Boris Smallkin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actor 2021



Velvet voice, a slim sense of humor, impeccable style, easy attitude to glory and a philosophical view of life - Signs for which Boris Smallkin is easily guessed among hundreds of colleagues in the workshop. He was in demand throughout the creative activity, but a deafening success came to a man after 50 years. At the same time there were serious changes in personal life.

Childhood and youth

The future honored artist of the Russian Federation was born in the post-war Leningrad on March 2, 1948. The family did not have a relation to theatrical activity, but was considered intelligent, exemplary. Father Grigory, who in the mid-1920s moved to the northern capital from Belarus, worked as an architect. Raisa's mother received a philological education and taught English.

Parents brought up Son to a versatile person, consistently revealing talents and inclinations. "To blame" the stars, the day of the week or the sign of the zodiac, but in childhood Boris showed the ability to many disciplines.

The boy studied in a physical and mathematical school, brilliantly showed himself in the Olympics in Chemistry, sang, read a lot, played on the stage of the Tyus at the Leningrad Palace of Pioneers and played chess, studying at the great coach Vladimir Zak. It was he who, accustomed to the one hundred percent recovery of the teacher, advised the young bore to decide on further plans.

A young man made a stroke of a horse and chose the acting field. Later, telling about this episode of life in one interview, he noted:

"The fact that chess has not lost anything is that I am convinced. What theater acquired - I do not know. "

The first attempt to enter LIGITMIK (Leningrad Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography) turned into failure. Dragged, but not broken, the artist went to the chemical faculty of LSU. Creative form supported by visiting the studio Ilya Reznik at the university.

A year later, I made another attempt to pass the competition for drama to get a refusal again. But but the faculty of the musical comedy acquired a new student. In 1972, the future artist graduated from the university and entered the service at the theater of a musical comedy, cooperation with which was the longest in the biographies of the star - 36 years.

Personal life

As the actor in the program Boris Korchevnikova, he never was lucky to his personal life. In his youth, Smallkin fell in love with the most beautiful girls, but the feeling always remained unrealistic. For himself, Boris even came up with the nickname: "Penguin in love".

Nevertheless, the artist was married twice. The first marriage with a beginner actress Maria Kuznetsova is concluded in student years.

An acquaintance occurred in the walls of the theater Institute: Boris had already graduated from the 1st course, and Masha only received. The first dates turned into a novel. The wedding played a simple, between the exams of the next session. Instead of the rings, the young were crafts, and in the wedding trip, young spouses went from one end of the city to another.

In 1974, the first wife gave birth to the artist of the Son Vladimir. When the child was 6 years old, the former lovers were separated. The boy stayed with his father, at one time Boris and Volodya lived in the house of the mother of the actor.

Up to 50 years in the life of the artist was not a serious relationship, but unexpected sympathy for the employee of the theater of the musical comedy turned into a strong mutual feeling, and after - in a strong family.

Svetlana Smallkina worked as a concertmaster and was younger than the artist for 23 years. The difference in the age and the fact that the girl was married at that time, stopped actors. After 2 months, Caring Boris realized that he had fallen in love. He decided to break the relationship. But the performer could not "step on the throat" his own feelings. The pair relationship registered in 1999, a month before the birth of the 2nd child - Gleb Smallkin.

The difference between children is 25 years old. Vladimir works in the creative river, organizing tour of foreign art leaders, and Gleb became a professional skater, received the status of a candidate master of sports.


In the artist filmography of more than 100 projects. The first film in which he starred, being still a student, became the "Focuscript" of Todorovsky. The actor first appeared in 1974, reincarnated to Ivan Discolev in the painting "Wedding of Krechinsky". Comedy images for many years have become the main role for Boris Grigorievich.

Throughout the career, he starred in a wide meter, short films, paintings with different budgets, but a big success of Smallkin brought a series. And if the artist himself does not apply to the question of which of the works are his beloved, then the audience unmistakably highlights the best roles of heroes on the other side of the screen alone.

"My beautiful nanny" is a project that has brought nationwide love to the performer. Butler Konstantin became a sample of sarcasm and elegant slices. His dive with the Jeanne Arkadyevaya, which Olga Prokofiev played, was interesting to the viewer no less than Teneroman Anastasia Zavorotnyuk and Sergey Zhigunov.

