

Matthew Bellamy in youth

The plan was a success, and over the next 2 years, a novice musician honed the skill and gained experience in this team. In the same period, Bellamy began to write their own songs: first "in the table", and then tried and execute them. Soon the repertoire of "Gothic Plague", who played predominantly a cable to popular compositions, was replenished with tracks Matthew. At first, the listeners did not appreciate the novelties, but gradually the musicians began to appear fans.

After a while, graduating from school, Bellamy went to travel around Europe. This journey, according to the musician, was largely influenced by his worldview, filling out gaps in education. It is also noteworthy that in this trip, being in Greece, Matthew wrote the legendary composition "Muscle Museum".


In 1997, at one of the concerts of Bellamy and Comrades, the representative of the record company was accidentally. The speech was so impressed by him that the next day the group was offered a serious contract. This was the beginning of the creative biography of the legendary team "MUSE" and Career Matthew Bellamy.

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Two years later, the group released the first album called "Showbiz". The record immediately became popular, and the team went to the first large-scale tour, conquering new and new fans. The second album "MUSE" came out in 2001. Both plates unites emotionality, expressiveness and, of course, unique vocals Matthew. According to Bellamy, in his youth, he really completely corresponded to the image of the lyrical hero of his compositions.

But the next album is "absolution", on the contrary, it turned out lyrical and even somewhat depressive. At that time, Matthew Bellamy often complained about problems in his personal life: the young man suffered from the fact that women perceived him as a rock star, and not as an ordinary guy. It prevented relationships and forced the musician to worry.

In addition, the artist of the theory of the world conspiracy was also reflected in this record. As Matthew admitted, the "RULED BY SECRECY" composition was a reflection of the book of Jim Marse, dedicated to the secret government.

Plank 2006 "Black Holes and Revelations" is also devoted to the topics of the conspiracy of the authorities and the possible capture of the Earth by the aliens, but its sound is no longer so gloomy. By the time of its release, the creativity "MUSE" has already become popular worldwide, which has found confirmation in numerous awards and awards.

Matthew Bellamy on stage

So, in 2008, the participants of the group - Matthew Bellamy, Dominic Howard and Chris Walsthenholm - received the title of Honorary Doctors of Arts. And two years later, the musicians recognized the authors of the best guitar riff for decades (this is the composition of the "Plug In Baby" composition).

Mallomanians and the unique range of voice Matthew Bellamy, asked the style of the group creativity. His recognizable falsett, supplemented by virtuoso guitar and piano losses, makes the creativity of the team unique.

It is noteworthy that the first albums of the groups were often compared with the work of the Radiohead and Queen teams, but the "MUSE" participants managed to prove their individuality to further compositions. Bellamy himself often emphasized that he was a fan of the music of Sergei Rakhmaninov.

In the list of compositions of the group "MUSE" during the years of creativity, many soundtracks have accumulated. In the "filmography" of musicians have several dozen points, and it is constantly replenished. The most famous songs written for the painting "Tourist" (the song "Starlight" - "Star Light"), the series "Doctor Who", Saga "Twilight", as well as for the film "Blood Harvest" with Cecile de France and the Mayve le .

Personal life

Personal life Matthew Bellams interests fans at no less creativity. The high chamb of the voice of the artist at first, even provoked the wave of woven about the orientation of the artist, but these rumors did not find confirmation.

Matthew Bellamy and Kate Hudson

The first loud romance of the musician was the relationship with the actress Kate Hudson. The lovers even celebrated the engagement, and in 2011, the girl presented Matthew Games - Son Bingham Hawn Bellamy. Unfortunately, after another three years, the couple declared parting.

The musician did not stay alone for a long time: in 2015, Matthew Bells appeared in the press in the press in the company Actress and Model Evans, and some time a couple officially confirmed relations. In 2017, it became known that Elle would soon be a musician's wife - in "Instagram", the girl posted a picture of a beautiful ring on his finger and told about the engagement with Matthew.

Matthew Bellamy now

Now Matthew Bellamy and his colleagues in the group are engaged in preparing a new album. It is already known that he will be released in November 2018.

Recall: in February, the team has already presented one track with the coming record - "Thought Contagion", and at the end of August in the "Instagram" a video appeared video with a guitar solo from another new song - "The Dark Side".


  • 1999 - "Showbiz"
  • 2001 - "Origin of Symmetry"
  • 2003 - "Absolution"
  • 2006 - "Black Holes and Revelations"
  • 2009 - "The Resistance"
  • 2012 - "The 2nd Law"
  • 2015 - "DRONES"

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