Evgenia Efimova - biography, photo, personal life, news, instagram 2021



Evgenia Efimova is the head of the united edition of the publication of the mayor and the government of Moscow, a successful businesswoman. He is a spouse of a prominent journalist and a public figure, the owner of the holding "Moscow Komsomolets" Pavel Gusev. The name of Efimova is widely mentioned in the press in connection with the loud divorce of the media couple, to which the woman was submitted in August 2018, claiming half of the joint property. The marriage of the couple lasted 20 years, the spouses became parents of three daughters.

Childhood and youth

The third wife of Mediamignat Paul Gusev under Him for 24 years, was born in 1973 in Moscow. Facts of biography of journalist and information about its relatives in the network is extremely small. In an interview, the woman casually mentions that he was born in a secured family, Grandfather was a general.

Evgenia Efimova

On the Efimova page in Facebook ("Instagram" -Aktaguta, there is information that Eugene received secondary education in the 117th school of Moscow. The girl studied in the literary class, the passion for reading subsequently turned into a business, discovering the publisher.

In 5 years, the girl saw a famous ballet teacher, who recommended to give it to a ballet school. And at 7 years old Mom Natalia Egorovna led daughter to the Moscow Ballet School in Frunzenskaya. Zhenya got into the group the strongest, made serious success, but in 12 years he grave himself.

"It stretches, embarrassed from the standards and was not in the Bolshoi Theater, but in folk dances. There was a complete tragedy. They took to the Vaganov School in St. Petersburg and Perm, but the family did not want me to break off from Moscow, the family in which everyone loved me very much, "Evgenia told me in an interview with Golf Digest.
Evgeny Efimova in youth and Paul Gusev

When it was time to join Komsomol, Eugene filled out the questionnaire, in which he honestly wrote that he considers this step the necessary stage on the way to good education. In the organization, the girl naturally did not accept, moreover, publicly broke up at public meetings. Efimova held her face, and coming home, sobbed on the shoulder at Mom.

However, the courtyard was already postproken time, and the communist principles soon turned out to be no one needed. The girl from Roguez passed into the discharge of the heroine. And soon confirmed this status by the fact that he ventured to do business in the "Liche 90s". By this time she was already a student of the Pedagogical Institute.


Evgenia Efimova does not hide his "startup" and openly talks about how the first capital made.

"We first brought the wholesale lots of imported socks into Moscow, in fact, monopolists in this market segment," the businesswoman said in an interview with the magazine "Capital Style".
Businesswoman Evgenia Efimova

The company unexpectedly turned out to be very profitable. Over 2 thousand retailers appeared throughout the city, which took the goods to implement. The woman soon went down with loans, then invested part of the funds to a new thing - engaged in the sale of auto parts. But after the deplorable experience came: investments in the construction of an enterprise in Albania managed to return only partially.

The entrepreneur still recognizes that the "School of Business 90s" has given a lot for subsequent development. And it did not slow down to step, especially since Eugene began to take dissatisfaction with the current process of "coin chasing".

"With my financial opportunities, I could afford to look for a lesson that would give not only funds, but also sued me that I lost, - communication with people of my interests, consciousness, livestocks," says business woman.
Evgenia Efimova - Head of the United States of the Ministry of Editions of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow

So, in the late 90s, the publishing house "Exim" was created, which was published by fiction, including detectives. At the same time, a woman had a principle - not to greed and pay a decent fee to the authors offering really valuable content. Therefore, many writers began to go to "Exim" from competitors. Business flourished, especially since the owner has mastered the MBA program, after parallel, after completing two more institutions.

After a brilliantly performed state order (a series of editions dedicated to the 850th anniversary of Moscow), Eugene proposed to publish the "Journal of the Mayor", then the Moscow Bidding Bulletin, in which the Efimova and her team managed to collect maximum information about the capital tenders. And soon the woman headed the united edition of the Mayor's publications and the government of Moscow, producing over two dozen editions of different topics.

Personal life

During the start of working with the state regulations, Eugene and met a future husband - a journalist, the head of the Komsomolets Komsomolets holding Pavlom Nikolayevich Gusev. It happened at the secular event, the couple was accidentally under one table.

Evgenia Efimova and her husband Pavel Gusev
"He was very serious and assertive ... From embarrassment" included a professional "and, spreading all around my person, began to ask unusual questions - and everything about me. So our first meeting happened ... Then the husband admitted that I immediately liked him - a young, pretty, and with the girl there was something to say ... "," Eugene remembers that memorable day.

By making an offer, Gusev put one condition: she should leave a business and devote himself to home and motherhood. Evgenia such a situation did not quite arrange, but soon accepted the proposal and devoted himself to work in the public service, heading the editorial office of the Moscow government.

Evgenia Efimova with family

In marriage, the spouses were born three daughters - Ksenia, Yaroslav and Alexander. Senior Ksenia in 2016 entered MSU named after Lomonosov. Yaroslav also already a student. Alexander's baby has not yet goes to school. The secular pair often appeared in metropolitan events, posed for photos in glamor magazines.

Eugene, as well as spouse, passionate golf lover, permanent member of the Moscow Cantry Club and the owner of a number of awards at the open championships in Corsica and Italy.

Evgenia Efimova now

In August 2018, it became known that Efimov was filed for divorce. The cause of the woman voiced in an interview with the publishing "Starhit", saying that "he decided on this step due to regular change of her husband." Spouses tried to peacefully divide the jointly acquired property, which, according to some estimates, is about 30 billion rubles, but it came to court. RIA "News" reported that Efimova claims to share and stock in the business of her husband, 2 homes, 15 plots in the Moscow region and an apartment in a small Kozihinsky lane, where the couple lived until recently.

Soon the divorce turned into a real war: At the end of August, Efimov accused her husband in threats and wrote a statement on him, saying that she was afraid of children. He, in turn, accused her in the stealing of property for 2 million rubles. The ex-spouse stated that he simply took part of personal belongings. After that, the woman was headed about fraud, Eugene was detained and placed in an insulator, but they went soon.

There are now proceedings, as the issue of property section in the absence of a marriage contract will be resolved until it is known. The case of Efimova is leading the lawyer Timur Marshani. Gusev himself does not comment on the situation.

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