The work also involved the stars of the first magnitude. For example, the father of the character of Victoria Prukovsky played Alexander Filippenko, and the mother - love polishchuk, which at the time of filming had health problems and courageously fought with severe illness.

In the repertoire of the artist there are projects such as the "Gypsy Baron", "Cranberry in Sahara", "About freaks and people." The characteristic character of the artist embodied on the screen in the comedy "Ivanov and Rabinovich".

Over the years, Smallkin has increasingly appeared on the screen in the role of professors and doctors. These works include its participation in the films "Poor relatives", "Masha", "Oh, Ma and Moch!".

According to the fans of the actor, in the TV series "Witch" Boris Grigorievich surpassed himself. He played a rustic inhabitant for nickname Pyatk. A bright characteristic image again attracted the attention of the audience. Later, Smallkin appeared in the criminal comedy "Dinosaur" and the Drama "Last Fight".

The artist also tried himself as a TV presenter. Popular transmissions in which it was involved: "good luck price" on NTV and "It's funny!" On the channel "Russia-1". In the second project, the partner became a sports commentator Dmitry Guberniev. Rose difference - 1.55 m of Smallkin against 2 m colleagues - became a "chip" show.

In 2011, the actor appeared in the show "Dancing with the Stars", but already as a participant. Partner on the execution of rooms was the captain of the traffic police Svetlana Lakshevich.

Another creative path is a voice of foreign films. Few people know that in the franchise "Star Wars" his voice says Magister iodine, and in Saga "Asterix and Obelix" - Panoramix.


Cinema and television series introduced a wide audience of the audience with Smallkin, but he has long been known to the St. Petersburg public. As a "business card" of one of the best theaters of the cultural capital - the St. Petersburg Theater of MurComedia, he played in dozens of performances, among which Truffaldino from Bergamo, "Bat Mouse". The Akimov and Alexandrinsky and Alexandrinsky, and Alexandrinsky, also indicate the artist's track record.

After leaving the museum in 2008, the actor took a break, but already in 2014 he became a member of a number of popular projects, for example, 3D-musical "Paul Negro", as well as a stage blockbuster with an intriguing name "number 13". The latter successfully goes in the metropolitan "Teerium on Serpukhovka."

Boris Smallkin now

It is safe to say that now Smallkin is a media personality, although he does not lead the Twitter and does not post the photo in "Instagram". His home is regularly visited by journalists, a man is in demand as an actor leading events, a teacher of the creative university.

To the future working invitations relates calmly:

"If new film holdings follow - well, no - it is also normal, it means I got my piece of fame measured to me, and I will have enough. I, thank God, a person with a steady psyche, and I have no euphoria on this. "

In 2019, the media appeared in the media about a criminal case, initiated against Vladimir Smallkin, the eldest son of the actor. The man was accused of illegal cashing. By the court decision, the entrepreneur received 3 years conditionally and a fine of 300 thousand rubles. According to Boris Grigorievich, he did not know anything about the sons' affairs, so it was very surprised by such trouble.

In addition to participating in television shooting, the artist appears in various transmissions. In 2019, he became a guest of the Tatiana Ustinova "My Hero" program, later, together with Alexander Zhulin, I took part in the teleigre "Who wants to become a millionaire?"

In 2020, the actor was invited to the "Fate of Man" project, which spoke in detail about the obstacles arising from his life path, about creativity and acquaintance with the 2nd wife.

During the interview, I did not share the main project in the professional activity of the actor, the series "My beautiful nanny". Smallkin remembered the last days of the work of Lyubov Polishchuk, commented on the information about the illness of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk and regretfully remembered the care of the performer Alexandra Nazarova.


  • 1975 - "New Year's Adventures of Masha and Viti"
  • 1995 - "Cranberries in Sahara"
  • 1998 - "About freaks and people"
  • 2002 - "Russian Ark"
  • 2004-2008 - "My beautiful nanny"
  • 2006 - "Bes in the edge, or a magnificent four"
  • 2007 - "Shakespeare and did not dream"
  • 2012 - "Poor relatives"
  • 2013 - "Three Musketeers"
  • 2015 - "Horoscope for good luck"
  • 2016 - "Babi-boom"
  • 2017 - "Twelve Miracles"
  • 2018 - "Witch"

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